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Everything posted by RenegadeBassin

  1. I don't know if they've made any improvements on the new models, but the storage on mine will get wet if it gets poured on.
  2. When I did that to my trolling motor I was pushing it a little harder than I should've been. I remember after I realized it was broken and headed back to the boat launch I went a lot easier and it wasn't too bad of a ride. You're never going to have a very good time in waves that big in an aluminum boat, in my opinion, but if you take your time and be careful its not too bad. Typically on a day like that I would just not fish. We don't get waves that big up here very often at all.
  3. Oh that will make it even easier for you! Those were kind of confusing for the install. Powerpole has great customer service and is a really great product, but their directions were a little weird. Mostly just which bolts to use, that part was confusing.
  4. Yeah I've seen 50.1 on my gps since I've put my powerpoles on.
  5. Sorry for taking so long to respond, I don't check these forums much anymore because everything with my boat is working how I'd like it to! I am also working on having my first house built and that has most of my attention this winter. My 8' blades have been great and I don't have any complaints about them. I had a faulty pump and Powerpole sent me a new one no charge. Doing the install yourself is the way to go, other than the stuff involving removing the outboard from the boat. I had my dealer do that cause I didn't want to risk anything and I don't have a motor hoist. Other than that it is really simple with patience and care. The only difficult part is mounting the pumps in the bildge compartment, I had to move my batteries around and fab a custom tray so I can put them in the long way to make room for the pumps. There are pictures of how I have it laid out a few pages back on this thread (page 6 I think). My hoses fit through the pre-existing access. It was a little tough getting the fitting through but once those are through the hoses themselves are very thin and fit fine. I have a thread about the entire process on the other tin boat forum. (I like the people better on bass resource though ?)
  6. I have a basic electric pressure washer from home depot that I use on my boat. No idea what the psi is but I'm sure its on the lower end of the spectrum. Anyway, I put the water to her hard with that thing and my boat looks the same as the day I bought it. Its perfect for washing things off like my boat or my truck cause its not too powerful. Cheap too.
  7. Very nice! Hopefully someone who knows a lot about that motor hole stuff can chime in because mine is also in the top hole so I'd like to know what would happen if I moved mine up one hole as well.
  8. I just found pictures of mine where I was showing the powerpole brackets and its in the top hole...seems like that would be too low and that you should actually be getting better performance where you are than where I am. I don't know what to think, weird.
  9. Like @slonezp said, I'd take a look at what hole your motor is in and I can look at mine when I go home for lunch and I'll let you know where its at. I trim mine up basically as high as it will let me on plane. I've noticed it only goes a certain distance then it won't go any more, even though it seems like I could maybe get a little more speed if it let me go a tiny bit higher. Is that a standard feature or is my trim messed up? I've also found that if I partially fill my livewell, it actually allows for more bow lift and a tiny bit more speed. I wouldn't worry about doing that for day to day fishing, but its fun to do when I am trying to see how fast I can get her to go on a nice calm day.
  10. Just wanted to let anyone know who is thinking about re-propping their renegade that it turns out my powerpoles were dragging in the water like I thought and now that I've raised them I can hit 50 mph gps and I am hitting max RPMs. I am going to have cup added to my prop to bring the rpms down a little bit and maybe gain a little more speed but if you don't have a lot of extra weight on your boat I would probably not get a 17p spitfire x7 like I have because you will probably be hitting the rpm limiter. I think once I get the cup added I will have it dialed in just about perfectly but you would probably get the same results by just staying at a 19p. I hope everyone is enjoying their boats!
  11. 60 mph??? I've never heard of an RT188 with a 115 getting over 50. Not discrediting you, just curious what kind of setup you're running!
  12. Too me its just not very important. Right now I am having a lot of fun playing with autochart live. Tried it out for the first time yesterday and its pretty cool to just be able to idle around and map the entirety of the lake I live on. Since the lakes around me are all pretty small, I am going to try to autochart as many as I can!
  13. I can't get a reading on plane either. From what I've seen on here and other websites it looks like mine is in a good spot, but the readings are all off as soon as I speed up.
  14. I run one bigger screen on the bow and a big screen and small screen at the console. I use my 7 for mapping and my 10 for SI and everything else. One thing I have learned from this process is unless you fish really popular lakes all the time, you may not even have a map at all. I have two map cards and still only get info for like 2 of the several lakes I fish. But I also live in Maine so I guess I shouldn't of had high expectations. I should've just bought the zero lines card and done a bunch of mapping myself. I personally have never used SI at the bow. If fish slow, so it wouldn't even work anyway since most the time my boat is stopped or barely drifting. I don't have an ultrex though. I don't know the measurements from the bow to the console but I'm not sure you'd be able to get away with ten foot cables. I guess it would depend on where your ethernet switch is.
  15. Some of these other more knowledgable guys may know for sure but I'm pretty sure the average rpm increase by going down one incriment in pitch is 200 rpms. I wouldn't go any lower than a 17p though I think there has to be another reason why you are only getting 5300. Right now I am getting around 49-50 mph, but I had my boat out at my camp all weekend and my dad told me that he thinks my powerpoles may be dragging a little. I had never noticed cause I'm always driving the boat, but he was following me in his and said he saw some abnormal spray coming up. I have them set as low as they'll go. I'm interested to see what kind of performance increase I'll see when I raise them up. Maybe nothing...but we'll see!
  16. Mine gets like 6200. Spitfire X7 17p
  17. @Hattrick if you get a chance will you post a link for the wedge that fits these fourstrokes a lot of us have, sounds like I may want to take a look at one.
  18. Mine did not come with a cover ☹️
  19. I do have that trailer and had that issue. I had to redrill the bracket that you put on the trailer and fasten it to the underneath part of that center bar. If I remember correctly there is already a bolt under there holding in some piece of plastic or something. I redrilled a hole in the bracket that that bolt fit through which allowed me to fasten it under the brake light. The bolt is slightly bigger than the pre-drilled hole. I can't really take any pictures because my boat is in the water for the week and I left my trailer at a friends house on the lake since she has a good spot for it, but if you imagine that bar going across the back of the trailer, the bracket is fastened upside down underneath it like an upside down "U". You can then put the transome saver in it and secure it in place with the pin and it still has enough movement to swing up under the lower unit. I bought mine from my dealer cause he had it right on the shelf and the brand is Springfield.
  20. I use a transom saver and haven't had any issues. I hate it though cause its no fun crawling under my motor to hook it up to my trailer right after I've pulled my boat out of the water and the ground is all wet, and my livewell is draining out its contents which sometimes consist of chunks of whatever was in the stomachs of the fish I had in there. Kind of a necessary evil though until motor mate comes out with a model that fits the new fourstrokes edit: I guess they aren't really the new fourstrokes anymore are they @A-Jay, there's a new outboard in town soon to be on the back of your pro-v ?
  21. Sorry to hear about that Hattrick, I hope your dealer takes good care of you since that definitely shouldn't happen. As far as the porpoising goes, I recall during my break in if I didn't trim up my outboard how the boat wanted me to it would porpoise a little, but I've learned how to do it so it doesn't happen. I think you will just have to feel it out and then you won't have any more issues. For me I have to do it slowly, I can't just hold my trim button until its at the sweetspot cause if I do it too fast I sometimes get a little porpoising. I edge it up a little at a time until I'm right where I want to be and it works. Best of luck to you.
  22. I see. That makes a lot of sense. I don't really know anything about trolling and definitely want to learn more! There are salmon and lake trout in the lake I live on, Donnell Pond, but I've never fished for them and I want to try. Then I'd also like to take a few trips to the Belgrade Lakes Region and try some spots like North Pond and Messolonskee for Pike because I think it would be a blast to catch one. I don't own a fly rod, can you use the same fly rod and reel for regular fly fishing as you would for trolling? The reason I ask is it seems like line capacity on a fly reel isn't very much...but like I said, I don't know much at all about any type of fishing outside of bass. Thanks for your help!
  23. I'm on my second chevy but I'm really liking the looks of the new fords. Great looking truck.
  24. I've really only ever bass fished my whole life, but trolling is also really popular around here and I want to try getting into it a little bit. I know zero about it other than that I probably would be using lead core or maybe a downrigger once in a while. What would you guys suggest for a rod and reel that would work for most situations, like trolling for salmon, lake trout, and pike? There are no walleye around here so I wouldn't be doing that. A friend I went to school with suggested an 8'6 rod, so I was thinking the shimano talora, and then the shimano tekota to top it off. Thoughts? Thanks
  25. Maybe the battery compartment is bigger in the 1775? Hattrick's fit so if they offer you that option than I am sure you can do it as well! They definitely could have made it bigger for 2018 cause that was the one thing I didn't like about mine and maybe the received a lot of feedback saying the same.
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