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Everything posted by burrows

  1. The best flutter on the fall is the red eye shad but is a more aggressive fall than the super spot res is more effective during the spring and spawn and prespawn but as soon as the fish become less aggressive like the dog days of summer or in cold water winter the super spot is more affective because of its buoyancy and less aggressive rattle. My favorite lipless is without a doubt the super spot.
  2. .
  3. You left us hanging man what happened after that did you kill em ??? !!!
  4. Pm me bro I’m interested in the scorpion maybe we can maybe we can make a deal? @JustJames I’ve been wanting to ask you about the scorpion since I seen you fishing it on your videos...??‍♂️
  5. I’m more into a pop type of action not into the spitting chugging poprs.
  6. In other words you needed something to fit your bfs needs which is understandable. Is that scorpion 70 you have bfs?
  7. Gliss is the best casting line for spinning reels if you’re looking for distance add your preferred leader.
  8. I would draw the line at square bills and mid divers with a Medium glass rod.
  9. I’ll buy them if they clearance them out half off I heard their pretty sensitive but have a bad reputation for breaking I remember when these rods were coveted amongst many anglers. I hope they can fix their issues.
  10. I preordered a Curado DC when it first came out but cancelled at last minute I was going to put it on my spinnerbait chatter bait rod.
  11. I think i might have to try a curado rod out for myself
  12. If you tell me how you posted that video without having to post it threw the YouTube format I will post a video of my k so that you can compare the difference on your own.
  13. If you’re going glass for square bills and mid divers go medium. Yup
  14. Probably catch more on jigs and soft plastics than with any or those baits you have. Get some terminal tackle and some plastics.
  15. burrows

    The egg

    Seems like this is the only bps cheepy worth getting so I’m gonna pick up a couple next time I go. Probably pick up a few jerk baits as well and some chunk trailers for the winter.
  16. I think you probably should have went with this one. ☝️ Just saying.
  17. I have a zodias and it doesn’t really get anymore sensitive than that for me. However if I was gonna buy another 200$ rod I would probably get the Big sexy by Favoriteusa I’ve always been fond of that rod probably watching to much Lake fork guy on YouTube, or even better go Dobyns champion XP !!!
  18. burrows

    Lure ID

    It’s a nice looking bait that’s for sure.
  19. I think the deep casket 3700 are gonna be the best Option, the deep coffins are good but you can’t see your baits?
  20. Their are conservation laws put in place just like any other state. No lunker programs that I know of but just like any other state their are regulations rules and laws in place they vary depending on the lakes you fish, but programs set in place to grow and produce big bass ? I haven’t really heard of any in programs like that the bass seem to become hogs on their own. I could very well be uninformed on any programs set in place.
  21. burrows


    80% of my bites are hard strikes so very easy to detect and set the hook. Keep an eye on your line! Very important. Jerk jerk pause reel in slack jerk jerk pause reel in slack, a lot of times that strike will come before you reel in the slack! and that’s when you have to watch that line always. cant catch anything on a fluke? Try a slower approach cast out dead stick one minute and pop it off the floor let it fall dead stick it again as long as one minute even longer and pop that sucker up and your gonna get a bite. Dead sticking a fluke is very effective just be patient watch that line.
  22. burrows

    The egg

    What is a Humpty Dumpty ??‍♂️ Is it a topwater? Jerk bait ?
  23. I best wishes bro hope you get it, the job and the reel. What year is this Pixy?
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