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Everything posted by LadiMopar

  1. @DogBone_384 I have to admit I really like your "style"; you don't happen to offer a training program I could send my mostly "non fishing" husband to do you? ?
  2. Can't say I've ever had issues with wet feet getting into or out of my yak. It's a sit on top model and maybe it looks silly, but I just step in from the bow and plunk my scrawny butt in the seat. Cold on the other hand is a problem for me once it gets below 65 degrees (did I mention I'm scrawny? ?) So, silk base layer, turtle neck jersey, and jeans with a flannel lined pull over hoodie until it gets near 50 degrees. If it's windy I'll add a pair of Cabelas nylon wind resistant pants that wrap snug at the ankle. 50 degrees and below, Cabelas Guidewear hooded jacket with the wind resistant outer shell, Cabelas Guidewear "Glommets" so all the fingers can stay warm except the two needed to tie knots, and again the Cabelas Guidewear bibs for those super cold days. In the early spring right after ice out the feet are usually still snug and warm in a pair of Sorel boots.
  3. I checked the official 2018 Quabbin Regs and the final date is October 20. To see the whole document: https://www.mass.gov/service-details/quabbin-reservoir-fishing-season-and-contact-info
  4. I understand about the phone, which is why I opted for an inexpensive refurbished tablet with a waterproof cover and a leash. Short money, better visibility than the phone and again no clutter. Been running mine for two seasons now without any water issues, and I made one upgrade to the "system" this year; a portable water resistant battery bank. ($35) which extends my time on the water. On average I could get 6+ hours on a tablet, but the battery gives me several more hours if the bite is really good! ? Battery is about the size of a deck of cards and sits nicely behind the tablet. Whatever you decide on I wish you the best of luck! ????
  5. Bite was really slow this week, one bitty bass and a pick on Thursday up here. We got whacked with 4.5 inches of rain Tuesday as the remnants of Florence blew through. Still have some minor flooding along the Nashua (Groton area). Water temps came way down from last weekend. Fished Tully (Royalston) last Sunday and it varied from 73-81 by days end. Thursday at Lost Lake in Groton temps were 63-68. Amazing what a "little" rain will do. ? Won't get out this week most likely, but maybe by the weekend. Took the grandkids to the Big MOE (Mass Outdoor Expo) in Sturbridge today at the Hamilton Rod and Gun. Great day, and a really great event (who doesn't like free?) First time at this club and I have to say they have it together. Three beautiful ponds tucked into some stellar woodlands, and some very well maintained shooting ranges too. If you've got kids/grandkids this is a fabulous opportunity to introduce them to many outdoor activities...and get their little paws off those video screens. Have a good week everyone!
  6. I didn't want to clutter up my kayak with all that wiring etc., and opted for a Deeper Sonar on a flex arm. Has been tested against most of the big names (Humminbird, Lowrance etc) as equal in performance but it sure is a lot more compact and portable. Rechargeable and runs off your phone or Android tablet. https://deepersonar.com/uk/en_gb
  7. @jbmaine that is one very sweet surprise! Woohoo! ????
  8. Welcome from N. Central Bassachusetts! Come over and join us in the Eastern MA fishing thread. ? LM
  9. I'll second Wachusett. I take my grandson there (he's 12) and while he's not picky about what he catches (yet ?) there is plenty of accessible shoreline with good bass opportunities, even for the youngest of budding anglers. Not knowing where in the state you hale from @bitsandbass makes it a bit tough to recommend a place, but if you're out my way in N. Central you might also check out Tully Lake in Athol/Royalston. It's a state park so has plenty of amenities that a six year old might need, and there is a trail system all around the lake for generally easy shore access. There is also a good chance of sighting a bald eagle or two. If you do have a boat etc., there is a really great ramp there too.
  10. If my trail of excited utterances at catching something that big (Holy crap! Woohoo! OMG) didn't reverberate across three counties then I'd never tell a soul. ??? ?
  11. Let me welcome you again to BR, and glad to see you found us over here in the Eastern Bassachusetts thread. ? Shore fishing can be a tad tough in some areas of the state, but I recently posted a link for another member that might help you expand your choices of water. https://mass-eoeea.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=c956ffbcff3142c2b6295985cce37372 Each "star" on the map gives specific info about that body of water, shore access, boat ramp etc. Not all water in the state is covered, but most of the Great Ponds of the Commonwealth are. This link https://www.mass.gov/service-details/massachusetts-pond-maps-list-view gives you access to basic pond maps in the state by town/water name. Some of the maps also give some basic info of species, vegetation and access. Hope this helps. ? LM
  12. Welcome back to the water, and come over and join us in the Eastern Mass fishing report thread.
  13. California delta and any puddle Rick Clunn is fishing in. ?
  14. Like rocks we grow mighty fine muck here in Bassachusetts don't we? ? If your pond isn't completely choked out with pads you might also want to try wake baits they run just about a foot down even if you're burning them. Otherwise, I concur with the others, weightless Senko, drop shot, whacky rigs.
  15. I've done the rod/dowel thing, have a friend hold the spool thing, let the parrot chase the spool all over the floor thing, and back in the day when I sold tackle had the "professional winder" thing. These days I use a Berkley winding rig. Not that new one that looks like an umbrella handle though, the original style which easily does spinning or bait casting reels.
  16. No apologies needed...I thought it was pretty darn funny, but was thinking maybe I need to grow my hair longer (already waist length)
  17. Out at Lost Lake (Groton) this morning abt 6:00, water was a balmy 82 and with all the rain it was looking a bit murky. Usually stained but otherwise clear; today had trouble seeing the bait past a foot or so. Managed to hook four and get two in the yak. Three bass, two that were little half pounders and one that was probably 3+ that decided to jump ship before I could get it in ? and one pick that was nice enough to unhook itself at the side of the yak..woohoo! It was definitely a slow rolling bait kinda day, the 3+ sucked up a soft plastic turtle (one of my go to baits for days like this) pretty close to the bottom (7' of water) and the small ones hit on a LiveTarget baitball crank ripping through grass. All in all not a bad morning, but It would have been nice to get that bigger one in the yak. Hope everyone else is having success out there...
  18. Thanks for the offer of a visit should I get that way again, it sounds like paradise for sure...you're a lucky guy to have a place like that almost completely to yourself...I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a tad jealous. ? So as not to get anyone's feathers in a fluff, does it matter that I'm a Sister and not a Brother? ??? Just checking! LOL!
  19. @Jaderose that is one mighty beautiful place. The next time I roll West to SoDak would you mind if stopped by there just to admire it? Geez I miss being on the other side of the Old Mississippi, and the Missouri and....?
  20. And this is why I have video rolling when the water skiers are out...they are the biggest "problem" I usually encounter. If you're fighting the wake, as we all do in kayaks, you have a much better chance at catching those registration numbers with the video. Just be sure to have some Dramamine to watch the replay! ?
  21. Unfortunately haven't fished Horn pond, although I know plenty about its history. If you're lucky enough to get on there I'd love to know if there is anything left of the original Kendall mill (1640's) where the original Middelsex canal came in. And, do you have a fishing forecast for tomorrow? Topwater? Swimbait? Cranks? Your last one was pretty darn accurate! ?
  22. @Brick T Welcome to BR and our Eastern Bassachusetts group...if you find yourself out here in N. Central feel free to give a holler.
  23. Welcome from N. Central Bassachusetts!
  24. Welcome back to the water and to the forum Alan ...your granddaughter is a lucky little gal! Doing the same with my grandsons; moments to cherish for sure. ? Someone more clever than I said...The world needs more tackleboxes and fewer X boxes.
  25. Just so you all know...it's not just you boys having fun out there...?
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