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Everything posted by burrows

  1. I have been using a mojo spinner bait rod for a couple of years and I use it for spinner baits chatter baits and square bills but I could probably use it for whatever its sensitivity is not numero uno but its good enough.
  2. older folk run this show I will never win...
  3. very nice upgrade curious as to what you were using before for these applications.
  4. we are at fault we killed the mom and pop shops because we started buying everything at Walmart we started falling for the online retailers we fell in love with the convenience of the great and mighty amazon!!!! it was our fault we griped we complained we hated the big corporations that started and still are monopolizing and we cried... we wanted the capitalism and growth of our small businesses but we did nothing to help that cause instead we wanted more death of small business we began to beg for it and well here we are!!!!
  5. I love it when the old timers defends their mono it just brings a grin to my face. a good copolymer will do all that stated above with added sensitivity.
  6. I decided to revisit for those that are interested and give my final reviews on this older thread. I used Harrys from target for a few months and they were ok the blades are sharp but they don't last that long they dull out after a wile and their not so smooth going around those square blocky places for those of us who have a square chins I went to target with the intentions of splurging on the best razors with ten blades and a handle that buzzes and lights up. As I walk down the isle and looked at the razors I noticed the mach3 razors again, it took me back to the 90s and reminded me of when I first started shaving every single day and recalled how these were the best blades on earth!!! smooth as butter and as sharp as your grand paw paw's classic straight edge razor back in the nighty's three blades was cutting edge technology literally, and I decided to buy me a few cartridges and handle. Next morning I opened up my box and started shaving nothing special no flashy lights no buzzing sound and only three blades. My conclusion! the absolute best shave that I had gotten in months no cuts and great around the edges. I'm sticking with theses from now on they are affordable and as sharp a Japanese Naginata. You don't need ten blades to shave and a flashy buzzing handle with a lazor pointer on the end of it. If your in the market I recommend trying these out their pretty good.
  7. It doesn't matter with mono because your probably using it for cranking and you don't really need to watch your line for cranking, now if your using it for trigs/bottom baits and you need to keep an eye on that line then go with a color that your able to see... why you would use mono for bottom baits, well, that's beyond me???
  8. powell rods are very sensitive rods a mh is going to feel as light as a sturdy medium with a good back bone, if your going to be flipping in some heavy cover and nasty stuff go with the mag medium heavy, if your fishing light vegetation flipping in regular type junk a medium heavy will be fine. St Croix or powell both good rods both have their own benefits whatever you choose you should be happy...
  9. exactly!!! why go back in time though? nice micro magic!!!!!
  10. Don't beat yourself up over it you cant learn every thing over night do what most fisherman do when its cold read about bass behavior and watch the pros talk on you tube they do throw out some gold nuggets sometimes on accident, its not always them selling you a product. Also stock up on baits heavily for the upcoming season pick stuff up as much as possible and focus on one or two techniques that your going to be utilizing stick with those techniques before you start buying stuff your not gonna use. Finally up grade your rod for bottom contact lures your ugly stick is probably best suited for crank baits I used to catch multiple fish daily in the summer on an ugly stick spinning rod when I first started fishing I'm not saying an ugly stick wont work for trigs because it will and has the sensitivity to do it not the best however its probably better suited for moving baits. You can find a pretty sensitive rod at the same price you got the ugly stick like the berkly lightning rods or abu vengeance rods they are pretty sensitive for the price once you get a more sensitive rod your going to be surprised at the difference. one more thing fish where there are fish you cant catch bass if there are no bass lol
  11. I don't believe I ever ran into you in the forums clay but I'm glad things are better my hopes for a full recovery!!!
  12. I don't recommend big game unless your using it for backing now all the old timers here will push mono on you because they are accustomed to it or used to it but I found myself asking this very question not to long ago and I'm telling you go with copoly, floro or briad always, times have changed and mono is useless in my opinion.
  13. Your targeting spotted bass and you want to go light wire which I believe to be optimal for spotted bass then you need to go with a spider jig, a spider jig is text book for spotts in the fisheries here in California I don't know where your at but I believe its probably the same thing. your options are very cheap and simple make your own yamamoto rigs or get some cheap arky twin tail spider jigs or gitzit, these are your best options specially if your going to be using spinning gear which is the best way to use these micro type jigs with a light wire hooks. The gitzits spider jigs and the arkys are expendable almost like cut bait or live bait and can be fished with a finnese presentation using 8 pound test. The smaller 2X hooks or a standard wire jigs like the skinny bear which happen to be my favorite are a little more expensive and you would benefit more with 12 to 14 pound test casting gear and are good for both spotted bass and large mouth bass.
  14. all joking aside..... this is true^
  15. Zoom chunk rage bug
  16. The 3500 BG is a hefty reel what type of fishing are you doing?
  17. It really just depends on what you need get rid of the rods that your likely not going to need.
  18. Having now heard the words from the great bait monkey himself I must now humble thyself and add my opinion as to a combo of my recommendation to appease the great bait monkey. I do believe you will do yourself a great service in achieving the great sensitivity of which you so desire however it comes with a bigger sacrifice of your money, Sayeth the monkey a shimano Expride and a chronach MGL is an answer to achieving your dream! Now go!!!! I mustn’t say more.
  19. What kind of fishing does your dad do? Will determine if a tranx is a good reel for his style of fishing.
  20. You can always get a robot to cast it for you and see wether it’s human error or the reel.?
  21. I keep them and use them for replacement split rings or for whatever, spinnerbaits or modification of jerk baits or something but I do ultimately end up using them.
  22. Their is no set up for gaining confidence in jig fishing that confidence is going to have to come from you... I’ve been bass fishing a little over ten years now, one of the first baits I started with was a jig. I remember throwing it in a pond thinking their isn’t any way a fish is going to eat this ridiculous looking lure I was using an ugly stick which probably has no bottom contact sensitivity whatsoever but I started catching them the more I threw it the more confidence I gained. The confidence has got to start with you the rod you decide to use after is your decision.
  23. Only 9 for the roagarou?
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