Casted smoothie silk changed up my rod switched to my glass rod turned out that had a lot to do with my overruns I was using extra fast stiff rod. I actually have experience with theses brakes because I have a casitas. I also use a curado I but different breaks still a great reel though.
Yeah I’m really liking this reel.
Have you fished a glass rod before? You should consider that first I personally don’t like the feel of a glass rod maybe you should be looking at a graphite rod like a St. Croix mhmf mojo spinnerbait I use this rod for the applications you are talking about. And it’s a very good rod.
Next time get the proper measurements you won’t have this problem or get a cheapy scale I say call it a solid 4 and try and beat that from now on. So 4 is a great pb now you need a 5
I have a zodias 7mf spinning rod and I can tell you it’s my favorite rod. I definitely recommend a zodias. Extremely sensitive and strong you can’t go wrong with it. I was actually in your same predicament a year ago I couldn’t make up my mind between the loomis e6x or the zodias and I’m glad I picked the zodias.
I buy more expensive gear I like higher end shimanos and higher end rods. Iv come to a point where a lot of what I’m buying is more of a nostalgic product or novelty item for me. I love to buy what I can Barely afford. A lot of times I don’t even use some of it I just like looking at it on my shelve with the rest of my reels. Rods I don’t go to crazy 200 bucks is the most I’ll spend.
I like showing them off to my buddies when we go fishing and they also do the same.
I often fish with a buddy of mine that never spends more than 100 on his combos we catch about the same amount of fish.
You don’t need expensive gear but it sure is a pleasure to fish with.
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