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Everything posted by burrows

  1. Yeah he’s biased so am I but the spool is heavy and the reel doesn’t look as sharp as I thought it would he does good reviews as far as how long a lure cast which really doesn’t matter to me as far as bass fishing goes but the weight of the spools and the details is what I watch his videos for. Tackleadvisors is good but he is also biased tords diawa and I really enjoy his break downs.
  2. I seen it for 62 bucks on amazon yesterday. I’m assuming you’re talking about the fuego
  3. Yes but not in the mid range theses were expensive reels, high end.
  4. The k is a good reel a work horse I use it for spinnerbaits frogs deeper diving baits but that’s about it the k has become my least favorite in the shimano line up of reels although it has its place its definitely not my favorite reel. The 70 and the chronarch mgls are definitely preferable. Although I’m not gonna lie Ive been intrigued in the tatulas for a long time now just that when it comes time to buy I always get a shimano. I’m thinking of the tatula sv tw for starters this 100 had me intrigued until thereeltest review on YouTube kinda has swayed me from taking that rout.
  5. Shimano bait casting reels are have always been well know for the ease of throwing light baits up until recently did diawas start getting recognized for throwing lighter baits on their mid line baitcasters.
  6. Probably 80percent of the fish I got this year was on a fluke weightless the rest were mostly rage menace, Ned rigs, stickbaits and miscellaneous crankbaits.
  7. You may be rite if you’re talking cold water and op has already decided but the composite rods like the Powell endurance for example the crankbait topwater jerkbait rod. Is a composite and has pretty darn good sensitivity for a composite glass I happen to own one that I personally use for squarebills and the blank is light but it’s as thick as my MH mojo spinner bait rod and it’s as sensitive as it gets when it comes to glass.
  8. I’m not sure why you want a MH for jerk baits? Anyhow I use a mojo jerkbait rod 68 medium fast perfect and inexpensive. Maybe your just used to using a MH? Have you considered trying a glass or composite? The blanks tend to run a bit thicker, a medium is tends to have in most cases a medium heavy thickness to it. And you don’t really need a much of sensitivity for jerk-baits but these newer rods tend to have decent amount of sensitivity for glass.
  9. Ok so what you’re saying is the general is now available in regular power bait stank? That’s pretty cool was completely unaware of this. ??
  10. I dip my ned rigs in spike it all the time and nothing happens to the plastic that I can tell?
  11. Fish all day ? Weather is good water is cold, perfect time to start throwing a jerk bait?
  12. Sounds like you got a decent feel of the pond already. However my suggestion is to throw a ned rig and “perfect “ the ned rig in suburban ponds like this I think you’ll be very successful on a big TRD or regular TRD. Even though many believe the Ned rig to be a do nothing bait it does have its Techniques I think this pond is perfect for it and contrary to popular belief the Ned rig catches donkeys!!!
  13. Good for you brother! Put in your work ??! I never been sponsored or pro staff nothing ☹️... LOL
  14. Do you still use hair jigs for bass? Like a regular jig and trailer? Or were are these float and fly techniques ??‍♂️ I don’t know? I don’t see many using hair jigs beside the float and fly guys in the colder months on fishing shows. But I know @WRB has cought I think 17 or bigger on hair jig and trailer. Just never seen anyone using a hair jig and trailer for bass I’ve heard about it but never done it myself. I also feel that there is a reason they are kinda fazed out and it’s because the newer rubber or silicon jigs just perform better? ??‍♂️
  15. Most stuff is out by December but like @Sam said it could take as long as the beginning of next year.
  16. It’s got that shimmy on the fall ?
  17. Yes I remember this he loves old rebel stuff and he’s got a ton of old rebel stuff but I couldn’t remember where he posted them. I like looking at vintage lures I don’t have vintage I have plenty of reproductions though.
  18. Good good and good I just like it because I can throw it threw the entire month of November and catch fish then bring it back out early spring I usually buy a couple at this same time every year.
  19. Yes they work well in cold water I’m not the biggest 6 sense fan but this 75x is a producer.
  20. Start one up I would but I have no vintage tackle??‍♂️
  21. I was a skeptic as well didn’t believe I would point and laugh at those ppl walking by that were glen believers until I got out of hand on the forums one day said some stupid things maybe I should’ve said then suddenly Glen appeard to me and suddenly he became very real, so for those skeptics out there that think Glen is just some made up story your granpapa use to tell you as a kid I say act rite on the forums or Glen just might apear to you.
  22. And they are very effective
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