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Everything posted by burrows

  1. I think John B is making the most quality vlogs and tutorials soon to climb to #1 fishing the Midwest
  2. Looks like 1rod1reel holds the new title of number 1bass fishing channel on YouTube
  3. Stick with the CX premium.... I wouldn't recommend personally the cxx its got way to much memory.
  4. I'm sure they do eventually, but if they still stink and there not melted I don't see why they wouldn't be any good?
  5. Duckett won't let you down!
  6. Sweet reel man I would love it for all my crank baits even square bills I find a slower retrieve on square bills can be very effective and catch you more bass.
  7. OK I got to you in time, there will be many opinions on this one. Get plineCX premium. Great line its a fluorocarbon coated copoly. Super thin diameter super strong little memory. Don't get cxx unless your wanting to get threw heavy cover, punching or frogging!
  8. Thanks y'all funny because I can't see it any more either ha ill repost my next one
  9. I don't know maybe two pounds I need to buy a scale
  10. I personally like a light rod or I won't buy it straight up!
  11. Booyah pond magic I think their called I love those little spinnerbaits
  12. I use a 2/0 gamagatsu octopus circle hook
  13. Fish of a lifetime !
  14. The ground hog said winter is over lol
  15. Texas rig a rage tail menace grub weightless have patience throw it out there pop and reel slack pop and repeat that should get you started. I used to only fish reaction baits but I realized fishing plastics was actually more effective, now I mainly throw plastics unless I'm searching...
  16. Ha funny I can see it fine
  17. Missed em on a square bill slowed down and hooked em with a rage grub
  18. I was looking at these rods on tw, im in the market for a good cranking rod under 150bucks but I think the handle is a bit long at 16 inches for me. I heard some good things about those guides thoe, the colors of the rod really kills it as well, looks like a little kid picked out those colors.
  19. If I could only use one gear ratio it would be 641 of course I have higher speed reels But I can do everything with 641 some can do everything with 711 im not one of those ppl
  20. I recommended you check it out in person. I would not buy ardent reels I feel that they are cheaply made cheap components and ugly
  21. I almost feel bad for the company I don't like to see companies go down, I guess. Hopefully they make some major changes.
  22. I know these rods are still on the market and Boyd duckett left them but why are they so unpopular now they used to be very coveted among many a bass anglers including myself. I was just wondering because no one seems to mentioned these rods anymore. What happened to carrot stick rods?
  23. what i was trying to say was that the curado 70 only comes in a fast 721 or 821 gear ratio i think the curado 200i would be more suitable for light weight crankbaits i personly like a slower gear ratio throwing crank baits
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