1. I decided to bring out my moken 14' on a very very small river in Northern Illinois during high water. I whipped around a corner, saw a log jam turned too fast and flipped my kayak lost a St. Croix premier, brand new *** and my sunglasses under the log jam, I tried to get them out but despite it being a warmish day the water was still very cold and I couldn't safely get under the log jam. As far as I know the rod and reel are still in the river I've gone back but can't find them. The kicker is a moken 14 has built in rod leashes that I decided I didn't need to use.
2. I rented a small boat and the trolling motor kept sliding up the transom and turning me in circles, I moved my rods took it off and started to put it back on and continued fishing. It slid up again and I lost my cool made a wild cast, on the back cast I caught my cranking rod with a 3/8th oz jig and it broke in half.
This is just this year, I can't recall anything in particular from previous years but I'm sure I've done some really stupid stuff because I tend to break a rod a year on average lol