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Everything posted by Jmilburn76

  1. Probably the transfer case(PTU). Ford engineers really messed up by putting it right beside the exhaust which ruins the gear oil in it causing failures. There is a video on YouTube showing how to drill,tap and add a drain plug to be able to service the unit to keep it from failing.
  2. I personally wouldn’t do it but don’t have an issue with anyone else doing it. As long as they are being legal and following their states laws and also has a valid fishing license.
  3. Welcome to Bass Resource!
  4. @Crow Horse I got around 5 yrs out of mine. I did cut off the rubber cover for a look see and found a strap running between two batteries had rusted into. It has never had water inside it, was always inside my kayak in a yak attack cell block. I also can’t complain considering what it cost. I did replace it with a Dakota Lithium that was around the same price but with a 10 yr warranty. Ironically I seen a post just this week on FB of a failed Dakota that was taken apart and was rusted pretty good on the inside so I guess time will tell.
  5. Welcome to Bass Resource!
  6. If I catch any fish at all I consider it not getting skunked.
  7. @Bazoo No,it’s the biggest reason Im on here. I haven’t fish much this year due to health reasons, hopefully the surgery Im having at the end of the month will give me smooth sailing afterwards.
  8. Well done! I think most, including myself, can only dream of catching that many bass in one day.
  9. Welcome to Bass Resource!
  10. Welcome to Bass Resource!
  11. Welcome to Bass Resource!
  12. Welcome to Bass Resource!
  13. My wife is pretty hard on brakes so when she wore down the stock pads on her new Wrangler I replaced them and the rotors with Powerstop. They have been great for almost three years now.
  14. Old Town definitely makes some of the best kayaks on the market. I didn’t realize how narrow the tank well is on that kayak though .I wonder if you added 2” Blackpak foot risers from Yak Hobby and maybe moved the rod holders up a little if they wouldn’t clear the top of the tank well.
  15. @ike8120 that’s one heck of a nice bass for your first one, congrats!
  16. @Jmurphy87 what kind of tube is that? I haven’t seen one that looks like a craw.
  17. All of those are some nice ones, that always makes the extra time and effort worth it at the end of the day.
  18. @TnRiver46 Since my accident and stroke things like that get my blood boiling in a second. I casted close to him a few times hoping he would take the hint but he acted like he didn’t see me. I left it alone and kept my mouth shut to not start anything, moved to the other side of the dock and kept on fishing the best I could.
  19. Last night my wife suggests we go fishing today which was her first time going so far this year. She likes to fish but doesn’t go often so anytime she wants to go I’m all in. She ended up having the best day of fishing yet catching two large mouths, a crappie and a warmouth. A few hours in and a few other bank fisherman showed up including a gentleman about my age and I presume his son who was around 10. Around this same time a guy on a boat starts coming into the edge of the cove crappie fishing. There is a TWRA placed fish attractor right where he was at so I didn’t think much of it at first. He went to using his trolling motor and get between each bank that had 4 people fishing plus my wife and I on a dock. My wife and I had moved a few different spots until going back onto the dock and I was easily throwing my swim bait 3/4 of the way across the whole cove. The guy on the boat never caught a crappie in the cove but proceeded to troll back and forth at least three times. The whole thing really got to me and ruined my day, I couldn’t cast right or properly retrieve my lure when I did. It shouldn’t have bothered me but I was furious. I’m assuming the young boy was home schooled as it was 11 or so in the morning. That kid could have been home on an Xbox but wanted to be fishing only to have an entitled crappy crappie fisherman all in his way on a boat who was close to 60 years old. The gentleman and boy decided to move and came onto the dock where me and my wife was. We talked to them for a minute or two then graciously left so the little guy had the whole dock to himself to hopefully catch something. That’s the way I was raised, just have some common courtesy for other people. When I’m on my kayak I dont go near anyone that’s bank fishing and If I had a boat that could easily get to almost anywhere on the lake I wouldnt be crammed up in a tiny cove on top of fellow fishermen. I took the pic as to not try and show much of the two guys bank fishing nor the jerk on the boat. In the navionics screen shot the gentleman and his young son was where red dot is, the yellow dot is the two guys in the picture with boat that are bank fishing, wife and I were on the dock. Again earlier in the day I was easily casting 3/4 of the way from red dot to yellow dot. Rant Over but it ruined my day even though I let it! The last pic is my wife’s best of the day and that makes me happy!
  20. @Bluebasser86 Congratulations on back to back wins! I’ve got to catch up on watching your videos.
  21. The won’t bother you, after all, you are technically in their house. Copperheads do a lot of their hunting at night especially in hotter weather though. I’m not a fan of snakes either but would never just kill one, which is illegal in TN. I’d rather have snakes around than nasty rodents.
  22. Very Nice setups.
  23. They will definitely bring out the copperheads to feast especially at night.
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