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About whitearrow

  • Birthday 05/26/1970

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    east central MS
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Neshoba lake,lake Pushmataha, lake tiakokhata

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  • About Me
    I'm a radiologic technologist by profession but love to hunt and fish and play travel baseball with my sons.

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. ok fellas i'm in the market for a do all fishing jon boat from 1 acre lake to 300 acre lake. between the sea ark 1648 mv special vs alweld 1648 vv marsh for build quality, stability, longevity? the sea ark is a bout 130lb lighter which would help in launching it into a small pond that i can't back down to. thanks, Big Ed
  2. aight fellas i know some of y'all have disassembled your calcutta 200gtb to oil the spool bearings. does the 200gtb breakdown the same as the regular 200b? i just didn't want to unscrew the plate and have springs and such flying out unexpectedly. also, i'm corret in thinking the 200gtb comes with stainless spool bearings that need to be oiled from time to time? thanks, Big Ed
  3. i've never owned a boat of the magnitude,1648,i'm contemplating getting. biggest i've owned is 14' not sure the width jon boat. so, what length shaft would be best for a trolling motor for the alweld 1648? i'm not sure whether i will run it on the bow or transom as of yet. thanks, Big Ed
  4. at the moment i've got an old minn kota 36lb thrust trolling motor. wonder if that would do until i can afford a stronger one? thanks, Big Ed
  5. ok fellas i've been thinking about aluminum boats again and trying to cover all bases that i might encounter from small 2 acre pond to 300 acre lakes and everything inbetween. i like the alweld 1648 vv marsh with rd package. but, my question is if i go to a small pond thats electric only will a descent,not huge,trolling motor push it around well? also, would a 15hp evinrude etec push it around when i can use a gas engine? i really want a portable engine so as to not have issues on electric only lakes saying i fired the gas engine up in other words i want an outboard that i can mount and dismount as the situation dictates. what is the biggest gas engine you can get and be "portable" taken on and off for storage also please? i like alwelds jon boats but i also like the flat aluminum floor on the marsh series. thanks, Big Ed
  6. sam and al i like your thought process ha! if she survives and grows into that head next spring i believe she will be a bonafide double digit bass. she was healthy just not the big gut from eggs. man, i hope she made it as i'd love my 15yr old son to catch her and get an accurate weight and measurements THIS time. thanks men, Big Ed will do koz. man, we were jacked up on adrenaline,i felt like a 15yr old boy again,that most thought processes went down the drain. my main thought was we need to get her back in the water but i knew the man wanted a pic too hence the "i'll keep my stringer on me too so i could string her up and put her back in the water until he got back with the wife/camera". thanks, Big Ed
  7. nice to know sofla but i was 200 yds to the truck and his house was 100 yds. guess i sacrificed the tape measure to keep the bass alive. i did have a tape measure in my truck and my phone. trust me i learned some hard lessons that day. keep my phone,tape measure and stringer on my person no matter what. like i said this bass caught us both by surprise in that my bud wasn't even planning on fishing that afternoon and was just walking around casting a lizard and low and behold here comes this. if you look close you can see the hook and lizard still in the fishes mouth where his line broke when he was trying to hoss her up on the bank. Big Ed
  8. thanks dwight. i guessed 9lb myself and if she lived after we put her back maybe she will be 10lb next spring with a belly full of eggs. she was the biggest bass i've ever held. thanks again, Big Ed
  9. i've got a 7.5lb bass mounted and this one would dwarf that one. i said 9lb and maybe double digits. the fish is at least 24" long and a fatty to be w/o eggs as this is july and they spawn in march-april here in the deep south. thanks for the thoughts and please keep em coming, Big Ed
  10. 6' i guess i was judging off the 18" lacrosse boots some too. Big Ed
  11. ok fellas i'm trying this again so maybe y'all can actually see the pics.
  12. the pic isn't showing up under my "story"? it is when i click on the thread. thanks, Big Ed
  13. good morn fellas. well, yesterday afternoon was epic for my bud that caught a hawg. i'm posting a pic for y'all to eval for an approximate size as this fish caught us all by surprise. i mean he wasn't even going fishing until me and my sons showed up and he grabbed a rod and joined us. and that set the stage for the biggest bass of his life so far..........in his own front yard to say the least. anywho neither of us had scales or even a tape measurer on us and his line broke as he got the fish to the bank and he went in after her.sounds like a story right??? we took a few pics and he released her back to the deep. i have an approximate in my mind but i wanted y'alls thoughts on it please. edit to add: i think i got the pics loaded up right this time but they are about 3 post down. thanks, Big Ed
  14. Good evening fellas. Trying to buy another Daiwa Luna 253 but it appears online that most stores are outta stock. Is the lune line being dc’d or are they are special run just certain times of the year or what’s happening? thanks to anyone that can shed some light on this, Big Ed
  15. the reel is as new as in only been fished a couple times and looks new outside and inside. i did put a drop of abu oil on both spool bearings hoping it would loosen em up and cast farther but alas it was a no go. i'm just wanting a good bit more distance out of it if possible. too if i add the light weight blue brake blocks will that affect casting larger baits? thanks, Big Ed
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