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Everything posted by LadiMopar

  1. Thought some of you might like to see this article on one of our local tackle shops and its owner. http://www.newburyportnews.com/news/local_news/plum-island-fishing-community-remembers-kay/article_4a463831-975f-5556-9060-dac7572a71a5.html
  2. With that Twitch bar option I can only imagine the possibilities with jigs, jerkbait, and other topwater lures like frogs. I have been a loyal Daiwa gal for abt 40 years unfortunately this is one reel I have not had the honor to try out, but from everything I have read about it I may end up with one in my arsenal. Here is a link to a Viento thread here at BR https://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/114927-daiwa-viento-baitcasting-reel/ Hope it helps you
  3. Sorry for your reptilian problems...and I thought.angry beavers and snapping turtles would hurt like a stick in a butt cheek....I stand corrected! ?? Gotta love a 12 year olds ability to think this stuff up...but will be sure not to mention it to my 12 yr old grandson
  4. Greetings from N. Central Bassachusetts!
  5. Welcome back to Bassachusetts! But you could have left this triple H weather down in VA. I'll help pay the postage if you send it back!!!!
  6. Smart move, there's plenty of water and fish to go around in NY, never could wrap my brain around that elbow to A-hole mentality....I like a little room to move personally...of course the other thought I've had about that is, if the fish were hunting us would they have H2O videos on why humans stack up on the bank in certain seasons? ?
  7. Are you planning a trip to the Salmon river in Pulaski? Used to go there with my former father-in-law. It was quite the experience, although I don't recommend ever going on opening day; unless you like being snagged and have really good medical insurance! ?? !
  8. That's a lot of plastic (turtle o'doom) for a 1/0 offset, 4/0 is the manufacturers recommended size. I tried 3/0 and found that the smaller LMB were just barely connecting because they couldn't quite inhale the turtle far enough to really drive the hook in. The 1/0 might be part of the reason that poor turtle lost his head ? They do have great action, and even the real turtles stop and look!
  9. Glad the turtle o'doom is still getting those bronze fish excited, but if you are having trouble setting the hook on them maybe try a 5/0 offset. The 4/0 might be a bit too short for them.
  10. This is an unfortunate fact in many places, both of the small tackle shops I managed are long gone thanks to "the big box stores". The advantage I see @Bdnoble84 is you are right next to the water and inevitably folks forget to bring certain items, or they lose a favorite item and have a need to buy/replace things. About 30% of our business (terminal tackle mostly)was for this reason...oh shucks, I need hooks,weights,bobbers etc., and I'm not driving back to where ever to get them. Maybe 2% of that business was based on the " I lost my favorite lure" and I can't fish this place without it. But the greatest part of our business revolved around two words...Knowledge and Service! Know your local area, know the water your customer base is targeting (species, seasonal regulations) and offer the things the "big box stores" never offer. ..on the spot basic rod/reel repair was one of the services that kept many of our folks coming back to us, if you can save someone's day on the water without emptying their wallet chances are you'll have a customer for life, and the positive word of mouth references from a happy customer are key to new people walking through your door; especially in the early days of your business...and it's cheaper and in many ways more effective than traditional advertising. There are of course a million other things that go into this, and I'd be happy to share my experience with you. Feel free to PM me with any questions and I'll do my best to help you. LM
  11. If you took measurements or have a general idea of length/girth try the weight calculator here at BR. https://www.bassresource.com/bassfishing/fishcalculator.html
  12. I don't usually send people to You Tube, but in this case I will...check out this video on fishing kayaks that are under $500. All purchased from big box stores like Dick's, Costco, Walmart etc. It might help you narrow down the features and price point you need to work in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaqgQAoEEsk&t=8s Best of luck!
  13. I'm in Central MA, did you have any particular body of water in mind?
  14. I'm up for a gathering of the minds and something on the bbq...but like all the others can't do the bivy sack and bed roll anymore....if there was another accommodation near by I could do an overnight.
  15. Used to be a multi species fishing human, happy to catch most anything....then....magic happened.The first time I caught a 3+ pounder on a 4ft ultra light rod with 4# test and an itty bitty reel...she leapt out of the water, tossed her head, flashing those beautiful gill plates...I was hooked, or maybe more to the truth...she hooked me! And with that said, I'm off to hitch up the trailer and head out in search of another magical green fish! The early worm gets the fish! ????
  16. Got a nice 4lb LMB yesterday at my little go-to pond just down the road, but heading out at O'dark thirty for the Nashua River. If my sonar wasn't lying there are a couple of chunky ones I'd love to hook into....provided they haven't moved too far from where I marked them. Gotta get at least a 6lb to get on the board for the BBWC....here bassy, bassy, bassy! ??
  17. Thanks Rahlow for doing the extra recon for me, that's incredibly nice and really appreciated.
  18. Cabelas was the first place I went to, and unfortunately ours is pretty small so only carries a minimal amount of inventory. Looked at the 36" uprights, basic PVC and some hardware at a pretty big price- almost $100, plus 6.25% sales tax. I can afford them, but it just seems to be a bit much for what you get which is sort of why I tossed out the DIY question. If whatever I put together isn't quite up to the task I may just take a look at Cabelas online offerings...lights would be great.
  19. I just have to grin @Lures'n'Liberty ...all that wrenching lingo is music to my ears, or is it eyes? Sounds like there wasn't a lot of free time for you then, but I'll bet you're glad of the life lessons now. Gonna slap some temporary markers on the trailer this weekend, most likely some of those driveway markers; took the trailer/yak out today and did okay until trying to get it backed in to its teeny slot at the house. Shed on one side, garden on the other, big tree at the end...maybe 6" of leeway either side. Will put something a bit more sturdy on when I get a little extra time. Everybody has had great ideas, and again I thank you all for the input. Will post a pic when it's put together well enough to take on the "Mass-holes" .
  20. There was a major shift in Chrysler after the bailout in '09, which non of the big 3 escaped. They cut back on the number of models they built, RAM became it's own brand, and now they're partnered with Fiat/Alfa Romeo. Of course as a gal who has been brand loyal for 40 years I am thrilled that they are getting back to muscle. Looking forward to punching the pedal on a new Demon (had an original 71, 340 cid w/Holley 750 dbl pumper) at a "timid" 840 horse.
  21. Okay, I really thought you were yanking our chains with this, but it really is true. Not that it breaks my heart or anything, but for those with vehicles on the hit list it might be time to hoard parts.
  22. Very Funny A-Jay! I'll put my Hemi up against anything you wanna bring. Just don't forget your pink slip...
  23. That fiberglass bar is some really cool looking material...will have to check and see if I can lay my hands on any locally. Grew up here in MA in the city that claims to be "plastics capital of the world" [and as a teen I worked for plenty of plastics factories] so figure there must be a company here that makes this type of product. Maybe there is some scrap to buy cheap. Hubby works for a company that builds shrink wrap machines, so may be able to get something similar through them as well. Love the fact that your first "car" was a dump truck. Driven a few of those in my day too, minus the log splitter, but I can well imagine what that was like. Never thought it would be so dang hard to back up an itty bitty trailer; miss the days of rolling on 18 wheels! Who'd a thunk it would be easier to back up a 50 ft. trailer than 14'?
  24. Okay all you Ford and GMC/Chevy folks just really need to come over to the dark side... Hubby was tried and true Ford man until he met me...now he wonders why he didn't make the switch to Mopar sooner. Both of our RAM 1500's are covered under the best warranty in the industry...999,999 miles or 2098 which ever comes first. I turned a wrench for a living in a galaxy that is now far,far away and it's comforting to know I'll probably never use that warranty [or at least not very often], but when I'm pushing daisies my grandson will still be driving my Laramie and be covered. All for less than the cost of one transmission. Come to the dark side...you know you want to!
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