I have made my own lanyards with cable cuffs, the problem is I have had a stroke and my left hand doesnt completely work so its very difficult to release and attach the rods out of my Blackpak.
I just got home from the second time in a row getting skunked, I dont get it as I go to the same place and fish the same I have all year. Just part of it I guess.
I would only need it to keep the combo from sinking instantly to give me enough time to pick it up out of the water. Ill never try it though due to the heat shrink cost.
I recently added pipe insulation and zip-ties to my bait casting combos. It doesnt look pretty but I know Im good if I drop one off my kayak. I did test one out to make sure it would float. The only issue is it moves fairly easy up and down on the rods and little pieces tear off as well. For the peace of mind and cost Im ok with redoing them if I have to.
I have thought about using heat-shrink over it to make it compact, look better and keep it from moving but the large size needed to go over it cost too much.
I could only imagine the heartbreak from losing that combo. A few weeks back I came home showing my wife the 4 lures I had just found with an MSRP of over $40. This week my side plate fell off an almost new Revo X and into the creek. I have it on film and know about where its at. The water is about 2' but is just stained enough where I cant find it. The only replacement I have found so far is a tad less than $40 shipped! Id say 100% Karma.
I edited my post,Im too used to FB and simply responding with a link. Not an excuse, but you have to look past me sometimes as Ive had a stroke and my brain doesnt work 100% the way it used to.
@Red Feather I dont have an Old Town but these should work. By the way welcome to Bass Resource when you get time stop by the Introductions tab and tell us about yourself. https://navarrekayakfishing.com/shop/old-town-scupper-valves/
I know this is a long shot but Im hoping someone may have a side plate off of a Revo X 4th gen. I went fishing yesterday and mine fell off, bounced off my kayak and into the water. I have PayPal for payment, thanks!
I havent bought much of anything this year.Im frugal and have a small stockpile from buying in lots or sales like Black Friday. Im thankful to have a great wife who doesnt care what I buy. We went to Wal-Mart last week and I picked up 1 bag of Creme worms for $1.25 and after I met back up with my wife and put them in the buggy she asked if thats all they had and suggested I buy them all in that color! I said nah 1 pack is all I need for now.
This year I entered my 1st kayak tournaments that are both catch,photo,release or I probably wouldnt have taken near as many pics of fish Ive caught. I did catch my 1st ever warmouth this week so of course I snapped a quick pic of him.
I havent been able to figure out clear water enough to fish it. The lake I usually fish normally is a little murky. It has been crystal clear back in some creeks from time to time and the fish saw me way before I seen them.
@ol'crickety If you plan on doing tournaments and need a tag holder I got that one from 3dyak on FB for $12, Ketch wants the same as what the board cost.
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