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About Luke1115

  • Birthday November 15

Profile Information

  • My PB
    Between 2-3 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Lake Saint Clair Michigan

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  1. So, today I was fishing Lake Saint Clair, Michigan. I caught a dinker and some little perch. Now, one time I reeled in my line and a small perch got eaten by a huge largemouth! Easily my PB! It didn't fight, but I did not have a net (my friend forgot to bring one). I went to lift it out of the water and onto the pier and the bass fell off. I partially feel this is because the perch wasn't hooked that well so the bass was hooked twice as poor. So, I wouldn't blame that entirely on me. A short while after, I was fishing mystery fish with my spinner bait. SOme massive fish swallowed it (we think it was a huge sheephead of smallmouth). It started to go under the dock, and by the time I was able to un tighten my drag, the fish went under the dock and the line snapped. On top of this, I was using 17 pound mono as well! I lost the fish! Can anyone give me some types on how to avoid this and land more of my fish (besides having a net lol).
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