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Everything posted by Bassin_Harrison

  1. For sure going to have to invest in a pair of waders, was planning to before this season started but never got around to it. I’ll definitely check those places out, thank you!
  2. Yeah my dad and I have tried most places in the area, but I figured I'd ask anyway. I haven't been to Fields Park I don't think, I've fished in D.W. in Brockton without much success. Really dirty and lots of garbage on the bank and in the water there, same with Island Grove. I actually live just a few minutes away from Hobart, usually ride my bike down there most days during the summer. Best I've pulled out of there in over two years now was around 5.5 lbs. Everybody says there's giants in there though so I'll keep at it. Guess I'll just hit Hedges in Plymouth today, wish I had my kayak out. Thanks Don
  3. ahh always get ya somehow
  4. Any suggestions for ponds that can be bank fished (don’t have my kayak) that are within like 45-60 min away from Abington area? Want to try something new, but want to keep it in reasonable distance because my mom agreed to drive me lol Thinking about going to Hedges to try for some smallies, but would love some new suggestions for today and the future. Thank you!
  5. I had the 7’3” TCS rod and had to get it replaced cause of a stupid mistake I made while kayaking and sadly they replaced it with the new version of the rod which I don’t love as much. But it’s still a solid rod. As much as I’d love another TCS rod, I’m probably going to grab the Lunkerstik just because it’s on sale for $69 and I have a $50 visa gift card. So $19 for that rod seems pretty good. I guess since the Black Friday sale just started in TW, my question would be Dobyns Colt 705CB or Fenwick Lunkerstik 7’3 MH/M? For same price
  6. Which would you choose for an “all around cranking rod”? Fenwick Lunkerstik 7’3 MH/M OR Okuma EVX B cranking rod 7’ M/M-MF (I’ve heard they run heavy so I’m going down to the Medium)
  7. I totally forgot about this post lol Thank you to everyone that responded... I guess I should just save up some money to drop on a bulk spool of some good fluoro, maybe for the Black Friday TW sale. Harrison
  8. Ok so about a week ago now I was watching a Milliken Fishing video and the video was sponsored by a new brand on line called well... Lyn. It’s pretty cheap line ($13 for fluoro I think) but he couldn’t say enough good things about and I’m curious if anyone else has tried it. I know I should take what he said about it with a grain of salt (maybe a spoonful lol) since the video was sponsored, but I’m still curious because I’m on a budget and don’t want to spend $30 on fluoro unless I have to. If anybody can give any input in the line please do! In particular, the fluoro. Thanks, Harrison
  9. I use 3 different set ups for my swim jigs, I just use whichever one is available at the time and I’m not using for another technique. I have a 6’9 MH/F with braid and then one with mono, but I also use my 7’3 H/F w braid (I use this more around thicker cover I guess but I’ve used it in light cover/open water too so to me it doesn’t matter). 7.3:1 gear ratio on all 3 set ups.
  10. I’m not flipping extremely heavy cover where I am in MA so I flip with my frog rod. 7’3 H/F Okuma TCS.
  11. Kistler Mag 2 6’9” Medium Heavy Fast. This rod is super versatile and seems pretty dang sensitive to me.
  12. I use the Scott Martin 7’3” Frog/Swimbait rod to throw my 168 S Wavers, works fine for me. Could probably have a slightly slower tip and that would make it fantastic but whatever. I use a mono leader to give some stretch.
  13. Yeah I know, I actually have an HMG (well it’s my dad’s but I use it a lot) but I was just interested in the Lunker Stik since it’s only $68 rn
  14. I might pick one up now that I've seen this sale, would the 7'3" Medium/Moderate be a solid all around cranking rod (liplesses and medium divers, nothing down past 10 ft)? I am currently using a 7 ft M/M vendetta and I just really don't like that rod and also it's a bit too whippy for me. I wish the lunker stik was a Moderate Fast
  15. Tatula SV all day. You don't need to go any higher end than that reel, it is an amazing skipping reel and multi-purpose reel. I have it on a 6'9" MH/F Kistler Mag 2 and I use it to skip and do pretty much anything that isn't in extremely heavy cover.
  16. I was just gonna say that he should check out Lew’s. They are mostly all small, compact reels, except for the super duty’s, and they are very smooth. I have a Custom Inshore SLP and it is extremely smooth. You could also just get the normal Custom SLP for like $160 instead of $200.
  17. I have no idea if it’s good or not, but I do know that the 13 Fishing Muse Black series has a 6’5” H/F rod specifically for a shorter frog rod. I’m guessing you could find a review on it. Also I have no problem with the rod you use for frogging, that rod is my frog rod as well and it does not seem underpowered at all. I love how versatile it is as well. I don’t fish insanely heavy cover here in Ma, but I fish really thick pads sometimes.
  18. Going there right now, I’ll have to try that spot
  19. I actually have fished Hedges once but I didn’t have much time. I’ll have to try it again. I’ll have to check out Hinckely’s. Thank for the info! I’ve always wanted to try out Wachusett, I’ll give it a shot. Thanks for the spots.
  20. Looking for some spots that are consistent for smallies in Massachusetts that can either be bank fished or easy to fish in kayak. I’m on the south shore but my dad and I always open to travel all the way out to western ma, we’ve tried the Quabbin but it’s tough from the bank. Just got kayaks this season but haven’t tried the Quabbin with kayaks yet. Possibly next week. Thanks for any advice!
  21. I believe that Kistler is having a sale right now and so I would recommend the Magnesium 2 in any MH/F model. Might be like $160 but it’s worth $10 more. I have the 6’9” and it’s paired with a Tatula SV and I throw everything on that rod. That particular model is also great for skipping.
  22. Okuma TCS Scott Martin Signature Rod, 7’3 H/F. That rod does everything and it frogs very well.... I’ve used it for 3/8-3/4 oz jigs, a 168 S Waver, paddle tail swimbaits, whopper ploppers, spinner baits, the list goes on. You can find it for $100 on Amazon. It’s an absolute steal. I have mine paired with a Lew’s custom Inshore SLP.
  23. Looks very nice. This is my first season with the Tatula SV and I'm in love with that reel. I like the Tatula 100 but the zero adjust spool tension just doesn't do it for me. Sad to see this new "Elite" model has the same thing.
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