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Everything posted by LadiMopar

  1. So glad I could be of help @MN Fisher They sell them at Amazon too, maybe you could get a slightly better deal there. ? Oh, and they sell a clip version too.
  2. How about a lovely pair of Cocoons? They come in a variety of color combos, mirrored, Polarized etc. for specific activities. They slip right over your prescription eyewear. I use the amber lenses with green mirror which is recommended for fishing/water sport (the dragonflies seem to think I'm a strangely formed relative <grin>) and the price is reasonable; about $50 - 60 bucks depending on size/style, and the frames are guaranteed for life. https://cocoonseyewear.com/ LM
  3. Welcome from N. Central Bassachusetts! I fish up over the border occasionally...Surry Mountain Lake has some great smallies. LM
  4. Welcome from N. Central Bassachusetts. I do kayak fishing these days, and my oldest grandson is really looking forward to paddling and wetting a line with "grandma" this season. He's 15, so fishing from the bank isn't as exciting as it was when he was 6. I took him kayaking at 8 and he just didn't have the patience to sit still then, and his swimming skills weren't great...hopefully both have improved! So happy to see you're passing it on to the next generation. LadiMopar
  5. Just think about how many new rods, reels and other toys you can buy with that cash! Besides, the Boxborough show doesn't look as exciting this season...lots of vendors not on the list thanks to C-19 [the gift that seems to keep on giving] Stay safe out there~
  6. Hey @Mr. Aquarium I'd love to say I was out paddling some warm bass waters, but I have been settling my parent's estate the past year. Moved into the family homestead a year ago,and updating the many things that had been neglected [new windows/furnace/ oil tank etc]. It's been a long year to say the least, and sort of strange moving back into the house I grew up in...but am grateful and honored they left it all to me. They built this place with their own hands in 1957, so it truly is the family homestead. So, that's it in a nutshell. If you guys are out Central MA way my door is always open, got plenty of space to host a gathering. It would be great to finally put faces to everyone. Are you still planning to hit the Expo on Saturday? I thought about it, but the Nor'Easter has changed my mind about that. If you venture out, please be extra careful on the roads. It's good to be back here with everyone...I've thought about you guys a lot..? LM
  7. Hi Guys! Long time no see...how's everyone been? Hope you all have had fabulous fishing since I was here last...mid 2020 I think. Hoping 2022 will see me back on the water hauling in a few nice magical green fish. As alway~ LM
  8. NEBassin Central MA trail is doing an online, "open" tournament through TourneyX this time. Six lakes to pick from, so there won't be issues of more than 10 people gathering at any one ramp. Will let you know if catching bass in the snow is as magical as it sounds. ?❄?
  9. No garage, but it does have a cover. Just put on the new fair weather kayak cover(easy on/off elastic draw string type) and put the heavy, fully zipped winter cover away. Maybe I jinxed myself by thinking old man winter was done with us! ?
  10. Not even thinking about the big bad RAM having an issue, but cleaning a half foot of snow off the yak will be a new experience for the fishing journal ? Hopefully it falls right off the cover with as little work as possible...got my Thermos out for hot tea, hand/foot warmers packed, and my Realtree bibs dug out again! (Didn't I just put those away for the season?) Thanks for pep talk, will post pics tomorrow after I thaw out. ?❄?❄?
  11. Hey guys! Hope everyone is safe and healthy as we work through this difficult time. Looking for a little encouragement tonight as I get ready for my first tournament of the year tomorrow....If any of you have a magic weather wand and can keep the 3-5 inches of snow away in the morning I'd be most grateful. Trailer, truck and yak are locked and loaded so I have one less excuse in the morning to stay inside warm and dry....right now I'm just thinking I've lost what's left of my feeble mind.
  12. I use a Deeper Pro+ sonar (castable or flex.mount unit) which requires a tablet as the screen. I wouldn't trust anything but the RAM locking tablet mount in the track system of my yak...I also use their mounts for my video camera....super solid construction, and imho well worth the money spent on them. My Feelfree yak has a proprietary track system which means I have to use Feelfree uni-trac mounting system, what do you plan to bolt the ball mount too?
  13. This is wonderful! Thanks for the tip, and the phone number. Webster looks like a great location. Will have to calculate drive time as it appears pretty far off of I-90, but if it fits in my "schedule" I'd love to give it a go. Have you fished the Missouri river at all? Or is that too far west from your location?
  14. Really sorry to hear this, but glad you were able to get a replacement so quickly. I had the same issue last season 4 days before a tournament and was fortunate to get one from Contoocook River Canoe/Kayak in Concord, NH. I bought my yak from them, and they usually keep a fair amount of FF parts/accessories on hand should you ever need another "local" source. I know it's a long haul for you to get there, but would be happy to pick up and deliver to you at a mid point here in MA. Did you get the 8 ball shifter?
  15. Thanks for replying FryDog62! I greatly appreciate that you took the time. Could you recommend a spot in the eastern part of SoDak? Never know when a girl might want to take a break from the 2000 mile drive to wet a line.? I figured there might not be too many folks with Intel on this reservoir cause it's really sort of out there in no man's land. When I lived out there I heard that they held bass tournaments on it, but that was in the mid 90's. As for fish & game, there is some info online, but it's always nice to have a little insider information, especially when I'm not going to have a ton of time to fish. I love doing this trip home every so often....really miss big sky and the sweet smell of the prairie....but kids and grandkids are here in Bassachusetts so we do what we have to do. Thanks again ~ LM Will be sure to wave as I fly by the Twin cities ???
  16. Hey guys, Heading back to SoDak in mid-late May and want to get a little bass fishing in while I'm "home". I've never fished Angostura and am curious how that might be from the shoreline. Not bringing the kayak cross country, but if there was a place to rent one for a day or two I might be game to pony up the cash. I used to live in Rapid (aka Slow town USA ?) so am pretty familiar with many of the lakes in the Black hills, but this trip most of my time is going to be spent down in the Pine Ridge area with family on the rez. If there are better places to cast a line I'm certainly open to suggestions, and getting to them won't be an issue cause I'm driving out in my 1500 RAM...dirt roads, washouts, barbed wire gates, and cattle crossings are no problem. Thanks in advance for any info you care to share. LM
  17. If the PDL drive wasn't an absolute necessity I'd recommend the Feelfree Lure 10. Currently on sale direct from Feelfree for $899 I loved mine, plenty of standing room on the deck, in hull storage, generous tankwell...super comfy seat, and the wheel in the keel. Or check out their sister company, 3 Waters kayak. For the money you're looking to spend you could add a trolling motor if a separate mode of propulsion is needed. https://www.feelfreeus.com
  18. There are some great links with pics to help identify what species of bass you have there...Nine have been verified by the scientific community, but there are another 9-10 variations which are still being debated. True black bass species or hybrids?
  19. Since the merger we now affectionately call both locations Bassela's ?
  20. My first yak on its maiden voyage...Feelfree Lure 10 And the upgrade last season to the Feelfree Dorado 125 with peddle and motordrive: Both of these are super stable, the Lure 10 doesn't track quite as nicely as the Dorado but it has a generous deck; the Dorado weighs in at 125 lbs before the 50lb 12V 75AH Battery [so definitely needs a trailer]...but the wiring is fully integrated, comes with LED lights [port/starboard - stern -and fully lit cockpit for safety], built in battery box with integrated USB charging, retractable transducer arm...and the best seat I've ever seen in a yak. The peddle drive comes standard, but I added the motor (40# thrust), which just slides into the housing in the peddle drive. My only complaint is the motor is a tad loud compared to a standard 40# thrust trolling motor..
  21. Stability is huge for me as a disabled angler. So I started out with a paddle only Feelfree Lure 10, tons of room to stand and almost untippable. Last season I upgraded to the FF Dorado 125. No more paddling for this girl, now I have peddle and motor drive, and plenty of space to stand, incredibly stable...and the tri cathedral hull design tracks really well. Some of the folks on here refer to the Dorado as an "aircraft carrier". There is tons of storage, and one of the great features of the Dorado is it has a retractable built in transducer arm. In super skinny water you can just pull the arm up under the yak...and it supports side scan. https://www.feelfreeus.com/ The Lure 10 The Dorado 125
  22. No! Please! Not the dreaded Pink Rods!!!! No self respecting outdoor woman I know would be seen within a hundred miles of those. Show her a beautiful bass instead...
  23. Ahhhh...that is absolutely beautiful. Thanks for the small reprieve from hard water season. I hope you get to escape there in June. I've only fished VT once and it was really enjoyable. I like to escape to Manchester, VT occasionally and found Lowell State Park on my last visit. Clean, quiet, beautiful scenery, and not at all over crowded. Plan to go there again, but will bring the kayak next time. Filling the hard water season studying last season's maps/sonar info so I can be better prepared for my second tournament season, and doing reconnaissance on new water I want to try. The cleaning, organizing gear itch usually doesn't get scratched until the end of February/early March otherwise it seems to make the winter feel twice as long...and the cabin fever feels completely unbearable...it's not easy, but I find pacing myself keeps my bass brain on a more even keel.
  24. Looks like this club is no longer active. I found it referenced here: https://www.tinboats.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6786 Had you thought about NEBassin? Our kayak division also includes small boats, canoes, etc. http://www.nebassin.com Here is the tournament line up for the Cape this season: 2020 NEBKS Cape Cod MA Dates: (15 max) Facebook link: www.facebook.com 4/25 – Ashumet Pond – Mashpee, MA – 6am- 2pm 5/9 – Upper Mill Pond – Brewster, MA – 6am-2pm 6/6 – Lake Sabbatia – Taunton, MA – 6am-2pm 7/11 Lake Nippenicket – Bridgewater, MA – 6am-2pm 8/1 – Santuit Pond – Mashpee, MA – 6am-2pm 9/12 – Billington Sea – Plymouth, MA – 6am-2pm
  25. You should install a couple of rod holders on the M/C, carry a couple orange flags to fly from the rods...safety first! And maybe bolt a kayak to it like a sidecar.
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