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Everything posted by TylerT123

  1. I leave them in their original bags, I like to fish more than organize. Plus some plastics dry up or lose their scent, like Yum flukes. I left a fluke in my tackle box and it shriveled up and turned hard. I go through Senkos faster than I could ever organize them.
  2. I’d make sure it’s not cross threading, if it isn’t then I’d look to see how much it’s cost to fix it if it’s a newer reel. If it’s older and won’t need to be cleaned again then I’d epoxy it. If you epoxy it then be prepared to buy a new frame if you want to open it ever again.
  3. I have no idea what rod to get. I just got a Curado 200 K and I want a versatile rod. I want to fish spinnerbaits, plastics, topwaters, shallow cranks, chatterbaits, jigs, and swimbaits. My price range is less than $150. Any ideas?
  4. Curado K ($180), it’s so smooth. I picked up the Lew’s custom speed spool ($180) with 10 bearings and compared it to the Curado’s 7 bearings. Curado was smoother, by a long shot.
  5. I bought a Shimano Curado 200 K, a Savage Gear Gray Topwater Bat, and a cheap starting fly outfit. I received a classic iBobber this Christmas as well. Need to get a rod for my Curado, shipping it to be repaired soon.
  6. I’m looking for a good all around rod for my Curado 200K. I want to fish crankbaits, frogs, plastics, jigs, topwaters, spinnerbaits, flip/pitch. I’m not fishing in extremely mossy areas and there aren’t huge bass around here. I’m leaning towards the Mojo or Dobyns right now. I like the warranty of the St. Croix but the Dobyns 734C seems more versatile. All the rods I’m considering are graphite.
  7. 50lb power pro is really heavy for bass, I’d only go up to 30lb braid max but that’s just me. If you’re fishing like an A-rig then that’s understandable. Fluorocarbon: Sinking Line, Very thin, good for underwater baits in clear water, not good for topwater baits, abrasion resistant, UV rays won’t weaken the line strength Braid: Thin, Floats, good for heavy covered areas, no stretch, can be hard on reel and/or rod parts, $, can’t cast as far with, difficult to untangle backlash, good for top and underwater baits, cut resistant Mono: good all around, floating, can stretch, good for top/under water baits, UV breaks down line strength, thick If you’ve never used a baitcaster before, use around 17# monofilament line, since it’s thick it’ll be easy to use and untangle. Once you get the hang of using a baitcaster, I’d consider different types of line.
  8. Lol. Have yet to use it at all, it sounds like it’s coming from the gears and it sounds like a screeching sometimes and I don’t know how to explain it. I’m shipping it off to Shimano, it’s still under warranty and all I have to pay for is one way shipping.
  9. I have a Curado K too, does yours make an odd noise when reeling? (Sorry for off topic but I’m concerned)
  10. I want to fish cranks, soft plastics, jigs, topwaters and spinnerbaits. I would probably only use cranks that go down to 10 feet or so.
  11. That’s true, I do have a cheap zebco spinning combo that’s rated for 50 lb line, I forgot about it, I don’t use it much.
  12. I know a serious catfisherman that caught one about 35 lbs. I won’t throw light baits with this rod but probably up to 1.5 oz ish.
  13. Hey, I want a St. Croix Rod but I don’t know which one to get. I fish mainly for bass. I have the new Curado 200 K. I’m thinking the Mojo Bass Plastic, but would it be a good all round rod for everything? Edited.
  14. If you want to cast light lures get a casting rod that can load 1/16 oz. The lure rating should be 1/32-1/8 or around that, I’ve heard of people going to Walmart and buying a cheap light rod. Light line should help with casting light lures, but heavier (Thicker) line and heavier lures are easier to learn to cast with. If you have backlash at the beginning of the cast then you should adjust the magnetic brakes, if it’s towards the end of the cast then adjust the spool tension knob. Good luck!
  15. I’d be careful with Shimano’s reel cleaning service, I’ve heard they will give you a completely different reel sometimes.
  16. I poured some oil in the small ports on the reel, sounds fine now. But I wasted a lot of oil trying to find the problem..
  17. Yeah, I haven’t taken my reel apart but I’ve heard that Shimano over greases their reels and it makes a gunky mess. I took the spool out, wiped the spool shaft down, cleaned the inside of the pinion gear, turned the brakes off, cleaned and oiled the brake pipe, oiled the worm gear. I did everything I could and I bought the reel out of state.. I feel like it is on the handle side where all the gears are. So maybe there’s grease somewhere?
  18. I bought one, does yours make a weird noise when you turn the handle fast? Mine’s very new and hasn’t been fished yet and it makes an odd noise.
  19. I feel a lot better now, especially since it’s a one man shop, still saving for a rod so it might be a couple of months before I can send my reel in. Thanks for the help!
  20. You lightly sand some things..?
  21. Do you do all of the reels or do you have (co)workers that clean/tune them? What grit sandpaper do you use? Do you use tools like a Dremel Multitool? Do you use any products that leave a residue? Is there a noticeable difference in casting if you just polish the friction points versus sanding and polishing them? What are your most popular reel services? I hate grilling people like this. I just want to know what care my reel will be in and I like to do my research and execute with minimal variables. I would like to clean it myself but I am worried I’ll screw something up. Thank you!
  22. Just bought a Shimano Curado K, it’s making a whining sound which I am not too concerned about but I’ve been thinking about getting it cleaned and maybe super tuned before spring. What are some good cleaning services? I’m kind of worried that if I get it super tuned then it’ll screw something up. Anyone had their reel tuned? I’ve heard good things about DVT.
  23. A Pflueger President or Trion? Maybe a Shimano Sienna? Not sure what exactly you’re looking for but I have a Mitchell 300. I love it, great for largemouth. The smallest Mitchell 300 is 6.8 oz. The largest is 9.9 oz.
  24. What’s the line rating on the rod?
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