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Everything posted by Bulletman20XD

  1. Here's a Lake Falcon Hawg for you boys!!
  2. The Gore Tex 100MPH from Bass Pro also has a liner you can purchase for colder weather. By the time all three are purchased you'll have about $700 tied up in them.
  3. Has anyone been on Amistad lately?---If so, please give us a report! Thanks
  4. I have been wearing cheap rain gear for years UNTIL a recent tourney where I had to run 10-12 miles in a bad storm. I was soaked from head to toe making the last 2 hour of the tourney near unbearable. Luckily it was summer time and did not have to deal with cold temps and being wet. SO--I researched rain gear for a couple weeks before making a purchase. I ended up with Bass Pros 100 MPH Gore-Tex Jacket and bibs. $100 is not going to get you much in the way of quality. Depending on how/when you will use a rain suit spend more and get a quality suit that will last you a lifetime!!
  5. I have it happen all the time with many different multi-treble baits.
  6. Current River in South/Central
  7. Can't see the need---If a fish bites just enough to move a rod tip on even a mildly sensitive rod this movement will transmitted to your hand to detect the strike!
  8. As with any boat, the max HP rating will give you better fuel economy due to weight to HP ratio. You also never know when your gonna be loaded down with folks and the higher HP will be needed.
  9. You're apt to hook fish outside the mouth with any lure w/trebles. These are more reactionary baits that invoke a fast moving strike/swipe--Unlike a slow moving worm or jig where they can accurately pick up the bait with their mouths.
  10. Pepper Custom Baits Penetr8tor---Started using them this time last year and attribute at least 5 tourney wins to these heads paired with Zoom Z3 Trick worms. Most all heads will work to a degree, but these heads come thru cover great. They excell in grass due to the head design. They as well as some others will stand a 7 inch trick worm straight up every time.
  11. Managed to pull off a win this past weekend on Choke Canyon with tough conditions, fish with Lock-Jaw, and 96 degree temps. Had 17.8 lbs anchored by this 5.43 Florida. Caught all but one on a drop shot in 10-20 fow. Pulled 7 lbs ahead in AOY standings.
  12. Yes Minnow I'm very aware the fish don't care what boat you're fishing from---Been doing this near my entire adult life. I want something new that I don't have to work on all the time, with a warranty for them to pay for it when something breaks or if a piston decides to exit the exhaust. I will still be fishing competitively and like to have space for the tackle store I have on board. When you have that 30 mile run back to the weigh-in with 25 minutes to get there, new or newer gives you a sense of confidence when tournament fishing! Toxic as I said at the start, my plan is to guide just enough to make a boat payment. If I get 1-2 clients per month I'll be happy. IF the VA does as I expect (which they called me today my disability physical is next Thursday) my income is about to drastically change. So, if I expect to be able to continue fishing as I do I will have to do something to be able to afford it.
  13. Yes J it is a 20XD, my 3rd in 25 years (2 XDs and 1 XRD w/Merc 260 Offshore) So from that you can tell I love my Bullets and will probably cry when I sell it. I'm too old and broke down for the HP stuff and having to rebuild motors out of my pocket! I need something with a warranty, more storage space and a boat that is a little easier on my back when the water gets rough. Many of the lakes I fish can get really rough. Yes a Bullet rides better than many would think but having fished from near every boat brand on the market, I know for a fact Bullets are not a big water boat, 20 or the 21' 10". I don't think I've had my boat past 65-70 in over a year. I had Jay Smith from JSRE rebuild it Dec 15. It now has about 255-260 HP and should run 90+- if set up correctly. I just lost the "want-to" after I rebuilt it. It's 18 years old but I get compliments on it every time I'm at a ramp---EVERY TIME! I take great care of it and pride myself that it looks nearly new at 18. It barely has a scratch on it. When I do sell it, someone is gonna get a hell of a deal.
  14. The VA will more than likely disable me in the next couple of months which will drastically reduce my income. I will have to move to an area with a much lower cost of living and plan to move close to a lake I know well and may guide a bit to afford my fishing habit. That said, my Bullet is not the ideal boat for guiding so a new boat is in my future. I have been researching boats which has caused my blood pressure to explode once I see the cost these days. I will have to buy what I can afford and not what I want. Nitro basically being the cheapest of the big glass boats were looking pretty good at least until I read some reviews from Nitro owners on their Facebook page. I wanted to ask for reviews from current owners here. What are your likes and dislikes? How was your customer service experience? What's your experience with warranty work? Thanks in Advance!
  15. Adults doing such are beyond help. But by being passive and not saying anything to children is what's wrong with the younger people these days. Their parents by "Sparing the Rod" teaches them to disrespect others and to have problems with authority figures (their elders). I raised my boys to follow the rules, respect their elders and to expect punishment if they didn't. In doing so they understand there are consequences to their actions. It is sad what has happened to our youth in this country the last 25 years or so.
  16. Kicker I agree with some of your sentiment, but you brought up a related issue that I just had to shed light on. Years ago, while serving in the military I started fishing competitively and was very successful on the local level early on. This led me to have ambitions of becoming a professional angler. This is where I met a guy who is now one of the top Elite pros. I was consistently beating him back then which makes me reflect on what could have been every time I see him on TV, magazines, or tackle displays. At that time I had a new wife, a new baby, and was basically halfway thru a successful career with a decent retirement. I was literally one signature away from getting out of the Army and throwing all those years away. I quickly learned this was all going to come at a price. I almost lost my new wife due to the time spent on the water which was required of me to get there. After talking with a few people in the industry and learning of how difficult it is financially, and of how long it takes to get there, I quickly chose my family and career over those aspirations. In an earlier post I mentioned I personally knew a couple elite pros (and another FLW pro). I won't mention their names to protect the guilty. The aforementioned person is one of the top pros the other is down the ladder a few rungs. They have many of the same sponsors but that is where the similarities end. Having the same sponsors some may believe they get the same perks from them, not necessarily true. In any professional sport, the higher you finish the more publicity you get, but there are other things a person must possess. Companies do not give a full sponsorships to one-hit-wonders. It's where you finish consistently, image, professionalism, attitude, and a few other things. If you have the "complete package", a pro can expect to receive more from his sponsors, but their expectations of you increases as well. Sponsors require you to give them publicity not only from their name/logo on the side of the boat and mentioning their name at weigh-ins that airs on national TV but from actually using their product and appearances at boat, tackle, and outdoor shows, TV commercials, magazine ads etc... It is nothing more than a product advertisement game. Advertisements on TV are extremely expensive. Sponsoring a fishing pro is relatively cheap in comparison. Whether on or off the water, the top pros usually have the cameras on them during the tourneys for extended periods of time, and at times for a much longer period of time than a 15-30 second TV commercial. Near all equipment sponsorships, to include top boat and truck sponsorships usually range from company cost, discounted prices, to free depending on who the angler is. Entry fees may also be paid in full or partial, again depending on the angler. The bigger the company name the bigger the perks. Take KVD for instance, he is not only a great angler but also a giant media draw no matter where he is. I would bet that there isn't a bass angler in the world that doesn't know his name or recognize his face. For this reason he could finish last in every tourney and still have full sponsorships with any company. He was in a slump for a few years but still maintained ALL his sponsors. Another case in point is a fairly recent Classic winner in the field that still places well in the top 50 and an occasional top 12. I bet 5 out of 10 people could not call him by name if he was standing in front of them. He has sponsors but not many, which is possibly because he has a bad reputation among his peers because of attitude. I believe if he could change that one single thing, his sponsorships would change along with it! There are many other well-known anglers who haven't won a tourney in years but still maintain great sponsors because of their image and the fan following they have (Skeet Reese, Gary Klein, Boyd Duckett). On the flip side, there are those elite anglers that don't usually do well and don't have great sponsorships. These are the guys who have their own businesses or are independently wealthy and pay their own way. As mentioned many pros guide on their home lakes to help pay their bills. Out of the 109 or so Elites, 60-70 of them struggle from year to year to stay. Many are not married, have no kids to feed, some even still live with mom. They choose that lifestyle to be able to afford to compete on that level. Being a professional in this sport isn’t an easy game or lifestyle, they have to remember sponsorships is what pays the bills. Being a jerk on the water to fans and other fisherman, especially when there is a high likelihood it will be caught on camera, can cost them those sponsorships and eventually their livelihood!! Just so you don't think I am BSing--I'm in the picture.
  17. Cool and what is your price?
  18. LOL----Was it that obvious?? If you hadn't noticed he's calmed down considerably from previous years. I was a Judge for the Toyota tourney on Rayburn back in May. During the training/orientation day, several of the BASS officials made jokes about him and his "antics" as they put it. Many I have spoken to over the years have had heated run-ins with him so I warned my partner who drew him on day 3. He said he was just as calm and quite as he could be. We surmised that BASS has told him to chill his heels.
  19. Fish in small bodies of water as well as cooling reservoirs often will be very slim looking especially in the summer months because of the hot water. Fish in warm/hot water have a high metabolism and don't get much out of what they eat. They lose weight due to all the feeding activity.
  20. Fishing with little guys is priceless!!
  21. Well said---A specialist needs one rod. By doing so your done if they aren't biting what you're throwing. Sometimes it takes every rod in the box to figure them out.
  22. I'm no expert on that TM but I have heard from a friend that bought one and on *** that they have had lots pf problems with the Ulterra and the Ultrex with Spot-Loc. It is a problem an authorized shop can fix.
  23. I did see them on sale at Cabelas a couple weeks ago. They are getting rid of them to make room for the new Super Duty SLP model. I have 3 SLP models and really like them. Makes them even more easy to palm.
  24. Has anyone used or knows someone who has experience with Top Coat F11--Is it worth the price?? I try to keep my boat looking like new as best I can but it is back breaking work. Especially for a guy who has a back full of titanium rods and screws. "IF" this stuff works as advertised I may invest in a bottle. I say invest cause it's $60 for a small spray bottle of it. https://topcoat.store/collections/web-special/products/topcoat-master-craftsman-f11-polish-sealer-web-special-kits?utm_term=wc-pur-laa5-18_us_boat1-7-15-17-dupe-kits-july-cc
  25. Where is that neighborhood pond 5 minutes away from you? I ask because my dad lives a few minutes from Imperial off east 4 Ridge Road & Lost Trails Lane and has a pond right down in front of his house. (I use to live off West 4 Ridge)
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