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Everything posted by fced

  1. Oh no not my low post count! What will I ever do? I love fishing, sir.
  2. You've posted more than anybody in this thread. Quit contradicting yourself and put your effort towards something that matters.
  3. 15ft? Lmao I was right next to the shore. Every single picture my foot is right next to water. I just layed the fish down on the ground and left to get some chipotle and came back as quick as I could. The fish was out of the water for 30 or 40 minutes she's fine.....
  4. I'm not arguing over this. Ive watch plenty of experienced anglers flip fish on the boats carpet. You don't think pro anglers care about the fish? Come on man they also love fishing. I promise the fish is fine.
  5. The fish is fine. By saying this by no means am I starting an argument on my thread but don't be so negative. You take a hook and impale fish with it and your worried about the fish being on the ground for 2 seconds. Just about every pro bass angler flips them on their boat.
  6. I was so stoked on catching it because the seniors at this lake have not been biting at all. Every tournament for the last couple of weeks were all low numbers so I was pretty psyched on catching her. I definitely took good care of her and took a few pictures and let her get her stamina back up and give a kick. What does laying a bass on the grass do?
  7. Don't break my heart like that, I really wish I could of weighed it. ?
  8. Bro that's what I'm sayin' she thicker than a bowl of oatmeal.
  9. Yeah it's definitely 3! I was just curious if it was 4 or close to 4 because of its belly, guess I'm going to have to invest in a scale haha. Thanks dude!
  10. I caught my pb after a tournament day at my local lake. I managed to mark how long it was on my road and measure it. It was 19.6 inches long. How much do you guys think it weighs?
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