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  1. Wow, did you try to fish it?
  2. I have been looking at the Deeper Sonar Pro+, and it looks like it would be perfect for bank fishing. It has so many features, one being that you can use it to create a depth map of the entire lake/pong (at least what is in casting distance. Was wondering if anyone else had experience with this model or similar casting sonar devices.
  3. Thanks raodwarrior! Has anyone here used the Deeper Sonar Pro+ or any other casting type sonar devices? Being away from fishing for a while, I was looking at some videos and ran across one where a guy was using it for bank fishing and it looks really incredible. It can tell you the water depth and temperature, and of course find fish. But it can also be used to survey the entire pond/lake and map out the depth across the whole lake (or at least in casting distance). Being that I know little about the lakes and ponds in our area, this would be very helpful information. However, I kind of have mixed feelings about using one, in that the main reason I decided to take up fishing again, was that I work in I.T. and have a pretty stressful job. One of the things I like about fishing, is that it has always been a very relaxing experience, whether I was catching any fish or not. So I kind of decided to get back in for therapeutic value as much as the thrill of catching fish. I also used to be heavily in to photography, but one of the main reasons that I quit and now leave my camera at home on trips, vacations, and outings, was that I spent to much time focusing on getting that perfect picture, than actually enjoying the experience of wherever I was. So that's the other hesitation that I have, is that I may get too caught up in the technology and not just enjoy the experience of fishing. All that being said, it would still be great to have knowledge and information on frequented lakes and ponds that otherwise may take a long time for me to just figure out. Would be interested in anyone's thoughts on the subject, and if anyone has had any experiences using these castible sonar devices.
  4. Hi all. I am new here, haven't been fishing in a really long time. Decided it was time to get back in to it and found this forum and this thread. I went and bought a couple of reels and some lures last night, and then today after work I decided to head to the Day Care pond since it was close by. I wasn't there for 15 minutes and got my first bass in maybe 5 years or more. It looks bigger in the picture than it really was, maybe 3 lbs at the most. But it was way bigger than i expected, I figured i might get a couple of baby bass if even that. But I was thrilled with my first catch in years, and I guess I can say I am hooked again :-) Thanks for all the invaluable information here.
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