If anyone was wondering, I’m still alive 😏.
I mentioned on here earlier in the winter about starting a new adventure at our house. Since about mid March or so, I’ve been busy in the greenhouse, starting hundreds of baby flowers from seed. Several weeks ago with the help of my neighbour, we got up approx 600’ of 8’ high deer fence, and I’ve been tilling 50’ beds with the tractor ( between what feels like nonstop rainy days🙄).
Today was the first day of planting. Got about 85 dahlias in the ground, and two 50’ rows of seed from about 5 kinds of sunflowers, and a few others. Next weekend I plan to get the rest of the transplants from the greenhouse into the field, and let the sun do its work!
This is our “test year” at the farm, doing a bunch of trials to see what grows best in our soil, and what will be the most profitable when we start to sell next season. The plan is to sell mainly wholesale to florists, and larger wholesalers in the Toronto area, but we’re also looking into selling bouquets. Since we’re in the Muskoka region of Ontario ( basically where the wealthiest people in the world come to relax at their cottages for the summer), the plan is to get setup selling bouquets to the many resorts, high end restaurants, and a subscription service to the many cottagers in the area.
It’s gonna be a busy year between the new flower farm, and still running my masonry business, but I’m gonna try to get the boat wet as much as I can still. I did finally manage to get out on Saturday and catch a bunch of pike, so at least the itch got scratched a little bit.