My name is Ben. I've been fishing since I was a small child and I am 38 years old. Though I've joined Internet forums for pretty much every hobby I've ever had, for some reason it never occurred to me to join one for fishing.
I mainly fish in rivers of West Virginia. The coal, the mud, the kanawha, the new, the greenbrier and the guyandotte are my primary targets.
I don't do a whole heck of a lot of lake fishing, and to be honest I've never had much luck in local lakes. I don't know if they are just so pressured that I don't stand a chance or what, but I've never caught fish from the lakes here.
So moving on to the reason for joining this forum...
Truth be told, it's been a pretty crappy season. Aside from a trip to Point Lookout MD, I haven't caught much this year. And normally, I can't catch squat off of artificials anyway. Most of my large catches over the years have been bait and circle hooks. While there's nothing wrong with that, I want to hear from others and learn some new ways to catch fish and just improve as an angler.
If I had to list the things I'm looking to improve as an angler, high on that list would be improving my work with artificials and being able to understand more where to find fish rather than just randomly casting where I think they should be. I think that's a lot of my problem lake fishing. I'm probably casting where there isn't any fish.
Good to be here, looking forward to learning a thing or two.