Hello everyone, first of all I will like to thank everyone in this forum for all the great information that I was able to find and all the questions created at the same time ?.
Now onto the question. I purchased and moved into a short sale house about a month ago and due to the short sale of the house a lot of stuff was leftover. One of the things that was leftover was an uglystik gx2 spinning combo along with some soft plastic and weights. I have never bass fished before but have been fishing saltwater inshore and beach surf fishing for about 6 years. Now I know that an uglystik gx2 combo is not the greatest setup out there but it's something to try bass fishing with and not spend a lot of money in case I don't like it. The reel is not the greatest so I was thinking about purchasing a Pflueger president spinning reel and using it for possible future rod upgrade. I was also thinking of spooling the reel with 15 fluorocarbon or 20 pound braid with 15 pound fluorocarbon leader. With all this is mind what could I use this setup for? Texas rig, Carolina rig, spinnerbait? I'm pretty confused as to what is too heavy or not recommended on bass spinning rod.
Lasty, I will like to purchase a baitcasting setup later if I enjoy the sport. Any recommendations? Rod and reel total under $180. Also what lures or techniques will that rod be used for?
I will only fish ponds and very small lakes from the bank. Don't think anything deeper than 10-15 feet. And this is why I want to stay with only two rods.