I’ve got the hmg in medium heavy moderate fast. I use it for a lot of things that includes bottom contact ( jigs and Texas rigs included. I handles a lot of different things. Maybe not the best for all but not bad at a lot.
I love the challenge. I’ve had to back off because of shoulder problems but that will be fix and I’ll be going again. I’ve fished for almost all fish in my area with a fly rod. And out fished my friends that were using spinning and baitcasting. It’s a blast.
I’ve pick up a 6 foot 7 in on clearance it is rated as a medium heavy it’s a weightless worm rod. It works well as an all a round rod. I’ve used it for top water a lot.
Lite lures is what I’m thinking I’d use it for. Probably things in the 1/4 oz range maybe a little lighter but not much. Thanks guys got some reels to look at. Love this site. I get some great information.
I received a med lite casting rod. It’s rated 6 lb to 12 lb line. What would be a good reel to match up with this rod. L would like to keep it under $ 125 if possible. Thanks in advance for your help.
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