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Everything posted by LadiMopar

  1. Yup, know what you mean, not much on the full handle either but in spite of that I'm sure it will get used a ton this season. I do own one other full handle rod, which is essentially retired now. It's 35 years old, and custom built/wrapped 7.5 ft Lamiglas (MH w fast tip) It's like swinging a freaking baseball bat now. And it's a spinning rod that usually sports a Daiwa BG13. Had it made for fishing Wachusett back in the day when I was hunting lake trout and landlocked salmon. A 1 oz egg sinker and a big ol pike (live shiner) and that thing would fly twice as far as everyone else! No more of that for me, I am all about our magical green friends...give me bass or give me death is pretty much the motto for this gal. As for the AGS, well it would be really awesome but figure that cash is better spent, at least this year, on a trailer for my yak. Then I can disappear at 0 dark-thirty and leave hubby at home with the feathered "child" (aka my African grey parrot) Free at last! Free at last! Woohoo!!!
  2. These are hot off the press so to speak....here are the specs. TAEL701MHRB-G Takahiro Omori CRANKIN' MH R 7'0" 1 10-20 1/2-2 Fuji®Alconite Tatula Elite Rods are designed with SVF™ Nanoplus Super Volume Fiber blanks for increased sensitivity and less weight. Crankbait rods are designed with GLATECH™ fiberglass / graphite construction needed for a slower reacting blank. The slower reacting blank is needed for the proper action of the crankbaits and allows fish to inhale baits better and not tear hooks. This will result in improve hook ratio while allowing and you increased sensitivity due to the graphite wrapped blank construction. All blanks have Daiwa’s X45® BIAS graphite fiber construction which prevents twisting and ovalization of the blanks for increased casting accuracy and improved distance. Our Pros had the opportunity choose either Daiwa exclusive Air Guide System (AGS) for more sensitivity or Fuji® Alconite guides. The team could also choose our Daiwa custom reel seat or Fuji ® reels seat upon their preference and to round out the series are elevated looking grey EVA foam grips for greater comfort. Daiwa’s Exclusive Super Volume Fiber-Modulus” SVF™” Graphite blanks or GLATECH™ Fiberglass construction X45® Bias Graphite construction prevents twisting of blanks for casting accuracy Daiwa AGS guides or Fuji® Alconite ring guides Daiwa Exclusive custom designed reel seats or Fuji® reel seats Limited 5 Year Warranty
  3. Breaking out the yak this weekend for the first time this season. Going to hit a local puddle that was good for early LMB, and will be an easy paddle. Bought a new reel and rod this month and am itching to try them out! Daiwa Tatula CT Type R XS (8-3) and a Daiwa Tatula Elite signature series cranking rod! Woohoo!!!!!
  4. I'll second that, and I too am a long time die hard Daiwa fan.
  5. While I certainly can't speak for the entire sisterhood ( nor would I try to) "pink" anything related to outdoor fishing/hunting would not be welcome anywhere within a hundred miles of me. And even that might be too close. Just my two cents.
  6. As of right now you can count me in.... do we get to go play at BPS for dessert? ?
  7. Hi DrewD44! Nice to see another angler from my neighborhood! Please forgive the question, but you mention Wachusett reservoir in your post, are you currently wetting a line there? I'm really hoping I misunderstood the gist of your post because Wachusett doesn't officially open until April 1st. I'd hate to see you get bagged by the EP's
  8. Hey Scottyboy, Sent you a PM last week, not sure if you saw it, but I'm a certified independent paralegal. I would be happy to help you any way I can (at no cost to you of course). I have access to your states statutes, case law etc., so please feel free to reach out. LM
  9. Is this 4th Nor'easter that's going to whack us tomorrow your doing? Who do you know in the "man upstairs weather department"? Or do you own stock in a marshmallow factory? Ugh!!!!! I like winter, but enough is enough...Happy Vernal Equinox everyone!
  10. Yup, 1976, 1977, 1984 and 1990....but who's counting? ?
  11. He won his first classic in 1976, and published his book in 1978...trying to decide on which version I want on the bookcase; hardbound or paperback. They are out of print now but have a line on them at amazon. Either way probably as close as I will ever get to "meeting" the man himself.
  12. It would be an absolute honor to help anyway you think I could Central NH is just an hour or so up the street (Concord area) from me so just give a holler...the big brown RAM is always up for a road trip.
  13. My pleasure, anything I can do to help young people get outdoors and of course enhance the future of our sport. You may have already seen this site, but in case you haven't...New Hampshire Interscholastic Athletic Association (Bass fishing pages) http://www.nhiaa.org/sports/fall/coed-bass-fishing
  14. National Fishing in Schools Program: http://fishinginschools.org https://www.fishusa.com/Donations FishUSA .... Because we specialize in fishing tackle and related products, we reserve our support for groups, causes and events that directly involve fishing or the fishing community. If your request is for a fishing-related group, cause or event, please complete and submit the form below. And an article I found right here at BR... https://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_123/funding_06.html Future fisherman's foundation: http://www.futurefisherman.org Hope these are helpful. LM
  15. I think, no wait, as unbecoming as this is.... I know I'm jealous. ?
  16. Showing my age with this, but yes I do. Watched him with my dad. Like others here Bill Dance, Hank Parker, Roland Martin, but the guy who still inspires is the Legendary Rick Clunn. On the not at all famous side is of course my Dad, and my grandfather who passed when I was 6. Not many true memories of him, but plenty of Fishing stories from my dad who fished with him all the time. Keep a picture of him in my tackle box for luck.
  17. Say it isn't so, please,please,please, say it isn't so! ⛄❄⛄❄⛄❄⛄?
  18. We call those little guys "Peepers" here in MA and aside from the Bard Owls whooting in the spring those tree frogs singing is just music to my little bass fishing ears! Thanks for restoring a little of my hope that in spite of 3 Nor'easters in less than two weeks Spring really will return.
  19. Glad I wasn't the only one thinking this. And Whipper Plipper, if you really are just a very young man of 10, my hat is off to you for your writing skill. Couple that with your bass fishing education and maybe one day we'll be reading pearls of wisdom from you in Bassmaster magazine.
  20. Nicely done, and at the risk of being redundant I'm also in the "prefer no music" camp but if you are working towards a social media following I can understand why you added it. That being said, life is too short to worry about the little stuff, do what makes you happy!
  21. Ice was out..now it's back and with 3 Nor'easters in less than two weeks here it'll be June before the snow disappears again. With today's storm we're up to about 3 feet of the nasty white stuff...ugh!
  22. So glad to hear that the rod is repaired and you're happy with the results. Now we just need some better weather so you can get out there and use it! LM
  23. You're correct, Plowshop is just behind the Ayer District Court, as is Grove pond. They do have some monsters in there BUT.... please be warned that you should never take any fish from those waters for eating. Plowshop/Grove once had leather tanneries on them so the chemical waste has contaminated everything. I hear tell from one of my old timers that folks have found some disturbing critters in that water (frogs with two heads, highly deformed fish) I was also warned for all reasons above to wear gloves so your skin is protected....use of a fish gripper is recommended. Sad isn't it? If you come down this way there are several other great bass ponds without the hazmat issues. Badacook in Groton, Knopps pond also in Groton - both are popular tournament waters. Lake Shirley is very productive, and another popular tournament lake, but also very busy with boat traffic, jet skis etc. As for the Nor'easter barreling down on us just saw the totals for the Rt 495 area are increasing...again! We went from a scant 5-9 inches yesterday to....drum roll please...12-16+ Ugh!!!!!! Possibly 20+ for some of us. On that note I'm going to resume hugging my tackle boxes and praying to the sun and Fish gods! Stay safe everyone!
  24. Hey Crestliner2008 I'll happily trade you those itty bitty 6 inches (translated = flurry) for the 17 we got last storm, and the 14+ we're getting tomorrow! I won't even throw in the 45 mph winds, or the power outages...sound like a deal?
  25. Didnt you know that it was BOGO at Turtlewarehouse this week? Just amazing! ????
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