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Everything posted by burrows

  1. Skinny bear does make some nice jigs for sure I have to admit I been trolling the seiburt outdoors website a lot lately however. Might be making an order soon. SPOTTED BASS CANDY skinny bear jigs.
  2. ALF is a great online retailer I ordered a couple of rods from them before and I got them in two days in a tube like tw, so you won’t be getting any cheapy packaging. And although they are in Indiana my rods shipped straight from Powell’s distributors in California.
  4. if the casitas had an aluminum frame it would be a 200 reel imo
  5. Great reel can’t say enough good things about it minus the frame that reel is bad to the bone.
  6. Screw this I just boycotted cabelas!!!! Oh wait, their are no cabelas around here, never mind.
  7. Well he is right you know. ?
  8. Welcome to the forums.
  9. Who me? I’m not brand specific.
  10. I’ve always been fond of the revo winch.
  11. The Lews lfs from 2014 I believe could be from 2013 don’t remember but that’s basically what started the 100 reel market for solid aluminum frame light weight and great performance at an affordable price all the other companies barely started getting on board. Daiwa fuego fallowed and ultimately shimanos slx on the late train better late than never.
  12. Powell mistake composite glass or the Powell enfurno composite glass their in your price range and hard to beat.
  13. I had the 2014 lfs it was a solid reel till the day I sold it, it was a little work horse of a reel. The newer version I’m sure is just as solid and only 100 bucks it’s a good deal.
  14. 0.0 ^
  15. thank goodness it was irking me to see all those expensive crankbaits rubbing up against each other.
  16. You might want to consider the 2500 BG because it’s drag is probably better suited for a medium heavy... I did not consider the drag in my original reply to your post the 2000 only packs about 5 pounds of drag and the 2500 pushes 13 and is only 9 ounces which is pretty standard for a spinning reel. sorry about that. keep us posted!!!!
  17. This is true from punches being thrown at Walmart to ppl wrestling each other for the last TV at Best Buy things get very aggressive. Online shopping affects the small mom and pop shops that can not compete with the online competitors. Their is just no way for them to compete it actually hurts them tremendously. Online purchases are extremely difficult to stay away from specially because everything is bought online now a days on a daily basis whether it’s Black Friday or not.
  18. I got probably the best deal on Black Friday and that deal was not falling into the hype of Black Friday. I looked at the deals and scrolled threw the online adds at numerous things that were marketed tords me and I almost fell into it but I stopped and thought about it. I really don’t need anything even if it is marked down by 20/25% I don’t need it! I want it but I don’t need it. I decided I wasn’t going to be part of the debacle part of the yearly circus I wasn’t going to partake in something that is meant to fill the pockets of major corporations and leave many people in debt! I decided to practice self control and good judgement realizing who was really benefiting from this madness. And the 25% of the nation that was still in debt from last years shopping sprees so in my own mind it was a way of saying no to big corporations saying no I won’t fall for your evil tricks and greedy filled agendas and guess what? It felt good! Really really good.
  19. The 2000 BG has a decent amount of weight to it but not overbearing actually it’s still fairly light it’s also a solid smooth reel to pair with a medium heavy. When I pair up a combo I always make sure I’m pairing the right reel and rod with it. The lighter the better isn’t always the case when your reel is so light that you’re rod becomes tip heavy.
  20. He did say it was a review of his first impressions not an on the water review. First impression of the product is important with rod in hand you can get a good feel of the rod and even feel some of the sensitivity of it also the build and quality of the handle guides and so on.
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