My choice would be a St. Croix Mojo Bass Casting Rod. It’s got a 5 year warranty and it’s better than their Bass X. The model I would pick would be spinnerbait, it’s Mod.-Fast action and MH power which would be decent for cranks and good for spinners. Price: $130
As for a reel, stay I’d stay AWAY from the high speed reels. Some people actually prefer them but others haven’t done their research and just think faster is better. High speeds are good for burning spinnerbaits and chatterbaits but not for cranks. Since you are cranking and using spinnerbaits, I would suggest a 6.0-6.8:1 it has enough torque for crankbaits and you can speed up for spinners. I just bought a Shimano Curado 200K, very smooth. Buying a decent reel will save you money in the long run and since your budget is pretty good, I’d utilize it.
I think the Curado K would be a nice choice for you, I haven’t heard anything bad about it, it should last for years as well. Price: $180
Estimated Total Cost: $340
Best of Luck!