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Everything posted by kj21

  1. Hey guys, So I have a major problem with fishing offshore and it comes down to confidence or simply having a target to cast at. I currently am stationed and live near Toledo Bend and Sam Rayburn. I have been fishing some BFL and equivalent level tournaments. I do well in the spring when the fish are in shoreline cover. In march I hired a guide to teach me how to fish offshore and to raise my confidence and it was awesome. Definitely helped. April and May were months where I focused on the bank and in June I fished a tournament where I tried to practice deep... then i caught a 5.5 and 6.5 up shallow and spent the tournament around rock next to deep water. The tournament went very well 5th out of 324 and $3000. Then I just spent the week on toledo fishing the big bass splash. 3 days of practice off shore with minimal luck. Went shallow on day 1 of tournament and caught a 5.62 for 2nd of the hour and further hurt my confidence of ever fishing off the bank. How do I shake this? Im the kind of guy that can litterally fish the bank 12 hours a day all week with no bites, put me out deep and i have 3 minutes til im going back to the bank. I really appreciate the help and feel as if I can gain the confidence and fish off shore as hard as I fish the bank I could be a very dangerous fisherman. One last thing is i have humminbird helix 7s and when i do graph, whether its all the wood here or my units i dont see much fish which may further hurt my confidence fishing off the bank. I feel okay fishing deep if I have a dock or bluff wall next to me but maybe its something to do with having a visual target.
  2. Any word of a shallow bite?
  3. Does anyone have a fishing report for rayburn?
  4. I have recently moved to Beaumont TX from New England so this type of water is brand new to me. The sabine river is a tidal river with less than a foot visibility and many marshes and canals. I am looking for a general strategy on how to find bass on a body of water like this. What are the seasonal movements? What are typical patterns? How do tides effect the fish?
  5. how far back in the creeks?
  6. Spent the day dragging main lake points with no success. sounds like i need to head to the backs of the creeks. how much water were you in?
  7. how far back into the creeks was this? what was the water temp?
  8. Good evening, I am looking for advice on putting electronics on my bass tracker to fish tournaments this year. I am interested in the helix 7s and want one at the wheel and one on the bow. I want to be able to auto chart live and connect to the front unit so i can see what i charted. I want side imaging at the wheel but do i need side imaging at the bow? What is your reccommendation for make model size and capabilities for 2 units for someone who would like to save some money? Thank you for all of your wisdom
  9. what kind of baits would you throw? would you throw louder baits because of the clarity?
  10. In maine I fish a lake that is typically clear, every August/September the lake has algae blooms. The algae only turns the color of the water to green with less than a foot of visibility. With this condition should i fish it like muddy water (flip hard cover and throw big spinnerbaits and jigs) or still fish it like normal (wacky rig and shaky heads) Thank you Kyle
  11. Awesome! Thank you for the reply and your advice is exactly what i am hungry for! I will read the material you reccommended and please if you think of more wisdom to pass i am all ears!
  12. My question is how do i become a better fisherman? I am looking for advice but not tips and tricks to catch more fish. I am looking for the path people took to become good at being on fish. How do you practice to become better? What were some of your favorite books or study tools. Did you go out and practice with a specefic goal for the day?
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