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Everything posted by Tackett1980

  1. It seems like I loose a minimum of a lure an outing. Whether I’m in the kayak, on the shore, doesn’t matter. Yesterday I stopped by the boat ramp after work and lost my good rebel crawdad...again. Hung up out of the blue in the middle of the river. Couldn’t get it unstuck so had to break my line. It’s a common occurrence and it leads to me just quitting and going home. Fishing is supposed to be relaxing! ive got my rod and reel with me today and some bubble gum senkos. I’m going to try my hand at wacky rigging, but part of me is convinced that I’ll just end up leaving half the bag on the bottom of the river along with about 100 yards of line. what gives? Is this normal?
  2. Thank you all so much. Pfleuger supreme XT ordered. Hopefully it gives me as many memories as this one has. oh, what’s the word on using these in salt? I had that old spider cast in salt a few times and it never hiccuped.
  3. Thank you! I dont need a long casting reel for this setup. Most of the rivers I fish are barely 20-30 yards wide. I have other stuff for long casting. I just want something reliable that can handle the occasional 2-3lb small mouth. I never catch huge fish in the rivers here. I think 4-8lb line capacity and a 10lb drag would be more than enough. I really just am looking for something simple, reliable and headache free. Edit: oh god that’s a bait caster. That’s a big no. Sorry, I forgot to say it needs to be a spin. I friggin abhor bait casting reels.
  4. I’d like to keep it under 150. thanks!
  5. Dang that’s a good idea. I think I’ll do that. any replacement reel ideas?
  6. Title asks the question. Ive had this old spider cast reel that I’m admittedly, sentimentally attached to. It’s over 30 years old, my dad got it for me when I was 6 or 7 years old. Recently I’ve been getting annoyed with it. The original rod that came with it survived all the way up till last season when it broke in half, sadly. Every season I swear I’m getting rid of it. It always makes a birds nest, gets tangled and is a general pain these days. I kind of wish I’d retired the rod a long time ago. If I had I would still have it and it wouldn’t be broken. So so I think I’m going to buy a new reel and put this old one on a shelf before it gets destroyed from decades of abuse. Any ideas what to get that will take its place?
  7. Thanks for all the kind words guys and gals! Sorry it’s been so long I actually forgot I joined this website!!!! my life is crazy!
  8. Just curious here. Given the many years I've been fishing, my tackle is kind of....out of hand. I've even got a set of those flying lures. Remember those? Im tying to get back to basics and set up some tackle that I'll actually use and put some other stuff in the garage. So let's hear it.
  9. Hello, My name is Ben. I've been fishing since I was a small child and I am 38 years old. Though I've joined Internet forums for pretty much every hobby I've ever had, for some reason it never occurred to me to join one for fishing. I mainly fish in rivers of West Virginia. The coal, the mud, the kanawha, the new, the greenbrier and the guyandotte are my primary targets. I don't do a whole heck of a lot of lake fishing, and to be honest I've never had much luck in local lakes. I don't know if they are just so pressured that I don't stand a chance or what, but I've never caught fish from the lakes here. So moving on to the reason for joining this forum... Truth be told, it's been a pretty crappy season. Aside from a trip to Point Lookout MD, I haven't caught much this year. And normally, I can't catch squat off of artificials anyway. Most of my large catches over the years have been bait and circle hooks. While there's nothing wrong with that, I want to hear from others and learn some new ways to catch fish and just improve as an angler. If I had to list the things I'm looking to improve as an angler, high on that list would be improving my work with artificials and being able to understand more where to find fish rather than just randomly casting where I think they should be. I think that's a lot of my problem lake fishing. I'm probably casting where there isn't any fish. Good to be here, looking forward to learning a thing or two.
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