Around 2002 my uncle had a house boat at Pates Ford Marina on Center Hill Lake in TN that he gave to my dad after retiring as he wanted to move back to Michigan. He lived on the houseboat for a few years before he retired and even though he fished a lot he never moved or started the boat. It took my dad and I about a month of tinkering before we got it started.We weren't boat people and knew very little about them, to get it started you had to choke it and just keep trying and she would eventually start.
So my dad, myself and a girl I dated decided we were going to take it out all night and try to catch some catfish. We found a good spot with a muddy bottom at the end of a branch of the lake and tied the front of the boat and dropped a couple small anchors off the back. This area was pretty much straight up hills all around us and very steep. We were drinking, listening to the radio and having a good ole time, even managed to catch a few keepers.
A few hours go by and the beer had been flowing, the gf decides to lay down and a few minutes later comes to the back where my dad and I were saying she heard something in the woods. We brushed her off saying it was nothing, and she went back inside. After 20 minutes or so she came back saying it sounded closer to the boat.
This time I got up, got my dads 500000 candle power spotlight and battery to investigate.I got to the front of the 48' boat opened the door and started to shine the light and didn't see anything. I starting moving the light up the step hill and heard something move about a hundred feet higher and it was fast, for a split second I saw two bright eyes. It had to be a large cat either bob cat or mountain lion. Needless to say we stayed on high alert the rest of the night.
The next morning we got ready to leave and couldn't get the boat to start and I ended up breaking the tiny L-shaped key off in the switch. We had no cell phones but probably wouldn't have had a signal anyways, no way to walk out as it was too steep and it seems a large cat was on the prowl.Also 3 of our 4 keeper catfish that was on a brand new stringer was gone to top it all off, we still don't know what got them. We were stranded. I finally found a flat head screwdriver after rummaging around and was able to ease it into the switch enough to get it to turn and she finally started! Not exactly scary but could have turned out much different if one of us would have gotten hurt.