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Everything posted by volzfan59

  1. Yes Sir, That's the one. Thanks for retrieving it!
  2. If I remember correctly, Rick Clunn either fished a Classic, or a regular season tournament, in a Tracker Tournament V-18. I'm not sure of the engine size though. I'm pretty sure he did a video of some sort basically telling anglers that no one needs a 20' boat and large outboard go be competitive. I looked on YouTube and couldn't find it.
  3. John "Tin Man" Cox runs a Crestliner aluminum boat onthe the FLW Tour. I think it's a 20 footer with a 200 h/p outboard. He has stated that he has no plans to ever fish a glass rig again.
  4. A member on the RiverSmallies forum (I hope it's ok to mention that) had a book on kayak fishing for smallmouth that I was searching for. It is out of production and hard to find. I had bought a copy of the book, loaned it out and never got it back. This guy mailed me a his copy. Wouldn't take a penny for the book or postage. Just asked me to pay it forward. Good people are out there.
  5. I got my copy of Jim Roots book today. Skimmed through it already, looks great.
  6. Keeper, Your right, they weren't pushing a ton of water during the tournament. I was just making a "for instance" kind of point. Again, your correct, I do live in the area and and as a river rat, I'm familiar with the area.
  7. I remember my buddy telling me at the final weigh in the tunnel rule would be changed. Same thing happened in the Elites years ago. It was jet boats back then. If memory serves me correctly, Roland brought a jet to a tournament and cleaned house. A bunch of the competitors cried that they didn't have jet rigs. Ott, James Watson, Drew Benton, Skylar Hamilton and Bryant Ailor all had tunnels at the 2017 Northern Open on Douglas. The guys that either didn't have a tunnel, or access to one, complained enough to get the rules changed. Some were complaining during the weigh ins. Heck, Ott's rig was built with B.A.S.S. knowledge and approval, he said so on stage. I hate that those guys made that large an outlay of cash, with B.A.S.S. approval, only to have the rules changed after the fact. Bassaholic, your right those boats are slow and get horrible fuel mileage. It is a huge gamble to run one. Ask Drew Benton about lower units. A large portion of his is still in the river. Hit a huge rock on the last day. Keeper, I'm not trying to be argumentative. In any tournament, you can run from the dam, as far up river as you can go unless otherwise noted. It really is all one body of water, by the rules. You can get a glass boat pretty far up in that river if they are really pushing water. Should it be off limits in a glass rig? In some tournaments you can "lock through" and truly go to a different body of water. I have an issue with that one, but rules are rules. The boat that Ott used in 2014 was an 18 footer with a 90. He sold it. His new one is a 17 footer with a 60. Lighter boat, smaller outbound, better mileage. BassNJake, To my understanding, Hamilton's lower unit went south on day one. He had to change boats.
  8. Bassmaster is best by far, hands down. Bass Angler is good, but the errors make me nuts. FLW is fair. I subscribe to all three for now. Bass'in used to be fair years ago, it sucks now. It is the most disjointed magazine I've ever seen. Misspellings, poor grammar, etc. I've heard that Bass West magazine is great. I wish that someone would publish a Smallmouth magazine. Kind of all encompassing, river, lake and creek fishing. Boat, kayak, canoe and wading. Heck, fly, casting and spinning .
  9. I received my copy of the In-Fisherman Smallie book yesterday. As soon as I clear the decks, as far as what I'm reading now, I'll start it. Jim Roots book looks really good, I'll be ordering it soon. My winter reading is getting better and better.
  10. As I'm late joining Bass Resource, I didn't join the group. I play fantasy fishing with B.A.S.S. and will join the B.R. team next season.
  11. Here are some quotes from my bride of 32 years as of 9/14/2017. You'd think that she'd know better by now, "Isn't 21 rods and reels enough?" "Why do you have three spare reels?" " But their new." "Why do you keep bringing home lures, don't you have enough by now?" I work part time at BPS. It's all silly talk to me.
  12. RoLo and Frydog62, Just ordered the book, "Smallmouth Bass an In-Fisherman book of Strategies". I should receive it in about a week. Thanks
  13. I'm an avid reader when it comes to fishing. In addition to Tony Beans " The Last Smallmouth" (I also own a copy), here are a few more excellent Smallmouth related books. *"Them Ol Brown Fish"* Billy Westmoreland "Stream Smallmouth Fishing" Tim Holschlag "River Smallmouth Fishing" Tim Holschlag *This book is kind of like what badgerboyng said about Tony Beans book, it's more of a classic that speaks to the old days of Smallie fishing and Dale Hollow. Kind of hard to find, but copies are out there. RoLo and Frydog62, I'm going to try to find a copy of the In-Fishman book you wrote about.
  14. I've seen online where some guys build an outdoor kayak rack, usually attached to a building. Assuming your buying a sit on top, you could run a cable through an eye bolt and a scupper hole and lock it down.
  15. Welcome! I used to fish Old Hickory a bunch. Love Station Camp Creek.
  16. volzfan59


  17. There used to be a club around here, may still be, they only permitted six members. They were B.A.S.S. affiliated way back when, possibly FLW now if still around at all. Back in the B.A.S.S. days, only the top six members from a team could go to the state team tournament, thus the limited membership of six. My numbers may be off, along with "state team tournament" title, but the reasoning is not. I knew one of the founders. Just always seemed greasy to me.
  18. Hello everyone, Steve from Knoxville, TN! I'm a life long Tennessee Volunteer fan, hence the volzfan59 name. I've been fishing as long as I can remember, seriously since 1985 when I took up Bass fishing. In the last 10 to 15 years, I've taken up really targeting Smallmouth Bass in rivers and creeks. Sold my Champion bass boat when I retired, took up kayak fishing and wading. I'm seriously thinking about buying a small jet rig in the next few years. I'm retired law enforcement, married for 32 years, father of two great young men. Grandfather to one granddaughter, with another grandchild on the way!!!
  19. Hi everyone, I'm new here. I was in the United States Army, Military Police for 3 years. Took what I learned and did 30 years in law enforcement. My youngest son is making a career in the USCG. Thanks to all vets!!!
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