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Everything posted by LadiMopar

  1. I'm all for GONE! We need another one of those 80 degree days like we had 3 weeks ago...
  2. Looks like you're going to miss out on this one according to the accuweather forecast. Mostly a Coastal/New England thing (NYC, Boston, Portland) Woohoo! another 12+ inches, how #$%&@ lucky can we get? Ugh! Maybe I'll just go crawl under my trucks bed cover and hug my tackle boxes while praying to the fish gods.
  3. Bravo! Smalls and Shimano1. It's always heartwarming to hear these stories, and reminds me of my own humble beginnings when I had what I called the "friendship tackle box", filled with gear that was given to me for similar reasons. Grateful that today I can afford to pay it forward , and contribute to other "friendship tackle boxes".
  4. Before heading over here to Mdlsx county please be aware that due to the crazy weather many of the waters that were open are now skimmed over again. Was out and about yesterday between Ayer and Hudson and saw more ice than I have in a couple weeks. If there is a particular place you have in mind, and it's not too far East of me I'd be happy to try and put eyes on it for you. PM me if you like. LM
  5. Hey Bryan, Welcome to the forum! While I can agree that "Just get out there and do it" is great advice, as is joining a bass club, try to find a local Mom/Pop type of tackle shop in your area. I've worked for several in my area over the years and if you find a good one they can be an endless source of straight forward, useful information about the how, why, when and where questions most new comers have. They're also great places to meet up with some old timers who, in my experience, are usually happy to take a newbie under their fin! And you'll not only get the benefit of their experience, you'll most likely get some highly entertaining stories to share! LM
  6. Can't speak for anyone else Paul but it's the "nerdy lecture format" that, pardon the pun, "reeled" me in. What are those bass doing? And why do they do it? Always a great question in my mind, even as a kid (which was a day or two ago) so I really appreciate the opportunity to hear what you have to share...and to peek under the water and see what you have discovered! Keep up the good work! LM
  7. Hate to be redundant here, but the seat was one of the biggest considerations when I was researching my yak. The "gravity seat" in my Feelfree is perfect for me, but I recommend that you try before you buy anything. Unless you have a hardened steel spine, and posterior to match a full day in an uncomfortable seat will imho suck every bit of joy out of your day. Best of luck in your search. LM
  8. I've learned that a gal can NEVER have too many Tackle bags! Or matching Plano boxes! And that this is the extent of my idea of "fashion"!
  9. Paul Roberts (a member here at BR) and his "Nature of Fishing" channel is my favorite information packed channel. Also really enjoy Chad Hoover, Bassresource, The Bass College and because I'm in the Northeast "Keepin it Reel Fishing.
  10. Rick Clunn is 72 years young this year, and watching him during the Bassmaster Elite on the St John's in 2016 was nothing short of Amazing! At 70 not only could he fish circles around a lot of those younger guys [skill and technique], but I figure there are quite a few he could physically run circles around! Heck, I got tired just watching him, but then he did bring in a whopping 81.15 lbs of bass in four days. And if that's not a full blown workout I don't know what is! That being said, I don't think overall motivation towards our sport is a problem for these guys; [I've yet to see any of these guys not act like a kid when they swing a lunker in the boat] but as we get older I think priorities/responsibilities change. Just an observation.... These guys you mention have all had pretty amazing careers in a sport/industry that is imho incredibly unique. Unlike other pro sports where you are guaranteed a paycheck by contract and sponsorship pays the bills probably to a greater degree post pro career, fishing for a living really seems to require solid sponsorship to have that professional career. So, if I were a sponsor I can only assume that the lions share of dollars would be given to the "up and coming" which could have a bearing on, at the very least, how often these legendary guys compete. But if there was such a thing as "Make a Wish" for bass fishing folks, I'd be hoping every single day to have just one day on the water with Rick Clunn no matter what...even if he never won another tournament, although I'd be thrilled if he did.
  11. Bass water recon- I use my trucks Navigation system to "see" the water I can't see from the road...now if they could just add the bathymetry to those maps!
  12. If you're going to cash out points for a gift card my choice would be Cabelas, but given what the gang at my local Cabelas says, you might want to do it pretty soon before they get completely consumed by BPS. News from the Cabelas "inner circle" is there will be no more coupons very soon. I would never make a suggestion about what to buy with that gift card but you might want to look at items in the Bargain Cave (cabela) because they are discontinuing a ton of stuff due to the merger. Bassela's....going forward together and straight off a cliff!
  13. Sorry about the lack of fish on the line, but you certainly gained some useful knowledge for the future. That I guess is the beauty of this time of year, recon can be the silver lining to a less than productive day. Hope your next trip will be more productive fish wise.
  14. So inquiring mind wants to know which lake won out, and did you have any success?
  15. Okay guys, first I want to say thanks to all of you for your valuable input, and secondly I want to say thanks for twisting my arm just hard enough to make me change my mind about the Yak Power system...a Visipole it is! Now, should I get run down by a big bass boat (and I survive) I'm going to expect all you guys to chip in for my medical expenses! ? (Just kidding) ??????
  16. I'm a Scum frog gal, really love the Bigfoot model! Makes tons of noise with those big flat fluke feet!
  17. I'll second that!
  18. My one and only custom built rod(7.5 ft. two piece Lamiglas MH/F) had/has a very specific purpose; land locked salmon and lake trout used on a body of water that no boat of any kind is allowed on (drinking water supply). At the time I had the rod made there was literally no commercial equivalent available. (30+ years ago) Everything was "ultra light" and if you've ever had the opportunity to hunt monster lake trout you'll understand that "ultra light" wasn't going to get the job done, especially from the bank. My point is, if you're not in need of something for a very specific job, and an all purpose, multi species rod will more than adequately do the job for now, perhaps it would be better to hold off on a custom rod until such time as you have a more specific need. Far be it from me to tell anyone how to spend their money, but with so many excellent rods available OTS for "all around use" you may be happier in the long run to fine tune the pros and cons of what you really want/need in a custom rod. Just my 2 cents... LM
  19. Check out Granite State Rod and Reel in Nashua.
  20. Take a kid fishing does accept gear year round via your preferred shipping method, or direct from retail/manufacturers. All they ask is you email in advance of your donation. Used Fishing Equipment. Want to donate your used fishing equipment, please send us an e-mail with a list of things you would like to donate and we will let you know the details.
  21. MA (home waters), VT, NH and hoping to add ME this year thanks to a very generous invitation from a BR member!
  22. The Ike Foundation: https://theikefoundation.org Cast for Kids: http://castforkids.org NC Wildlife Resource Commission: http://www.ncwildlife.org/Fishing/Learn-Resources/Programs/TLP (not kid specific, but a rod/reel tackle free loan program) Take a kid fishing: http://www.takf.net/Donate.html Also, check out your local Sportsmen's clubs. Most have charitable fishing events for kids, vets and folks with special needs and they can always use extra gear, and hands to volunteer. Hope this helps.
  23. Sorry the kid didn't catch anything, but it was wonderful that you took the time to take him. This is what I love about our sport. Don't know how old this kid is but he was probably listening more than either of you realise, and with any luck at all one day he'll surprise you by doing everything exactly as you said. With age comes wisdom, or so it's said. Hats off to you DB!
  24. Very funny DB! But not exactly the definition of "Yankee" I was aiming for. But then again North Central Mass is a completely different country from you folks nearer the "big city" of Bah-sten! Heck you all even talk funny...must have something to do with the air quality inside Rt. 128! ? ? ?
  25. On average,once the ice is out here in Frozen Yankee land, I can usually get out between 6-10 times in a month. If all the stars are aligned perfectly then that might jump to 12-15, but that is rare. Have a few steady waters I like to hit, especially if time is limited, but every season I try to get out on at least 2-3 new ones. Winter is my time to do reconnaissance for new water, study the bathymetry maps (if available) and read any info available, then as we get closer to ice out to do the visual recon.
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