Hey all, I've really had a great time reading through this subforum.
I guess I might be a bit different, as I am a fairly well established (guide, prostaff, etc) fly fisherman (for trout) that has recently started to branch out towards conventional gear bass fishing.
I am lucky enough to work with a couple companies that supports both, and they have been GREAT to me. But I've recently been approached by a few different companies on the bass side, and this combined with my previous experience and reading through this subforum, has shown the two worlds are light years apart.
In my experience, with fly fishing, there are usually distinct, seperate levels with companies. Promotional staff (at the bottom), field staff (somewhere in the middle) and pro staff (at the top). In this industry, pro staff certainly means PROFESSIONAL, not promotional.
As "prostaff" I was always responsible for MUCH more than simply posting tagged pictures on Instagram. R&D/design, reviews, writing articles for websites, how to videos, shaking hands at trade shows, forum sponsorship and activity management, etc. Honestly, I'd say at least 85% of the work done never appeared on ANY of my personal social media outlets. In exchange, Ive been equipped for free. No minimum purchase agreement, no starter packages, not even shipping. And I've always been happy with those arrangements.
It seems, and has been said here, "pro" staff on this side of things means, and is, entirely different, with the "pro" meaning promotional (which in general would mean bottom rung in my world).
Being approached by companies on the internet stating they would like me on their prostaff, I get excited, cite my work and what I can bring to their company. They'll say that's great, we'd love you to do all this. But it ALWAYS inevitably ends in "great, just purchase our prostaff starter kit for $99, and then..." Hold up.
You see things like NPS, and the offers some of these companies have, and I cant help but think there must be a lot of anglers in this scene desperate to simply put a title on their social media accounts. It seems EVERYTHING is highly driven by social media, much more so than Im used to. And it also seems there is a plethora of companies ready to, dare I say, take advantage of young anglers trying to somehow get established in the industry.
Is it typical to be offered meager discounts (Ive been offered as low as 10%) in exchange for a willingness and ability to do much more than simply tagging pictures? Granted, every company that has come to me so far has been relatively small, but I'd genuinely love to help a small company grow.
I mean no disrespect to anyone that has these sorts of sponsorships, but it seems like pouring hundreds of hours a year into a company would be worth more than seventy three cents off a pack of plastic worms.