New or low count forum members.
Beware of taking advice from the Good seller/buyers list post as quoted below. It states it is just a suggestion albeit a poor one, (in my case).
Sales can go both ways, the new guy can be a stand-up guy and deliver as promised but as the quote expresses below, the tables may get turned and the new guy is the victim.
Quoted from “Good seller/trader list” on the forum pinned posts.
For the newer members trying to sell items with no BR 'feedback' built should at least be considered that you ship your items first once a deal is reached. Shipping first will give the buyer peace of mind that they are not getting hosed and prove to other members that you are here to be an honest seller. Once the deal is complete, you will receive one positive point and your name will be added to the list. I've seen this work on other forums in the past. However, it's just a suggestion, not a "written in stone" rule.
Message received from Buyer:
I'm interested in the Calcutta. My concern is you have only 20 posts since 2007 and not one posted feedback, and it just makes me uncomfortable as I've been burnt in the past.
I'm an active member and contribute daily, and have feedback. I would be willing to pay the full amount upon receipt of the reel. I can paypal the funds as a gift so there would be no fees to you.
Also, who changed the spool bearings? Just want to be sure it was done using the correct tool to press out the shaft pin, as the shaft can become damaged if done with pliers.
Let me know your thoughts.
My Reply:
I haven't been active in this forum very much at all. (Lurked alot) I changed the spool bearings and have done many of the pin removals, mostly on Daiwa reels. I found a pair of pliers that works perfect for them but I still would like to get the ones from BOCA, just haven't pulled the trigger on those yet.
I've seen alot of your posts, I enjoy a lot of your comments.
Send me your address and I'll send you the reel, if you don't like it, send it back. email me and I'll paypal the return postage to you or paypal my account to pay for the reel. I've been burned also, I know how you feel.
Fair enough? Let me know what you want to do.
What Happened:
I sent the reel, the post office tracking recorded it as delivered. The buyer said when he got home, his mailbox was open and the only thing that was in it was wet letters. Communication was good between us and there was effort to track the reel down. At the end, no reel showed up and he offered to pay $150.00 of the $230.00 that was promised. I guess it is better than getting hung out to dry. It is a lesson that doesn’t sit well with me though.
I believe the statement in the Good seller/trader list to even considering this sort of transaction should be deleted. A high an active post count probably should not factor in with sale transactions. Just my opinion and experience.