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Everything posted by LadiMopar

  1. When I was much younger "brand/ manufacturer" wasn't even on the radar. After 50+ years I've fished a lot of different manufacturers, and I assume like most here of a certain age, you bought/used whatever fit the family budget. It just didn't matter as long as it got the job done. The first exception to that "rule" came about 35 years ago when I splurged on a custom Lamiglas rod ;7.5' MH with a fast tip (as we used to say) built for reaching lake trout/salmon in a reservoir that to this day you can't put a boat on. It was like swinging a baseball bat, but it got the bait out further than most guys could manage. Now that there is more money in the "bait monkey bank" it's Daiwa Elite Signature series rods, and the now discontinued Cabelas Tournament ZX rods, and the hands down work horse is a Cabelas Arachnid 7'1" ( all these Cabelas rods were made by Daiwa) No offense to the St.Croix guys, but my one and only 5'6" Trout series ultra light rod shattered first time out. Snapped and splintered at the second guide from the top. Had been drooling over these rods for years, and so wanted to love them, but must admit it was incredibly disappointing. As always, just my two cents..
  2. I do hope you realize I wasn't serious.... But I am when I say it you weren't on the other side of the country I'd be more than happy to teach you a few spinnerbait tricks.
  3. I know what to do with spinner bait too, and if either of you want to give yours to me I'll be happy to show the pictures of the bass I catch on your former baits! ??
  4. Hey @DanielG welcome to BR from N. Central Bassachusetts Was just up on Mousam last week, and it's a beautiful place...you're a lucky guy. Welcome back to the bass fishing addiction...wishing you tight lines!
  5. Just returned from a highly enjoyable get away in Maine, where I got the honor of fishing with a couple of the guys here at BR. Thank you both very much....you know who you are! What I learned on this trip is their water is Sooooo freaking clear the fish can see you before you can get your boat off the trailer, that they probably swim into skinny water even my kayak can't reach, and that the "Bert & Ernie (of Sesame St fame) fishing song "Here fishy, fishy, fishy" doesnt work there under any conditions! ? Am such a glutton for punishment am going back up to try again! ?
  6. The spools appear to come in deep or shallow models, but here is the link to Daiwa's Legalis [LT] product page where you can see the legend they use in the model number and what each letter/number means... sort of like a vehicle VIN number. http://www.daiwa.com/us/contents/reels/legalislt/index.html I personally have always been a fan of the BG series [Black & Gold] and still use my original BG13 which is now around 35 years old. The other spinning reel I have is a Revros 2500 which I don't use often, but performs incredibly well. All my other reels are Daiwa Tatula baitcasters CT-R, CT, 100H, 100HS, SV TWH, and the Cabela's [discontinued] Arachnid 5:3:1 which was made by Daiwa as a less expensive version of the Tatula Best of luck in your decision ...
  7. Yup, couldn't have said it better myself! ? And now that my "tween" grandsons are throwing frogs I'll probably end up buying enough of them to own stock in the company. But I'd rather spend my cash on frogs than idiotic video games! ?
  8. And for us old timers, who are somewhat stubborn about trying some of those new fangled things there is the tried and true Scum frog. Which also comes with a slightly lower price than the apparent crowd favorite....So you can get more than one, a light color and a dark one for different conditions...or just a spare in case you lose it.
  9. There are many studies on this subject, "fish communication" and it only makes sense imho that just like other species ( fur, feather etc.)use calls or scent to send info through the neighborhood, why not bass? Here's one recent article (2017) on fish communication. https://www.the-scientist.com/features/fish-use-a-variety-of-sounds-to-communicate-31950 There is also an older thread here at BR on the subject:
  10. Funny, been wondering the same thing. Have had a lot on my plate since my dad passed in December and I really figured the less than stellar season was because my mind is not as focused, but looking around the forum, as well as talking with guys on my tournament trail, it just seems to be a slow.season for a lot of folks. So don't feel like the Lone Ranger. Hopefully it picks up in the fall when water temps cool down.
  11. I pull my rudder from its mount when I move my Lures over any grade or sandy/rocky surfaces. @Bsimmzz FYI Newly designed beaver tail rudder on the Dorado swings up out of the way via a pull cord and cleat system. Makes the wheel in the keel completely accessible. While not the same as hauling a yak through the woods, I can say that the rudder stays firmly in its upright position while trailering it. (Highway, back roads, potholes, train tracks, no problem) The one issue I can see you having if hauling it in the woods is the peddle drive. The spring system is pretty stout, but for safety's sake, you might want to secure it a bit more so if the peddles got caught on anything (and the drive got pushed down in the hole) it would save the prop blade and skeg from damage.
  12. I own the new Dorado with the optional motor drive, questions...just PM me. It will definitely take a beating, and as @DogBone_384 is so fond of saying, it's an "aircraft carrier" ! ? Before the upgrade to afore mentioned Dorado, I was paddling the Lure 10. It too is as tough as nails, with a very roomy tank well, spacious deck, adequate console storage and that amazing gravity seat.
  13. Steve Ear!e, "Nowhere Road" the drive to my last tournament, to a ramp that had no signs, to a lake I'd never been to....even the GPS got lost! ?
  14. Feelfree has a tandem with peddle drive. A guy my hubby works with bought one this year and absolutely loved it.
  15. So happy to hear you are doing better, and really glad you are able enough now to get back in the yak. I wish you many, many more years of continued good health so you can enjoy every minute in your yak. I know my time in the kayak, even with the motor drive is limited. Not complaining, just stating a fact that my health issues will never improve, so I am going for it now with everything I've got. I don't believe in mourning what will be, I'm just grateful everyday for what I have now. But, that being said, I will absolutely miss being out in the yak one day, and imho you're right, some folks don't quite understand the allure of being in a kayak. As I like to say...it's an acquired taste and probably not for everyone. Like your wife, hubby would happily buy me anything I needed to keep doing what I love, including a bass boat, but its just not for me. Maybe that will change one day; never say never...right? But for the moment, I'm not ready to give up all that I get from my time out there...and really glad you aren't either. Paddle On!
  16. Welcome to BR from North Central Bassachusetts! You're not alone in the " took a break for X number of years " thing. Did it myself after losing a dear fishing buddy. Good news is, you're here and there are plenty of helping hands, and thankfully bass don't change their ways, so what ever you did learn back when still applies.? LM
  17. And we love having the opportunity to fish vicariously with you Paul. ? But back in the real world....I prefer to fish alone. Only exception, my daughter and my grandsons. Gotta keep those youngsters closer to tackle boxes, and further from X boxes.
  18. I'm a Daiwa girl through and througn, but I agree completely with Fishes in trees on this. It would be a pity to buy a rod (at most any price point) that you haven't had a chance to handle. It might not be quite as important to you guys but having a smaller hand in my case makes a big difference in how a rod feels and responds on the water. So, do take other people's thoughts with you, but do yourself a favor before locking into any one brand....try them out as best as is possible before laying down the cash.
  19. Well, that's the general idea behind using scent but remember that bass are for the most part visual hunters. They primarily rely on sight and their lateral line (which generally picks up vibration in the water) to locate a meal. That being said, scent also plays its role in the process, and back in the day Berkley used to push their Strike brand attractants by claiming it was the "scent trail" that got a fish to your bait. I still have bass attractant in my arsenal, but use it only as a last ditch effort on hard baits. So many plastics now come saturated with scent, salt etc., it hardly seems worth it. Also, I figure the more we as anglers use these products the less effective they will be over time. If you're interested in reading what the biologists think about this subject here's a link you might find useful. https://www.bassmaster.com/tips/biologists-look-bass-senses-part-3
  20. I would agree with @Mikeltee 40-65# braid and the all but indestructible Ugly Stik, as for the reel (I know you said you have one already) I would probably go with something along the lines of an older Zebco 404 or a low end priced baitcaster. When I was casting my first Deeper 3.0 on a spinning set up the bail had a tendency to close too soon (never could figure out why, worked fine without the Deeper on it) which is why I recommend a closed face or baitcaster. I love the Pro+ but now I use mine with the flex arm (original, not the new 2.0) on my kayak, with an 8 inch tablet. It's just perfect for my needs. Wishing you all the best with yours.
  21. I know this probably wasn't exactly the point you were trying to make, but I thank you. Don't have a Hobie, but my Feelfree Dorado (same $$$ point) with integrated electrical/battery box, retractable transducer arm, and unified peddle/motor drive (and a million other features) is absolutely the best of both worlds for me. As a disabled angler paddling has become an issue so this gives me the freedom to still get on the water by myself, with many of the perks of a big boat and the quiet enjoyment I got from my paddle only yak. Motor drive is optional in this model, but very important to someone like me when getting back to the ramp at days end. Just my two cents. ?
  22. Welcome to BR @orion77. I'm down here in North Central Bassachusetts, and am also a disabled angler/kayaker so I get where you're coming from for ease of access. Found this link that lists all the public ramps in Maine, sortable by town etc., and also seems to list other amenities (handicap accessible, restrooms for each) https://www.maine.gov/dacf/parks/water_activities/boating/public_boat_launches/boat_sites.shtml Wishing you all the best and feel free to PM me if there's anything I can help you with to get to or on the water. LM
  23. Well @DogBone_384 you won't have any trouble finding your truck in a Nor'easter!
  24. Thanks for the lead on possible manufacturer, I'll see if I can locate any of their older stuff. I know that many of the tackle manufacturers had their start in little home based shops in and around Oklahoma back in the day, and some just never made it out of the local market ; so at best I figure I'm swinging for the fences trying to figure out who made these, but had to give it a try. Fishing in Bassachusetts is very different than in your neck of the woods. When I fished OK I had never seen water so muddy, and I'd never experienced so many submerged trees/stumps. For the most part our water is crystal clear to mildly stained. As for this crazy little spinner bait, it runs well up here and the bass seems to go for it. Maybe because not everyone is using others like it; it thumps pretty dang hard even with that small Colorado blade, and as I said in the OP that soft plastic arm comes through cover really well. Thanks again for the lead.? LM
  25. The new Feelfree Dorado 125, or as @DogBone_384 would call it...the aircraft carrier! ? Peddle and motor drive all in one unit. A screaming 6 mph ride..okay, not exactly screaming but really fun ...look Mom, no paddles...weeeeee!
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