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Everything posted by burrows

  1. I've got my finger on the button I'm ready to make that order. Big dilemma what rod to get for crank baits square bills. Target cranker or 7 mhmf mojo?
  2. The kvd frog has a bad rap but it's a really durable good looking frog good colors and the skirt material is way better than the booyah pad crashers. The kvd frog needs simple adjustments take out the rattle so the frog collapses easily. Bend the hooks slightly if needed. I caught my first frog fish on a kvd frog.
  3. Rick clunn squarebill
  4. I got my pb on a rebel pop r
  5. I agree , haha
  6. I'm not sure how many of you watch the Googan squad on YouTube I'm not even sure most of the ppl here are into YouTube. I watch a lot of YouTube shows and some are better than shows you see on tv. I have been trying to watch lunkers tv which is one good channel for bass fisherman, dude seems like a class act. Well I couldn't believe the vulnerability theses you tubers have threw hackers lunkers tv seems to be shut down by hackers and it just kind of makes me think how we are all vulnerable to this type of crime. It's a sad situation when some one who is trying to make a living making content that we all enjoy to have hackers that compromise the way some one makes a living, making good entertaining bass fishing shows. Theses are just my thoughts.
  7. I have similar problems, I have one dislocation and the other hurts like heck after power fishing all day, I see a chiropractor and he gives me advice on strengthening the shoulder my orthopedic dr is quick to get me into surgery but I'm not down with that, pain management is the best option for me not pain killers but cortisone injections and icing my shoulder after a long day on the water. Best thing to do is see a doctor and see what options you have. I'm avoiding surgery at all costs. See what happens?
  8. Send me a pm and take that peice of junk off my hands but I'll still charge you, also I never said that the tip was messed up I just said that they are not good cranking rods in my opinion! read the thread before you jump the gun duckett fan boy! Why would I give it away when I can sell it to some one for 20$ off still have 80$ to invest in a good rod!
  9. Ghost are not good cranking rods! The guides are not made for it. We had a previous post of a picture of the guide on the tip of a ghost cranking rod grinding and grooving causing the line to break. This is why my ghost is only for jig and worm.
  10. This works but the mice are able to jump out some of the times. I seen a video on it on YouTube.
  11. That's crazy talk brotha! The top part.
  12. I'm not a believer in anything glow in the dark for bass fishing. Try it, let's us know what happens?
  13. It makes me think of the under spin an old classic style lure that wasn't really one of those popular latest greatest lures until Casey won the classic on one and now there back and all the craze. This could also be seen maybe some time in the future with the in line spinner I'm sure it still has its place with some tournament anglers out there some where? And then it will be the next great newest innovative bait on the market, like they never exist beforehand.
  14. I think this is the turtle I was talking about
  15. my mistake they are #3s I've given a a few away over the years I've hung on to these but they don't see much action anymore.
  16. I have a few of the meps black furys in #4 and couple of aglias I used to love them but now I don't really throw them so much?
  17. I think Chad Hoover had something to do with the designing of the bait not sure but I do know he was always talking about those little turtle baits back say 2011,2012 seemed like a cool concept back then they didn't do to well I guess and I never did pick up a pack.
  18. Under water crop circles
  19. Quest to become great
  20. Don't pass it it up buy it before he changes his mind.
  21. How much you trying to spend ? I use a blackout 7 mf it's pretty sensitive and strong good price. I also recommend the Powell deisel spinning rod I had one great rods strong suckers a bit tip heavy thoe imo.
  22. Wow that's crazy bro, hope you get out soon. I could have past that one up you've got a problem man. Now 50% off all zoom in a bargain bin well I would understand. First step toward recovery is admitting you have a problem.
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