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Everything posted by Arcs&sparks

  1. Whoa! ? Thats all I needed. I’m bringing my never been used 4 year old A-rigs with me this Sunday and I even got someone to blame when I skunk. ? Congrats on that beast of a specimen!!
  2. @bitsandbass It is navigable from Long Lake to Sebago through the Songo Locks and visa versa. I haven’t gone through them so you’ll need to research If there’s restrictions at certain times of year etc. I’ve heard it’s free flowing at times (during fall/winter I assume) and I’m not sure how long it takes but with all the twists and turns, and the locks, I’m sure it takes a little while. I’ve Fished for salmon on Sebago a few times, haven’t gone home skunked. Not sure where you’re from, but we’re talking about Maine/ and probably most of New England—if your not connected to the Great Lakes. So in my opinion and experience, the salmon(and most rainbow fisheries) sizes are somewhat comparable to the bass up here. 1-2lbs is common, 3-4 is Great, 5+ exceptional. There’s no doubt there is exceptional fish In Sebago, of all varieties, but I wouldn’t expect trophies without putting a lot of time in. Most of my experience looking for salmon/trout in lakes is in the spring or later in the fall. Steep drops to deeeep water preferably near tributaries, deep water bottlenecks, are good places to start, Sonar is pretty much a must-have if you’re new to an area. Assuming you plan to troll start a thread in the “other species” forum if you need anyone to elaborate on gear, techniques, etc
  3. ^^ Yeah the line has to be drawn somewhere. If said bait only had one treble would you still have “caught” it?
  4. Hope they make an example out of him. Fishing privileges revoked, fines etc. Fishing laws are taken very seriously where I’m from, hope the same goes for Cali.
  5. Never wrap (any) line around your fingers/hands to pull out a snag. use a wood dowel or other solid object. Freeing a snag in a tree always has its hazards. When you free the lure from an underwater snag with braid, pulling strait-not with the rod tip, it generally doesn’t fly back because of the lack of stretch. If you snag a moving boat, the drag should slip and spool you.
  6. Have you checked to see if your sonar unit can display voltage?
  7. The voltage setting is usually first on the dial (not sure about this one), but if you accidentally crank it over too much to read resistance for example, it might fry the (cheap) meter. Perhaps not with 12v though? a small “marine” voltage gauge is cheap money on amazon. Throw in an in-line switch if your concerned about draw on your battery. Kayak?
  8. I don’t think they make the classic IMX bass rods anymore, except a few 6’ers.
  9. The manufacturer is Horrocks-Ibbotson. Likely a fly rod, but perhaps trolling or surf caster etc.. A picture of the handle would narrow down your search.
  10. I’d think that some of the trout guys, mainly in the fly fishing community are as bad and even worse. To the point where one might wonder why they even fish at all.
  11. I meant the 20% off for orders over $100
  12. American legacy? I can’t find that, please tell
  13. Few things to consider at a fair discount, slightly over budget, but baits can be accumulated over time.. Rod; https://www.sierra.com/wright-and-mcgill-co-skeet-reese-victory-pro-carbon-swimbait-xi-casting-rod-1-piece-8-fast~p~345hd/?filterString=fishing~d~14%2Fclearance~1%2F&merch=prod-rec-prod-prod345HD Reel RH; https://www.sierra.com/quantum-monster-300-hpt-baitcast-reel-right-hand~p~529ut/?filterString=fishing~d~14%2Fclearance~1%2F&merch=prod-rec-prod-prod529UT Bait; https://www.sierra.com/yo-zuri-hardcore-ninja-twitch-n-glider-slow-sinking-lure-2-5and8-oz-7~p~641kk/?filterString=s~yo-zuri%2F&merch=prod-rec-prod-prod641KK
  14. I recall some other topics where this was explained. But for clarity, what we are perceiving as stretch-or lack thereof- is the different coefficient of drag in the water?
  15. Looks like a skinny male salmon to me. I’m simply going off of the body shape, and the look of the tail. Long and slender, and sharp points on the ends of the tail. Brown trout and landlocked salmon can share near identical colors from silver to brown, and lots of other overlapping traits. There have been cases where the biologists needed DNA tests to confirm species. This is probably not one of those cases, but My judgement says salmon.
  16. A little late to the show, but have some nice pics from a weekend trip the last weekend in March. Had 3’ of ice and pretty calm, warm conditions(for the northern Maine highlands). We did the best for salmon and lakers offshore over 170FOW just beneath the ice. We tried for brookies near shore but couldn’t get anything besides a dozen dinky perch. We did catch a few inside the shelter, with the biggest being 23.5”, no trophy’s by any means but a lot of fun!!
  17. Words of wisdom. I need to improve on that. Turns out I already have your number, your name popped up when I clicked on it haha. Anything to report from the weekend? Seems to be some more active Mainers here than usual, cool to see some local reports.
  18. Teach a man to fish and he buys a wake boat and a dodge? ?
  19. I can only hope.. actually got home early tonight.. 6:30.. maybe I’ll go down and put my batteries in my boat. Been so out strait with work 8 days a week I haven’t even wet a line in open water yet this year. (Besides a 7day FLA bass trip in March) The construction boom is allowing you to have weekends? Lol. Glad to see your going to get em. BTW this is Taylor from back in the skateboarding days, we oughta hook up some time and go out. (Fishing that is, I can’t skate anymore) ?‍♂️ I’ll shoot you a PM
  20. @Flatrock Wow. I don't know where in the north you’ve been to gather this opinion but I’ve never experienced anything similar to what you’re blabbing about. Pretty ridiculous to to categorize half the country into this delusion. Live in packs? Fish in packs? What? Awfully broad statements bud.
  21. @Further North I take it you kept the 360? @GreenPig have you weighed the benefits/drawbacks between the Cornfield mount and the Cumberland mount to justify the extra cost? This is my first glimpse at the Cornfield unit and I must say it’s much more attractive. Curious before I pull the trigger on one or the other.
  22. Hey James, I know you! Cant help you with Little O for bass, as I’m usually out for rainbows and salmon there in the spring, but what I can tell you is I almost never see the bass boats in the big basin. They typically run through to the other smaller basins or into the cove to the left of the ramp.(or skip it and hit Arrowhead) Your sonar images remind me on the point strait out from the launch,(perhaps it is?) it’s always loaded with perch in my experience. Only have one experience on Estes this time of year with water temps around 45. We tried deep for awhile with no avail, ended up finding(catching) them all up shallow, like 1 FOW. Points mostly. The skinny side. My hot bait was a Spro BBZ-1 Shad, Floating What my Buddy was throwing I can’t recall, but what I do remember that my smallest was his biggest, lol, even though we had about equal numbers. Got something like 8-10 each, mostly right tight to shore. Everything I got was 2-4lb, on Topwater even ? Hope that helps? Good luck!
  23. Yessir. And until a couple weeks ago, I didn’t realize they even were an online retailer! ?
  24. A football field is 1.32 acres. It helps to have a comparison when estimating the size of an area.
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