Yesterday water temp was 75 if i remember right. How that compares to typical for this time of year, i have no idea. To be honest i never have paid much attention to it, its just a number on the Garmin.
Water clarity? A lot clearer than it was back in October when i last went fishing, still very murky tho.
I usualy fish from my boat in a canal a couple miles from my house, its mostly flat bottom with a handful of depth changes and what can best be described as sand bars formed where a couple different creeks feed into it. One of those has a dam. Another dam going out where the canal dumps out towards the gulf. Several small docks scattered along the canal and 3 bridges. Also 75% of it has what i think are mangroves over hanging on each bank. Along with a barely submerged 20 ft wide pile of rock and a few scattered groupings of grass and lilly pads. There is always a little current, gets a bit stronger after a heavy rain
I have almost unlimited options near me, heck Okeechobee is only an hour and a half from me but i focus on this one spot cause i was thinking that limiting as many variables as possible would make it easier to get the basics down. And out being so close o can go every day that I'm not otherwise busy, even if only for an hour or two. That's also the same reason i almost exclusively use plastic worms, to try and learn what makes a fish bite.
Last cold front we had was a month ago.
Ive been using 12 lb mono (green in color) cause its what the salesman at bass pro suggested when i bought the rod. Just respooled with 10 lb clear mono. No leader, tied straight to an offset worm hook.
As for blue crabs, I've never seen any but was under the impression they infest every bit of fresh water down here.
Think i covered all your questions.