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Everything posted by LadiMopar

  1. Been doing some reconnaissance here in North Central Ma (Leominster, Boyalston, Shirley, Pepperell etc) most of the ponds are still pretty well locked up except in areas that have significant moving water. Some recession around the shallow edges but not enough to wet a line. Drove around Wachusett yesterday and it too is pretty solidly locked up but the Quinapoxit river that feeds it is open, but like The Quabbin doesn't open until April 1. The Nashua River is wide open but running extremely high and fast in all the locations I've looked at. Tried my luck at the Groton ramp this week (from the shore, not ready to put the yak in) using a half oz jig and the current is so fast it couldn't hit bottom (abt.13 ft in the channel) before being carried 20 yards off. Scoped out some of the more easily accessible pockets with quieter, more shallow water (2-6 ft) and didn't see any activity; no bait fish, heck not even a ripple in the silt. Still it was good to be out, and I hope to get back this week if for no other reason than to practice and fine tune my casting after months in captivity.
  2. I found this reply from Harbor freight to a customer inquiry regarding the suspension of sales of their utility trailers. Thank you for contacting Harbor Freight Tools. It has come to our attention that some of our utility trailer tires and replacement tires are not in compliance with certain DOT standards. We are temporarily suspending the sale of our utility trailers and replacement trailer tires while we conduct additional *pliance tests. We regret any inconvenience and appreciate your business. Here is the link to the rest of the article: https://www.hfhacks.com/threads/what-happened-to-harbor-freight-trailers-online.15/
  3. I was looking at Harbor freight for a trailer and it appears they are no longer selling them. Just parts, pieces, and accessories. I'm taking a serious look at Northern tools jet ski trailer for my kayak but they did have some pretty good looking utility types that may fit your needs. Best of luck in your search. LM
  4. I too tried the P-line (can't remember the specifics except it was fluoro) and no matter what I tied on to it I got a back lash...on a spinning reel no less. Could not seem to soften the memory so it hit the recycle bin at BPS. It wasn't worth the grief IMHO. Went back to my tried and true Ande Tournament Green mono for the spinning gear....braid on the baitcasters.
  5. Lowell lake in Londonderry VT. Quiet, good ramp, plenty of shallows and Lily pads...it's a state park but no entry fee. Caught a couple nice bass there last year in just an afternoon.
  6. Thanks, this is really helpful. Don't figure I'd be out all night, but it's good to know I'd have less chance of being run over at O-dark-thirty. ?
  7. Nice catch! And I bet it was easier than finding one that size up here in Frozen Yankee land almost any time of year! LM
  8. Good to know that getting hung up hasn't been an issue. This option is looking a little better than I originally thought it would. We are not required to have lights on "unpowered vessels less than 23 feet" with the exception of a flashlight in Massachusetts.
  9. Thanks for this suggestion Choporoz, this would definitely be a cheaper choice than the Yak Power system which runs about $200 for their bow to stern system. Certainly easier to install as well. My Lure 10 comes with a track system so no modifications would need to be made. I see it is collapsible which is a great feature, but am curious if you can use it at a shorter length? Lots of low hanging branches here in New England. Thanks again for the info, very helpful to my decision process. LM
  10. Hey everybody! Looking for a little input on kayak lighting systems. I have a Feelfree Lure 10 in desert camo (mostly shades of brown) that is not that easy to see (even in broad daylight I'm told) and being out on the water long before sunrise is a concern on some bodies of water with higher boat traffic. So I currently have a couple of those portable battery (AAA batteries) operated lights which are not reliable, and really want to upgrade this year for safety if nothing else. Right now I am leaning heavily towards the Yak Power system. Has anyone used these and if so how are they holding up? Do they give enough light? How is the battery usage? If anyone is using another system I'd be interested to know the particulars so I can weigh the pros and cons to make an appropriate decision. Many thanks in advance! LM
  11. Hey Bankbasser! Welcome to the best bass forum (IMHO) around. Glad you've come back to the fishing world. Like you I took a small hiatus from the angling world after the loss of a long time fishing buddy and the closing of a small Mom and Pop tackle shop I managed. (We were pushed out by a big blue mega store with the first initial W ...hmmm can't imagine who that was) My point being is so much of my gear was either too small, too light or for some species other than our magical green friend when I finally returned to our sport. Ultra light gear was the name of the game back then, but like you said not really up to snuff for LMB. I couldn't believe how things had changed; so many new baits, rods, reels and ways of rigging things...Made this gals head spin just trying to figure out what was hot and what was hype. So wishing you all the best as you navigate your way toward new gear. I know it would have been easier for me if I'd been on this forum! Tight lines! LM
  12. I'll second the Daiwa BG, still in love with my 30 year old BG 13, it has taken a lickin' and with a little TLC is still doing the job with ease. Also have the Daiwa Revros 2500H that is paired with a Cabela 7' XML Bass rod. Great in the kayak for those finesse techniques. Best of luck in making your decision. LM
  13. I have the Deeper Sonar [standard not Pro or Pro+] and used it all last season on my Lure 10. Best investment I made so far for the yak. I use mine with the flex arm mount attached to the frame of my seat. You can get a great deal on the flex arm at Amazon. About half the price of everyone else. I fish a lot of small water here in Massachusetts, which can be really choked out with lily pads and the Deeper just glides on through with very few issues of getting hung up or tangled. Because I need to be accessible at all times I have chosen to link my sonar to a tablet. After 4+ hours on the water it was draining the cellphone battery down to nothing because the brightness of the screen had to be turned up. The tablet is a refurbished one that I bought for under $100 and the extra screen size is nice, much easier to read than the cell phone. Also bring a backup battery to keep the tablet charged. I can get about 6 hours on it before needing to recharge. I run mine in boat mode all the time in the yak so I can then have maps of all my local water, many of which have no topo maps available. One of the nice things about this sonar is if you don't cover an entire pond/lake the first time in boat mode the next time your on that same water it maps any new areas you cover and adds it to the original file. If you have any specific questions I can answer for you please feel free to ask, or send a message. Be happy to try and help you. LM
  14. Thanks for the link! Will check it out soon. LM
  15. Great idea to use that container with individual removable compartments. I thought about one of those a long time back, mostly to keep all those different colored plastics from bleeding on to each other...tye dye grubs and creatures aren't always very effective. ? What made me decide against it was the price tag! Saw my first one at one of those big craft stores and they wanted over $40. Was yours cheaper than that? If not guess I'll just keep mine in the bags they come in for while longer.
  16. You are most welcome. I have a grandson not a whole lot younger than you and I would give him the same advice. Why spend more for the brand name if they are making the same product for someone else? I own several Cabela reels and have been very happy with all of them. Once upon a time I sold tackle for a living, and if you don't mind a little more advice I'll tell you what I told my customers...many of whom were military and didn't have a ton of cash..buy the best quality you can reasonably afford. Going into debt to have the newest, biggest, hottest thing on the shelf will not necessarily make you a better angler; observation, practice and "education" applied consistently will put you on the path to being the best angler you can be. And if you take extra good care of your equipment, it will take care of you for many years to come. That being said, I'm curious to know if you are hoping/planning for a future as a professional angler, fishing guide or other environmental professional? If you'd like to message me privately you're welcome to do that. LM
  17. Hey Livemusic, I can't really add anything to this discussion in regards to type or model of boat, but I just wanted to express how truly heart warming it is to see this level of brotherly love and support. Folks like you do us all a great service by reminding us about what is important in this life. I hope you find just the right boat, and that you and your brother spend many happy hours on the water enjoying each other's company as well as making great memories. All the best-selling LM
  18. My vote for your baitcaster is definitely the Tatula or if you want essentially the same reel at a little less money see if you can get the Arachnid from Cabelas. It's made by Daiwa ( as are most of their reels) and has one more ball bearing than the Tatula. I have one and it casts like a dream...plus had a little extra cash for other tackle. Wishing you all the best young angler...Keep us updated on your progress. LM
  19. My point exactly Sofla! Thanks for sharing that and elaborating on my personal "definition" of what a " good" bass angler is. Keep paying forward! ??
  20. Being a "good" angler is a relative term, but the best anglers I have encountered are not the ones who think they're good by way of those usual measuring sticks...big boat, tons of tackle, tournament wins etc...for me the measure of a good angler is the one who takes the time to help a newbie, teach a child, respect the environment..and loves doing it for no other reason but the love and future of our sport. and if we catch a few memorable ones along the way, all the better.
  21. With my deepest sympathies Tom, to you and your friends family. I too know the loss of a long time fishing buddy and from that experience all I can say is the memories we cherish today just get sweeter with time. Take extra good care of yourself in this difficult time. LM
  22. Greetings from Frozen Yankeeland! Nice intro, have you thought about a fishing kayak rather than a small "boat"? Did the better part of 50 years from the shoreline accept when I borrowed my dad's old flat bottom 10 footer which fit nicely in the bed of my truck....until the truck found a new owner. Got a new truck and a yak to go with it last season....and to paraphrase Martin Luther King...free at last, free at last!!!! ????? Hope you manage to find a little time to do a tournament or two. I'm hoping to do the same! LM
  23. I have a Feelfree Lure 10 which I have been super happy with this year. It's my first kayak ever so I can't really comment from tons of experience, but, I'm just shy of 6 ft tall and maybe half your weight, and was incredibly comfortable with the ten foot. The lure is 36 inches wide, plenty of room to stand up, and more than ample room for gear. I keep a crate with a bag/cover behind the seat so all my tools are easy to reach with outer pockets, and I keep my anchor, 3 Plano water proof tackle boxes and my Ram mounts inside the crate. The bag came with 2 rod holders so I can have 4 rods within easy reach. The center console is ample space for the cell phone and an extra battery pack for my tablet, which I use to run my Deeper Sonar. (Another great piece of gear imho) As for the paddling part I found the Lure 10 to be pretty easy to maneuver even in fairly heavy cover (Lilly pads etc.) and given that I am dealing with some physical limitations this is a positive in my book. What really sort of surprised me was how fast this yak moves in the wind given that it's 70 lbs. before me and my gear are in it. There was more than one occasion when I found myself spinning around, or blowing across the water in a stiff breeze. The little 3 lb. anchor isn't quite enough to hold you in place when that happens. ? Weeeeeee!!!!!! ---------- But, seriously I looked at a lot of other yaks before I decided on the Lure 10. Researched for close to a year, but still went and looked at my short list models before finally committing. The wheel in the keel and the gravity seat (which is super comfy and highly adjustable) were the biggest selling points for me. I hope some of this helps you, I know you are looking at the Moken, and I did too, but the Lure was the better choice for me. They are both extremely well made, so it comes down to a matter of personal preference. Keep us posted and if there is anything else I can share about the Lure just give a holler. LM
  24. Absolutely! 2018 will be a whole new adventure for me with any luck at all. Thinking very seriously about doing a few kayak bass tournaments if I can find the time. I don't work a real job anymore, but caring for my elderly parents is a full time gig which sort of limits time on the water. Not complaining, just stating a fact. Anyway, maybe we'll bump into each other one day at KTP. I have a fishing buddy who's been eager to get up there so maybe it's time for a road trip! LM
  25. According to a great video I saw with Mike Iaconelli on fall bass fishing it's all about...Bait,bait,bait,bait,bait!!!!!! The natural kind of course, Watching him come unglued, as only he can, muttering this long litany of "bait" like a freaking machine gun had me roflmao. One tip that will be hard to forget! ????????
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