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Everything posted by LadiMopar

  1. Congrats on the new yak, may it bring you many years of joy...as for beginner tips...always wear your PFD, never paddle water above your skill level, and if you're going out alone let someone know the where/when of your trip. Maybe this sounds a little like a "mother hen" but having had a few too many close calls (and it only takes one) deciding what your life is worth makes doing those things a whole lot easier. I'm a disabled angler/kayaker and maybe these things are a little more to the forefront of my mind, but safety on the water should imho be everyone's concern.
  2. Welcome to BR from Central Bassachusetts...welcome back to our fabulous sport and thank Travis for being such a persistent guy. Glad he won you over. LM
  3. Waaay back in the day when I sold tackle just outside the local Army base, I spent a good deal of my time consoling [and educating] these guys who of course wanted the high or higher end gear, but who, for obvious reasons really couldn't afford it. The spiel went something like this...I'd be happy to sell you that gear, but to be completely honest the fish around here don't really care what you fish with, and if you know where they're hiding you could catch 'em on a twig and a string with a hook. Sort of like Huck Fin and Tom Sawyer. So I would recommend that maybe you start with something you can reasonably afford right now... This was usually followed by my "think like a fish" lesson...the whole point being as has been mentioned many times here, the higher end gear is nice to have, but not necessary. As far as I know, the high end stuff doesn't come with any more of a guarantee of catching anything any better than the lower/moderate gear, but investing in studying and understanding your prey does.
  4. Should have gotten a Quad cab, my 7'2" rods fit diagonally in the Ram's 6'4" bed...and that tiny back seat means I don't have to take passengers...more room for tackle bags!
  5. If these blow ups are in the lilly pads/grass beds on the Nashua they are most likely Large Mouth Bass. I fish the river frequently and the only other species that sort of breaks the surface yellow perch. And there is a very distinct difference. Can't help you with the carp rig. LM
  6. Hey guys~ I bought this spinnerbait back in 1991 in Stillwater, OK at the local tackle shop. Am wondering if any of you might know who made these, or if they are still available. That fully plastic arm is wonderful for ripping through heavy cover. Thanks in advance! LM
  7. The Procyon, as all other rod series mentioned come in both a spinning or casting model. I took another look at the OP and didn't see rod type specified, but imho the spinning rigs tend to be a little softer over all, especially the tips. Either will get the job done, but with spinning I'd probably stick to M over ML.
  8. On average I carry 3 rods, occasionally 4; each tied on with a technique specific bait, crank bait, top water, and some type of soft plastic (worm/creature) the 4th is usually a jig although I'm not a huge fan of them. My average day is 6-8 hours, fishing from a kayak. Generally I don't do a lot of bait changes, with maybe the exception of color. Like many of you I'm sure, I have been keeping a journal/log book for many, many years. Fishing the same waters year after year, combined with the notes from the log book sort of gives you an overall recipe for what might work on a given day under similar conditions. So, after doing my "homework" and before I head out I tie on the baits of the day. Still carry a full compliment of baits in the yak, just in case the educated choices don't produce, but mostly it's 3-4 baits all day.
  9. I use Daiwa Elite Series Signature rods (cranking and light top water up to 1/2 oz.lures) paired with Tatula baitcasting reels (CT type R, on the cranking; SV for top water) I have 6 Tatula reels, the two mentioned, as well as a regular CT, 200H, 100H and 100HS. I really love the TWS design. Far fewer back lashes and more evenly distributed line on the spool. I run mostly 40# braid, but do have one set up with Ande Tournament Green 12# mono. The 13# drag system is great too for those bass that want to give you a run for your money. If you don't want to buy a technique specific rod the Signature Elite Series also has a mighty nice "universal" use rod. I was just recently looking at the Tatula line of rods and they appear to be really well made for the price around $120, slightly higher for the glass cranking rods @ $150, and the Elite are $179. Been brand loyal for about 40 years, so I freely admit my bias, but in all honesty I sold tackle for many years; could have had any brand I wanted but Daiwa has been consistently good. Not just the high end gear, but across the board, and I've owned a lot of their lower/mid range gear. Still using two of my oldest reels (25-30 years) and with the exception of a little cosmetic wear and tear they still more than get the job done. Hope this helps a little, and best of luck in your quest.
  10. Speaking only for myself @Harold Scoggins I apologize for getting off the topic of kayak safety, which I appreciate you taking the time to remind us all of. As I stated before, I always wear my PFD and was thankful my hubby had his on this season too. His first (and most likely last) attempt at kayaking resulted in him flipping over a 70# kayak in maybe 15 ft of very chilly 55° water. Granted we were not terribly far from the ramp when this occurred and there was a small island he could reach easily, but this lake also has a large amount of submerged rocks and stumps, so things could have turned out quite differently.
  11. Motorcycle Eye Protection, absolutely! Helmets, never! A survey done in the U.K. some years ago proved there were more fatalities among those wearing helmets than those who did not. The reasoning was simple, less ability to hear, less peripheral vision, and a false sense of security. As for the seatbelts, to each his own. I never wear one for a host of reasons, but primarily I just don't like the government trying to protect me from myself. The PFD I always wear because with age comes a little less endurance, and it's good to know ones limitations. And shouldn't the NH state moto be something like Live, Freeze and Die? Seems like that's what most folks I know who live there seem to think.?
  12. My new Feelfree Dorado! Peddle, Paddle and Motor drive!
  13. Greetings from North Central Bassachusetts! If you're ever going to be out this way you'd be welcome to join me on the water to hunt big green magical fish! ? LM
  14. I'm a Feelfree kayak user and you may want to look at their Lure 13.5 model. I have the Lure 10, and just bought the new Dorado 125 both of which are extremely stable for standing etc., but not really designed for faster river water. The Lure 13.5 seems to be designed to do flat water, river and ocean...34 inches wide, large standing deck, their amazing seat, but in your case this model has a narrower keel for tracking in faster water. Not sure of your budget, but I can tell you from experience these boats are built to last. https://feelfreeus.com/kayaks/fishing-kayaks/lure-13-5/ Best of luck in your quest. LM
  15. @HeyCoach my heart is with you and yours....take extra good care of yourself and your family, and because this is your FIL...Please let your wife know we are with her too.
  16. Well compared to the Titanic it is teeny! ? Hope it performs well tomorrow...First tourney of the season!!!! Woohoo!
  17. if you manage to sneak your Lund past the EP's at Wachusett please let me know...cause if you don't get caught in something that big, my teeny 12.5 ft kayak will have no problem sneaking in there! ? ??
  18. Hi guys! Hope everyone has a great weekend no matter what you're doing. I'm not fishing this weekend but was out doing a little organizing of the new yak, trying to get ready for my first tournament next Saturday. After coming in the house I started spooling the two new reels I bought (the newest Daiwa Tatula 100 H and HS) and much to my surprise I discovered I had company on the inner part of my elbow....the first tick of the season. So just a friendly reminder to keep your eyes peeled, and keep yourself safe from these little menaces. Trust me when I say an ounce of prevention is truly better than suffering through the cure! Now it's time to go study the maps for next Saturday....?
  19. @HeyCoach I am so very sorry to hear of this set back... please know my most heartfelt thoughts are with you and yours. If you don't mind a small boney shoulder, mine is here for you anytime it's needed, just send a PM. Hang in there.
  20. Hi Guys! Nice to see everyone excited for the new season. I'll finally be getting out for the first time this weekend, and goodness knows I could use some time on the water with the winter I've had. Most of you know about my dad passing, but the last two months have been on "mom duty" as she tries to recover from a hip replacement. Fun, fun, fun! Anyway, went to Concord, NH today to pick up my new ride...Feelfree Dorado125 Can't wait to drop the peddle drive in, and the motor drive and glide across the water in search of the first LMB of 2019!
  21. Mopar to ya @Catt !!!! Shall I start referring to you as Sir Mopar now!? ? Congrats on the amazing catch although I'm not sure which is more exciting, the bass or the truck...oh wait that's easy...the TRUCK!!!! Woohoo!!!! I've been taking care of my mother after a hip replacement the last few weeks so apologies for not seeing this sooner....when do we get to see pics of the new Hemi beast? Welcome to the Mopar family!
  22. Glad you still like the sunglasses, but there really is method to the madness. Amber lenses are great for visual acuity on the water, as yellow is for night driving or shooting sports. for those who may be interested here is a basic breakdown of use of colored lenses in sports https://www.hixmagazine.com/lens-color-guide-infographic-for-sports-sunglasses/
  23. I'm really sorry to hear about your father-in-law's diagnosis. It's never an easy thing for a family to face, but I am delighted to hear that you're willing to help him get back "on" the water in whatever way possible given the limitations he's facing. That being said, many of your Sportsmen's clubs would be more than happy to assist you with this; our clubs up here in frozen Yankeeland host many events (public and private) for folks with limitations. I also found this article at Alabama Outdoors https://www.outdooralabama.com perhaps you could give them a call to find out where the closest accessible location is for you. Alabama's Hunting and Fishing Trail for People with Physical Disabilities is a network of public and private recreational sites throughout the state. These facilities provide accessible fishing, shooting, and hunting opportunities for individuals with physical disabilities. These trails were developed by the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (ADCNR) in cooperation with a broad range of sponsors. Trail sponsors encourage individuals, families, friends, etc. to visit these sites and experience the joys of recreational fishing, hunting, and shooting. How Can I Use These Facilities? The fishing and shooting sites do not require registration. However, all users of these facilities must be properly licensed and abide by the regulations governing these sites. As for his ability to participate, a stable and comfortable chair, a rod holder and your willingness to assist is all he probably needs. I worked with folks with all types of limitations and a little "hand over hand" help with casting or reeling goes a long way. If that's still too much for him, I'm certain that just being included in a fishing trip will do wonders for him. There was a gentleman on another fishing forum who's dad was in similar circumstances, he ended up taking his dad to Bass Pro, handed him a rod and sat him in front of the aquarium....crazy as it sounds a fabulous time was had by all...he shared the video and I don't think there was a dry eye on any of us who saw it. My warmest thoughts and prayers for you and yours.
  24. I saw this but the MA courses aren't approved by Vermont, it's a different set of standards from most states. So I'm set in MA and I need to take the NY course, and then my kids will have to take both courses if I ever let them operate the boat before they're 18 (or MA's to operate it in MA etc). Confusing, isn't it? I agree it's a tad bit confusing, leave it to Bassachusetts to be "different". I did notice on the Vermont State Police site (who would think they were in charge of boat courses?)that Vermont residents take the online class, but they also imply that there are "in person" classes too. Have you called the VT state police to see if it's true? Hmmmm... I'd be interested to know because I like to fish VT occasionally, and this year I'd be hauling the kayak up. 12.5 ft with motor drive.
  25. Here is the list of approved courses offered by the State of MA. https://www.mass.gov/service-details/boating-safety-course-schedule Boat and Recreation Vehicle Safety Bureau Address PO Box 1325, Forestdale, MA 02644 directions Phone Call Boat and Recreation Vehicle Safety Bureau at (508) 564-4961 Open M-F 9am-5pm
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