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Joseph B.

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Everything posted by Joseph B.

  1. I have a 1998 Smoker Craft aluminum deep-V 172 Salmon with a 2015 Mercury 115 EFI 4 stroke. The boat is solid as a rock, rivited hull, no leaks. The 115 is awesome! Smooth, powerful, guiet. At idle can barely hear it. Instant throttle response, hole shots. Easy DIY maintenance. Instant start, no choke needed, no smelly exhaust/blue smoke. I will never go back to a two stroke motor. Wind hasn't been a problem, but use a 60 lb thrust bow mounted trolling motor. I fish mainly Iowa lakes, but also SD, MN, Canada. Have never gotten wet from white cap waves in it. Easy to manuever, great multi species fishing boat.
  2. The motor is usually well over half the total cost of a boat, motor, trailer combo so see if you can buy a one to two year old new motor still in the crate., Not used.
  3. My 17.5 ft. Deep V Smokercraft boat with a 2015 115 hp Mercury 4 stroke pulls hard to starboard, especially when cruising 35+ mph. I have tried adjusting the trim tab in both directions multiple times and adjusted engine trim. I found the best combination to reduce torque pull but still have to turn wheel to Port and hold tight. I have looked online at NFB Steering helms and hydraulic steering systems. I would appreciate feedback from any of you who have experience with these steering systems. I want to minimize cost but also want the torque pull issue corrected for safety and steering fatigue reasons. Thank you for your time and help!
  4. Ditto on comments submitted. I would add that you especially need to check out the motor, e.g how many hours of use, maintenance receipts or records, etc. Typically a motor represents half the cost of the boat, motor, and trailer.
  5. My 20 year old boat has been cover stored only and the seats still look great. Seams are fine.
  6. Wow! Thanks for sharing. I don't usually wear mine but I will now!! So glad your friend still here to tell about it!
  7. I use diluted Simple Green applied with Micro Fiber towels on my aluminum deep V. Use garden hose to rinse off and dry/wipe down with Micro Fiber towels. SG works great and removes the dirt, grime, bugs, etc without dulling the finish. Also use it on interior to clean carpet. Vinyl floor, seats, etc. It's non toxic and biodegradable, no harsh chemicals. My boat is a 1992 and still looks great.
  8. I just bought a cable steer motor with the higher profile foot control. Can't put my foot flat on control. My seat is too low and not much room to front of bow so thinking about getting a higher seat and some kind of rubber grip mat so foot control doesn't slide all over the floor. I'm too old to stand long time so prefer sitting, especially when waves rock the boat.
  9. Hey guys thanks much for your help! It makes sense the way Fishnkamp described it so I now feel prepared to relocate it myself. Also appreciate the pictures of the parts. I already have a swivel mount like the second one pictured so just need to get a thermal breaker and wire cover. My deep cycle battery is under the console so will be close for power source. I'll give you a shout if questions. Thanks again and good fishing to you.
  10. I bought a used deep V aluminum boat that has two Lowrance fish finders. One is at the console, no problem. But the other one is mounted in/on the rear seat pedistal hole. I'm thinking the previous owner wanted it there for back trolling. Well I want to relocate it to the bow so I can see it while operating my trolling motor. If any of you have relocated one before I'd appreciate your input. I'd like to do it myself if plausible rather than incur costs for dealer install. Thanks for your time and help.
  11. I just bought a 1998 17.5 ft Smoker Craft deep V aluminum fishing boat. It came with a 2015 115 hp Mercury 4 stroke EFI outboard motor with only 40 hrs on the engine and still under warranty. The motor cost 13 K brand new. I paid 13 K for the boat, motor, and 2002 EZ load trailer. So yes the motor is usually more than the boat and trailer. I saved over 10 K from what a new package would cost. Fortunately the boat is leak proof and came with two Lowrance fish finders, a trolling motor, ancors, rod holders, etc. The point is that new motors cost a premium. But if you can find the right used boat and motor you save $$$. Brand new is fine but you will still be paying mafority of cost for the motor unless you go with much smaller engine/hp. Just my opinion, not sure about smaller boat and motor combos.
  12. Ditto what Fisher said. Simple Green and a scrub brush works great. Takes out most anything including grease and is nontoxic and biodegradable.
  13. I m not doubting your abilities or integrity with fixing the dents. Just a bit reluctant to trust a seller who is a stranger. Guess I've been burned too many times buying used vehicles, but that's just me. Another guy may not wince at all. I do appreciate your honesty in telling the buyer so that may well get you a quick sell.
  14. I used NADA to determine retail value of a used boat that I purchased last November. The boat, motor, and trailer all different years, 1998, 2015, 2002 respectively. I found NADA's price range to be a good reflection of the fair market value. Key is to be very specific and inclusive when listing the boat's equipment and options when using NADA'S appraisal process. Not sure what to say about the dents in terms of impact on value, but if I was a potential buyer I would rather see the dents to determine if the hull integrity was compromised. Repaired dents leave me wondering if there is hidden damage or cracks. Just my two cents worth.
  15. I think a summarizing statement given all the input here is " use common sense and respect others, emphasis on respect." Real fishermen understand each other's quest and expectations for protecting and honoring their physical fishing space. I love music too, but not when I'm fishing as I like and need to keep all my senses honed on catching fish and enjoying what nature has to offer. Okay so I editorialized a bit, just my two cents worth, submitted with all due Respect.
  16. I can relate to Crank bait's comments I have owned three boats, first one with a universal cover, and two with custom fit covers. The universal covers are junk for the most part and ditto to Crank bait's comment about hard to fold up.y current boat cover is almost 20 years old, same age as boat and has no holes or tears, separated seams, etc I like the design as it has reinforced sections where the cover meets the WT windshields, front point of bow and corners of the stern. It also does not fit all the way back allowing for ventilation. Have motor cover just to keep it clean.
  17. Joseph B.

    Joseph B.

  18. Well I bought a used (1998) Smoker Craft deep V, 172 Salmon fishing boat, one owner, rigged for fishing/trolling. Has a 2015 Mercury 115 h.p. 4 stroke with only 30 hrs. on it, newer trailer. Boat is clean, good condition. I plan to upgrade to a bigger/better bow mounted electric trolling motor, and maybe get a kicker motor too. I haven't purchased trolling motors or any new boat accessories for almost 20 years, so let me know what you like/recommend for electronics and trolling motor especially. Thanks!
  19. What ever works lol! Sounds good to me and I have a big role of Gorilla Tape.
  20. Thanks for the feedback. How do you cover the prop and with what?
  21. I have to store my aluminum deep V boat outside this winter. I have a good cover and the motor was winterized by the dealer. I have some questions relating to winter care other than the motor: 1. Should I take the cranking battery and/or the deep cycle battery out of the boat and store inside or can I put them on automatic battery chargers and leave them in the boat? 2. Should I leave the motor (115 h.p. Mercury 4 stroke) trimmed down, up, or in the transom saver? 3. Should I get a support system/poles to ensure the cover can handle snow? 4. Any other preventive maintenance or storage procedures you would suggest? I don't mean to sound stupid here, but in past years I always stored my boats in doors. Thanks!
  22. Are any of you familiar with Smokercraft deep V aluminum fishing boats? I'm looking to purchase a 1998 Smokercraft 172 Salmon. It has a 2015 Mercury, 115 EFI 4 stroke with only 40 hrs. on it. It's a one owner boat, well maintained, good condition. Only other deep V boat I have owned was a 1998, 18.5 ft. Fisher and it was a solid boat. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  23. Go for the max HP and never look back.
  24. Looks like a lot of boat and motor for the price and low hours on motor. I've spent many hours on line looking at used boats, and this one would rank at the top based on what I have found and based on pricing new ones.
  25. Yes need battery cuz it not made to be a portable.
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