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About LionHeart

  • Birthday April 19

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  • My PB
    Between 3-4 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Ray Roberts
  • Other Interests
    Flying Helicopters

    My wife and daughters

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  1. Lots of insight so far. Thanks guys. Not to sound like a noob but should I not be concerned about scaring fish if I idle over them? This would be one of my reservations about mountind side scan on the back.
  2. Hey guys, so I've got two different 'fish finders,' and I'm trying to decide the best location for each. One is a Lowrance Elite 9Ti2 (which has side scan, and the other is Lowrance Elite 5HDI (downscan only). My thinking is to put the 9Ti on the front trolling motor as forward facing, and the 5HDI on the transom as rear facing. My line of thinking is that I typically select spots by looking at charts, and then fish them the next day. I don't typically spent much time idling and looking at imaging. Mounting the 9Ti would allow me to get the most from side scan capability of the 9Ti, while still having down scan at the rear of the boat. I'm fairly novice with sonar, so any suggestions or insight would be very much appreciated. Thanks
  3. Should just be able to do it. Click on Forums, then Flea Market. What is happening instead?
  4. 40 lb Power Pro braid with 15 or 20 lb Trilene Big Game leader. Learn the FG knot and learn it well. This is the way.
  5. Had some of my reels for 7-8 seasons and haven't touched the drag since I first set it. Haven't seen any difference in performance. If you like to loosen your drag, I can't see any harm, but in my experience there is no reason to. I'm the type that would forget to reset it until I tried to set a hook.
  6. Guys I'm looking to replace a full bearing kit for one of my Lews Tournament MB casting reels. I've had the reel for a few seasons (about 6 years), and have been noticing the casting distance isn't what it should be, and has been getting worse over time. I'm really thinking it wouldn't do any harm to give the reel a new set of bearings while I have it opened up for servicing. Can anyone recommend a good bearing set for this reel? I have never personally replaced bearings in a reel, but am comfortable breaking them down for service. Thanks!
  7. Well man, if by bad wording ya mean you said you're breaking hooks when you ain't. We'll, I guess so.
  8. This sent me to the YouTube rabbit hole of knot strength videos. I think it is safe to say the PR has a higher strength most of the time, but not by much. I have become so comfortable with the FG, that I'm not interested in switching for an extra lb. or so of strength most/some of the time. Which is a relief because if it were appreciably better, I'd be having to tie that crazy knot on nearly every setup I own.
  9. If I felt like I had to hide things from my wife, we truly have much bigger problems than how she feels about fishing. As the soul bread winner of our house, I make every dollar that my family has, but none of it is mine. It belongs to my family. That is quite a responsibility, and I do not take it lightly. On rare occasion I will buy something for myself, or my wife, or even rarer still I'll just give my wife a bunch of cash and tell her to spend it any way she wishes (usually on our 2 girls). I don't believe my wife dislikes that I have a hobby that I enjoy. I always keep my love for bass fishing in the right box. Very rarely will I go fishing when there is something I can, or need to do with the family. This isn't imposed upon me by my wife, I impose it on myself (reluctantly sometimes). I'm not saying this is the only right way, but I intentionally don't do things that would make my wife, or girls feel like they have to compete for me. As long as everyone involved has healthy expectations, it works pretty well for us.
  10. Man you are breaking 3/0 hooks? Sorry but I have trouble wrapping my head around that.
  11. Use the slowest rod that will still get the job done. I like a rod that loads as deep as possible to give me a little grace when a fish jumps. Losing a good one to that hurts for sure. It hurts instantly and profoundly.
  12. I think it depends also on the lure. If you are hopping a Trig across the bottom, the line isn't really under any tension as it is laid on the reel. As such, when you set the hook, your line is liable to dig in. A big spinner bait or chatter bait will keep a fair bit of tension on your line while it is spooled. You can still get dig in for sure, but in my experience not so much.
  13. Rods are trending to have a more 'moderate' action from many manufacturers these days. Bass fishing is full of trends, and like most, can swing to far in that direction. Personally, I would not be interested in a heavy/moderate rod for frog fishing. May be the bomb though
  14. Back when I fished mono as main line, I'd respool once per year unless I had a reason to.
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