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About cheezyridr

  • Birthday 02/21/1965

Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    i mostly fish the brandywine river, and i do little ponds i find on google earth, when i can get permission to fish them. 

  • Other Interests
    cruising on my motorcycle, sengoku period japan, guitar, my 2 dogs, kuro & sneakers

Profile Fields

  • About Me
    i'm generally pretty happy. life has it's ups and downs, but over all, it's pretty cool.

    ummm. i'm 53, 5'7" tall, 190 lbs,  shoulder length white hair, and i dress like a slob most of the time.  i play guitar too loud, drive too darn fast,  but ride as safe as i know how.  i believe in atgatt, and i hate loud pipes.  just getting back into fishing after a decade long break because i was married AND living in canadia.  

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cheezyridr's Achievements

Short Fish

Short Fish (4/9)




Community Answers

  1. i like to eat healthy. that's why i eat the best breakfast you can get:
  2. i absolutely LOVE the sound of cicadas. i know i'm in the extreme minority, but there it is, i said it 😄
  3. they had to shoot him from behind, because they couldn't take him head-on. he was seriously tough. many times after a speech, (before being president) he would follow it with a challenge and have a fight or two. sometimes for several hours. i don't remember reading about him losing to anyone. ever. that said, he was human. everyone remembers him for ending slavery, and the civil war. you hardly ever hear anyone mention that he also suspended the constitution, and jailed ALOT of journalists because they disagreed with him. for me, that's what makes him interesting. he did big things, in a big way. he wasn't perfect, he was a real person, just like anyone else.
  4. i saw the trailer, it looks pretty good
  5. this for sure. ontario doesn't "recognize" lyme disease either, you wouldn't believe the insanity you have to deal with in ontario if you get it. i had a good friend who had to go through it, makes no sense. i remember being a kid about 13 or so. me and my buddies spent the day wandering around the marsh. i came home and was absolutely covered in ticks. my mom made me undress in the yard. there were 17 ticks just under the collar of my flannel shirt. my mom searched and found every tick on me, and my dad smoked about 900 unfiltered pall malls that he also used to burn them until they popped. after that they bought me a can of off. hahaha
  6. as soon as i saw the title, i knew who you were posting about. he was the undisputed world heavy weight champion of the major scale. i guess some of you can remember that t-shirt from way back in the day that said "if there's a rock and roll heaven, they must have a hell of a band" and it has names of all the greats that are gone.
  7. agree! it's one of the best ages for grandsons. you can take them out to do alot more fun things than you can when they're real little.
  8. actually, it can be very easy: https://www.allrecipes.com
  9. this is my oldest brother's favorite joke of all time. sometimes he tells the punchline and skips the rest of the joke
  10. once upon a time on a summer's day, there were some nuns who had decided to paint the inside of their convent. it was VERY hot that day, so they decided to take off their head dress. after a while, they were still hot, so they took off their habits. soon they realized it was still too hot, so they stripped off all of their remaining clothes. their thinking was that no men were around, so it would be ok. they continued painting, but after some time, there was a knock at the door. "oh my!!!" they thought, "who could it be?" so they went to the door and and meekly called out "who is it?" the reply came back "it's the blind guy". they thought, "oh it's ok, he can't see anything anyway, let's see what he wants" they opened the door, and a man standing in the doorway said "wow! nice boobs! where do you want the blinds?"
  11. mcdonald's, wendy's etc. is not food. it's a food-like substance that some people still eat despite the ridiculous price and un excusable wait times. don't eat that garbage. i eat plenty of junk, but you gotta draw a line somewhere. i haven't eaten any of that stuff in ages. the last time i did, it was a double quarter pounder with cheez, and a large fry. i threw it up in less than 2 hours. it would have been better if i just took $20 and flushed it down the toilet.
  12. just like everyone else said, dealing with digitaka is fantastic, 100% of the time. my only beef with them is the pangs i feel, knowing that getting the same level of service from an american company is extremely rare.
  13. maybe swap in one from a tesla? 😆
  14. i throw a spinnerbait more than anything else, by far. usually large, twin willow bladed ones. often times, it seems like they fly pretty well up to a point, and then slow down almost all at once. i mean, on a calm day. in the wind it's another matter. unless it's blowing directly at me, i find it to be somewhat useful. it's how i throw a curve. theoretically it should work with other baits that catch alot of wind but for whatever reason, i can only do it with a spinnerbait.
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