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Everything posted by LadiMopar

  1. I don't know about seller's remorse, but I can tell you that I've had several serious offers from guys who wanted to trade a bass boat for my kayak. They all seemed to be interested in getting out from under the expense of a big rig.
  2. Awesome as always Paul. Can't wait to see the video! ?
  3. Nice save!!!! I wasn't so lucky this year and my former favorite top water rod is probably a foot deep in soft mud...on the bright side it gave me an excuse to upgrade to a Daiwa Elite Signature series rod...hate when that happens! ?
  4. Would you give that same advice for securing it to a trailer?
  5. Absolutely agree, but will add one small caveat here; every yak is designed differently and I noticed a huge difference in layout, comfort and overall performance (mine and the yaks) when I upgraded from a 10 ft paddle model to a 12.5 ft peddle/motor drive model by the same manufacturer. Suddenly every thing felt foreign, and the reason I mention this is you said you have used other kayaks in the past. Don't expect a fishing yak to move or feel like any of the others you've been in. Have patience, don't be in a rush to outfit it, and perhaps take a second look at the model you're planning to buy to make sure it's basic layout fits your needs.
  6. That's all I use my backup camera for..well almost the only thing...I find it useful in parking lots as a "blind spot viewer" to make sure there aren't any kids or little old ladies back there before completely turning around, arm on the passenger seat, use the side mirrors...you know the old fashioned way of backing up! In my case, first the key fob is hooked to the inside "water resistant" pocket of my PFD, and secondly, the Mopar key fob has the old fashioned key inside the fob. Just slide a small button over, pull up/out and voila! real key!
  7. Took forever to get used to the "push button" ignition, but while not sure of other brands, Mopar gives the option to pop that button off and use an old fashioned key! ?
  8. Congrats on the boat. Hope it gives you many years of enjoyment. ????
  9. All things being equal in your post of time/space: if the Earth fell off its axis then where would it go? And more importantly where would we go in that process??? Please say we would go to Bass heaven, please, please, please.
  10. You're not confused, the bass are just being picky eaters...sort of like my grandkids! No, I don't want to eat Green Pumpkin today, do you have that in Red Devil Shad or Chartreuse? Oh, and I'd like that on 20# braid not Fluoro
  11. I completely concur with @DogBone_384 on the pros of the Feelfree Lure series of yaks. @KozI have a Lure 10 [paddle only/no rudder available] and the new Feelfree Dorado 125 [peddle/motor drive] and it really sounds like as others have stated you probably really needed to have the kayak adjusted for your physical needs [seat height, paddle length etc] As for it leaning to one side or the other I've found it's really important when you are first learning to make sure you are well centered on the seat. It sort of freaked me out too my first few times until I realized I was the problem, and not the yak. The Lure series is amazingly stable, but it does come at a small cost in ease of paddling/tracking, and again, I thought the Lure 10 was like paddling a bathtub when I first started, but once my skill set improved so did everything else. I can't really offer an opinion about other brands of fishing kayak because after a year of research I narrowed my choice down to the Feelfree Lure to accommodate my physical limitations, and the amazing seat was a big plus, as was the wheel in the keel in that process. There are as many choices in fishing yaks as there are anglers who use them. Do a little research at places like Kayak Angler magazine and Gearwear https://www.gearweare.com/review/best-fishing-kayaks/ [Updated 5/2019] to help you narrow down your choices based on your needs...and best of luck.
  12. Spinnerbait, spinnerbait and oh yah, spinnerbait! Threw them everywhere and anywhere just to see what they would produce..slow rolling, steady retrieve, burning them, crank/pause etc., and then started swapping out different blades: willow, Colorado, Indiana, gold/silver; combinations of colors, hammered, smooth..yup! It was all about the spinnerbait...then graduated to buzzbait, crankbait, and reluctantly gave in to plastics. I still love spinnerbait, but find that I don't use them very often now...and many of the ones I own are "antiques" and I'd sure hate to lose any of them.
  13. A couple of the younger guys [about your age] on my tournament trail have one of those Bass Raider type boats, and a kayak between them [one fishes out of the yak the other the boat] and I've never seen either of them be able to manhandle the boat alone. Just as you describe they have it pretty well striped down and have to add everything else after it's on the ramp. It probably takes them about 15-20 minutes to get it all done. As for an inflatable, have friends who have used those in the past ; problem there was getting the darn thing inflated, then loaded with gear ramp side...took close to 40 minutes. Of course you could shave some time off of that because you have a truck to haul it, these other folks didn't. The only other draw back they always talked about was the tiny pin hole leaks from snagging the thing with hooks. They spent a lot of time chasing the leaks and then repairing them. A fishing kayak might be a better option and here is a link to YT video review of Fishing Yaks Under $500. Good luck in making your decision. LM
  14. I love being the first one on the ramp at O'dark thirty, and this morning it really was dark at 5AM. Needed the headlamp, and the lights on the back of the truck cab. Usually up by 3, so I can have that leisurely cup of caffeine and double check the trailer, the yak, and the rods I want for the day...on the road by 4:30 -4:45 After getting to the ramp and setting up...first light is on the water
  15. Oooooow and it's a dualie....sweet!
  16. Excerpt from National Institute of Drug Addiction article: However, scientific study of the chemicals in marijuana, called cannabinoids, has led to two FDA-approved medications that contain cannabinoid chemicals in pill form. Continued research may lead to more medications. The FDA requires carefully conducted studies (clinical trials) in hundreds to thousands of human subjects to determine the benefits and risks of a possible medication. So far, researchers haven't conducted enough large-scale clinical trials that show that the benefits of the marijuana plant (as opposed to its cannabinoid ingredients) outweigh its risks in patients it's meant to treat. To read the entire article: https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/marijuana-medicine October 11, 2011 By David Matson In the battle between states and the federal government regarding medical marijuana, some might be surprised to find out that the feds currently grow and supply several patients with their own pot to treat pain and other illnesses. Though they no longer accept new patients, the federal medical marijuana program flies in the face of their stance on state-run programs. The full article: https://www.drugpossessionlaws.com/federal-medical-marijuana-program/
  17. Well the fact that you were born here in Bassachusetts explains everything
  18. Hmmm...can't imagine why...too bad FF didn't have that color for your 11.5 it would match your truck!
  19. Funny you should ask that because I've been tossing a few around in my head all season...maybe I should let you guys put it to a vote, or make suggestions. ✔️❌ 1.) USS Bass-Hawk CVA1 * 2.) USS Inferno CVA2 [because of the color- Fire Camo] 3.) USS B.A.Y. [big A** yak] CVA3 *[CVA (attack aircraft carrier)]
  20. Hope to get out this afternoon now that I've replaced the shear pin in the "aircraft carriers" peddle drive. ?
  21. Here's the link to the MA boat registration requirements, and the application you'll need to do so when you're ready. Welcome to BR and Bassachusetts! ? https://www.mass.gov/boat-registration As for your question about tax: Generally, if you paid a Sales tax of 6.25% or more to another state, you would not have to pay a Use tax to Massachusetts. See TIR 03-1 for more information. If you paid less than a 6.25% Sales tax to another state and registered your purchase with that state, you would owe the difference to Massachusetts, if your purchase was brought into Massachusetts for use within 6 months. https://www.mass.gov/info-details/sales-and-use-tax-on-boats-recreational-off-highway-vehicles-and-snowmobiles
  22. Been using both CBD and medical marijuana for my chronic pain condition for several years now. My best advice to you is to buy your CBD from a licensed dispensary. Here in MA we have a great one that now sells to the public (no medical marijuana card required) and each batch is made in-house (seed to sale control) batch tested, dated and labeled with those test results. If you want more info on this just PM me.
  23. @DanielG that is pretty dang amazing...and now I know what to look for when I get back up your way.
  24. Might be up again in October...Will definitely look for you! ?
  25. If you think that law about the creek bed ownership is bad you ought to see the ones that concern the selling/buying and use of air. Not kidding here, people buy and sell rights to the freaking air....gosh I love being a paralegal! ?
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