Hi everybody,
I'm new to fishing and have lots of questions. I've fished a couple of times over the years, but not nearly enough to feel confident or competent. Over Christmas I got a rod and reel(a 6'6" shakespeare tiger/WalMart special), and started to fish at Lake Greenwood near home here. I'm fishing off the bank, and am hoping this isn't completely futile(Won't have funding for a boat for a long time). Anyway, tried to do a little catfishing, and was unsuccessful. But I have really wanted to try some bass fishing. My questions would be, is this even possible without a boat? Also, I know how to fish worms with Carolina and Texas rigs, but I got some spinners(mini-king, rocket shad, and rooster tail) and am unsure how to rig these. I've been doing some searching and can't seem to find the answer. t or c rig? or just tie it on? Anyway any help you all can give me will be greatly appreciated. I look forward to gaining much knowledge and experience.