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Shane Dyason

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About Shane Dyason

  • Birthday 09/12/1968

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  • Favorite Bass
    All three
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Don't know yet, until I've done my US trip. 

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    Shane Dyason

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  1. G'day guys, I've just recently arrived back here in Australia after an awesome trip to the US. I just wanted to thank all of you on here that contributed in one way or another to helping catch my first few bass while I was over there. Some of you offered some good advice, which was much appreciated. A few guy's I wanted to make a special mention too, that really tried to help me out. MichaelCopeland, and N Florida Mike, thanks for the offers to take me fishing, but unfortunately time doesn't always line up for everyone, day to day life and work can get in the way sometimes as well, but thanks again for your kind offers. Bighead, what a shame you saw the post as late into my trip as you did, I would of loved to fish with you over in Texas, I hope we will get a chance to catch up if I can get back over there soon. And last but not least, my mate Ohboyitsrobby from over in Arkansas. A big thank you to yourself and your mate Derek for taking us out on Lake Ouachita. We had a cracking time on the water with you blokes, plenty of laughs, and of course plenty of bass. I am planning on getting back over there in the next year or two, and it would be great to stay in contact with you guy's if possible. For those of you on social media, either send me a friend request on Facebook or message me here and I'll send you a friend request. Again, thanks to everyone for their help. I didn't get to fish quite as much as I would of liked, but I did get to fish, and I did get to catch my first American bass which I am totally grateful for. Crikey, I've even got myself a profile pic to put up now.... Cheers
  2. Hi Bighead, I am about 4 hours drive out if Jacksonville Florida now. It would of been great to catch up with you tofish one of those lakes, as I've always wanted to fish up there. If it was about 4 days ago, it would of worked in perfectly.
  3. Thanks for an awesome day Robby. From initially speaking to you on these forums from the other side of the world about possibly going bass fishing, to arriving in the US, then arriving at your place, then hitting the lake and having the day we had is a bit surreal really. What happened today just shows how cool the internet can be at times, and how fisherman from different parts of fhe globe can come together because of a common interest. Thank you once again for a very special day, one I certainly won't forget. Ohhhh, and sorry you guy's didn't like the taste of Vegemite....? Cheers Shane.
  4. N Florida Mike, I will be heading down past or even through Jacksonville, I might just take you up on your offer if your going to be around. I really appreciate you guy's offering help to get on the water and advice where you can, it's very cool...
  5. NCbassraider, Over here in Australia, we fish a leader 99% of the time, in fact I can't remember if I have ever fished braid straight through. I have heard a few of the pro's over there mention occasionally they were fishing their braid straight through to the lure, it's just a bit hard to imagine doing it when you're not used to it. G'day JaxBasser, I've been told that there are bass in heaps of the ponds, and that's all good if you know where to find these waterways. If you could direct me onto a few in Florida I would be really gratefull. It's just hard going to a new country, I simply haven't got a clue where to start. If you would like to message me and we can chat further, that would be awesome mate.
  6. If I manage to get onto some fish, you can bet I'll be posting a few pics for you guys. Fingers crossed that it all comes together for me...
  7. Thanks for the reply mate. What about leader size? Sorry, I forgot to mention that in my other post.
  8. Hey guy's, I'm going to bring a couple of baitcast reels with me and buy a rod while I'm over there. What pound braid is going to be a good average I can use anywhere? Will 20lb be fine, or do I need to go heavier? Cheers
  9. Hi ohboyitsrobby, I will be travelling up through Oklahaoma then into Arkasas on my way towards Little Rock, so it definately looks like I'll be in you your area. It would be awesome it you could find the time to take me out for a fish, here's hoping we can get onto a few decent fish and get some good pics, thaTt would be a blast. I will be in the area about the 14th Nov, let me know if that will suit you. Cheers mate.
  10. Hi MichaelCopeland, thanks for your reply mate. I will be heading from New Orleans to Dallas on my first stint on the road, so I will be coming up through Alexandria on my way through. If there is a bit of land based fishing available locally, that would be great. Also, a tour of the Bill Lewis Outdoors shop would be very cool if you could organize it. All of these sorts of things can help make this trip a real memorable one for me, so I appreciate the offer. I will most likely be in Alexandria on the 10th Nov around midday. Cheers Hi Tara-senko, I know there's plenty of good fishing throughout the states that I'm traveling, I just need a bit of help from some kind bass anglers to share a few spots with me. Secret ponds especially... Thanks for your reply mate, I just hope I can put a few decent days on the water together and get some nice pics. This trip has been a lot of years in the waiting, I'm really looking forward to meeting some great people, catching a few bass, and knocking back a few beers as well. Cheers Hi Darren. Thanks very much mate, I hope there's tight lines for you as well...
  11. G'day Bluebasser86, I will be travelling through those states from the 10th November through to the 20th November when I plan on being in Florida. Where I stop and fish and for how long will depend on what opportunities and advice comes my way. If I had more time, I would definitely head further north and come and fish with you, but time is just not going to allow it I don't think. Thank you very much for the offer, hopefully a few other guy's a bit further south will offer some help. I am certainly more than happy to pay my way for food, fuel etc if someone was going to offer to take me out on their boat, as getting multiple guides along the way is just going to blow my budget. Thanks for your reply mate, and if by chance plans change and I can head further north, I'll send you a message. Cheers
  12. G'day everyone, I am a keen angler living all the way over the pond here in Australia, I am heading over to the US for my first ever trip in November. I have been following the bass scene for a lot of years now, and have always wanted to get over to the US to do some bass fishing myself instead of reading my monthly Bassmaster magazine, or watching tournaments and videos on the internet. Finally, in a couple of weeks, hopefully I'll get my chance. I will be road tripping over 10 days from Louisiana, over to Dallas, then through Oklahoma, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama and down into Florida. I will bring a basic kit with me including a baitcast outfit, some spinnerbaits, frogs and soft plastics etc. I will be limited in what I could bring rod wise, so I will probably just purchase one when I get there. Obviously I will be land based, so I will be fishing lakes or ponds along the way on my travels. If any of you can help in any way, or suggest some good locations to fish along the way, it would be greatly appreciated. I've heard there are plenty of good ponds over there with awesome bass in them , but I obviously wouldn't have a clue where to start, so any help would be great. Hopefully I get to catch up with a few of you during my travels. Cheers Shane
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