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River jigin

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About River jigin

  • Birthday 01/06/1991

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    San Antonio, TX

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  1. I use plaster of paris for the molds i make. Its cheap so if you dont like it just trash it and start over. You dont need to cut out anything. All you need to do is get a jig trailer you use and glue it to the bottom of one of those aluminum tins, that are like 3 for $1, and mix the plaster and pour it over the trailer. Make it at least an inch thick so it wont break as easily. Make sure to put vasaline around the tin and on the bait as a release agent. An exacto knife is always helpful for little things but trailer molds are about the easiest to make so you should be fine. Here are a few places to get plastic and colors. Lure craft, del mart molds, m-f manufacturing co. and also ozark tackle has good plastic and glitter but no color. I personaly use calhouns plastic which is sold at del mart molds but all the plastics are pretty good its just preference. Hope this helps, got any other questions just send me a pm. Vincent
  2. I use a fly tying vise and I think that makes it easier to tie the skirts on the jig heads. It helps keep the jig head in place. If your trying to put one layer on the other it is best to tie the bottom layer first. Wrap thread around a couple times and it holds it on but it is loose enough to move the skirt into place and once you have it how you want it, tie the top layer on and do the same thing. Then wrap around the whole jig to keep the skirt in place.
  3. There is one similar to it on Janns netcraft but it doesnt have a flat eye jig hook. You could try to modify the mold though to fit a flat eye jig hook.
  4. There are two online stores that have what you need and they are barlows and janns netcraft. They both have catalogs so you should get those first off.They both have everything you need to start off like pots, skirts, hooks, ect. any thing you need to make jigs. Barlows has a new mold for the shaky head if that is the type of ball head you want. It has 6 different cavities in it and they are 1/16 , 1/8, 3/16, 1/4, 5/16, and 3/8 oz. It takes 3/0 to 5/0 flat eye hooks. Barlows and janns both have the weedless football and flat eye arky head which is similar to lunker lure and that comes in 1/4, 3/8, and 1/2 oz. and I think to football comes in the sizes you want. You really dont save money at first because all the supplies you have to buy buy once you get into it, you will save money. It can be time consuming again at first but you will get the hang of it. Another good site to get some info on making lures is http://www.tackleunderground.com/index.php , so I hope that helps.
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