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Everything posted by volzfan59

  1. Count me in as an Academy fan too! Our Knoxville, TN store used to have a terrible hook and weight selection, more empty pegs than product. Academy seems to have fixed the problem as of spring 2019.
  2. The BPS store (building only) that I used to work at was for sale. Might still be. Same deal, automatic leaseback. This store is far, far from under performing. Maybe Outdoor World is wanting out of the real estate business.
  3. Prayers for Ott and Derek. Lord, lay your healing hands on both men.
  4. Thanks. Happy Father's Day to everyone. My wife had her gallbladder removed Friday, so I've been helping her this weekend.
  5. I don't know. While I was still working at BPS, the guy that owned Trout Magnet (Jeff something I think) said 2lb. test would give their lures the most action. I believe that he also mentioned using a 2lb. leader with maybe 6lb. main line.
  6. Welcome to another Tennessean! Wish I could help you guys, but I'm on the other end of the state, in Knoxville.
  7. I guess my dad got my into fishing sitting on the bank bluegill fishing. I also caught my first smallie fishing with him. This was when I was a kid. Fast forward to the late 80's when I gave up my stock car racing hobby. My next door neighbor was a serious tournament angler. Anyway, he took me bass fishing numerous times and I've been hooked ever since. He taught me and both of my son's about bass fishing. I'm still thankful to him and REALLY into bass fishing. The boys are now men with wives and families. They're still interested, but not ate up with it like dad is. Funny thing is, I got out of racing due to the crazy expensive hobby it was. Take up fishing he said, it's cheaper. Yeah, sure it is. Man, I love it!!!
  8. MN Fisher, You've done a great job upgrading your canoe.
  9. If you have full size tires on your trailer, Goodyear Marathon trailer tires used to be the absolute best you could buy. They came on all high ends rigs from the factories. My ChampioN had them, lasted forever.
  10. I recently purchased a 2016 Sun Dolphin, American 12 plastic jon boat for my granddaughter and I to float rivers and creeks. This boat has an inner, and outer hull. It's never been in the water and has set behind my friends barn since he bought it new in 2016. Once I got it home, I noticed ants crawling around on it while in my garage. Removed the thru hull fitting that goes through both hulls and killed all the ants. I heard water sloshing around and drained about a half gallon. There is another thru hull fitting that only goes through the outer hull. I can't get it out without separating the hulls. I think the rain was seeping in around both fittings. Which marine grade, below the water line sealant would you recommend? I've got 3M 5200 here at home and have used it on my bass boat, but it is not recommended for plastics or rubber
  11. Either brave, or extremely stupid. While I was away in the Army, one if my close childhood friends dove off of that stupid bridge, got caught up in barbed wire fence and drown. None of us ever knew that fencing was down there, of coarse none of us ever "dove in" head first. We usually just jumped.
  12. This may be relevant, maybe not. I knew that may FLW magazine subscription would be running out, and I had no plans of renewing. The FLW magazine couldn't hold a light to Bassmaster or Bass Angler, which are both excellent. Anyway, here's the interesting part, FLW never sent me any type of renewal notice. I thought that it was weird, but thought nothing of it as I wasn't going to renew.
  13. This will be short, the number blew me away. I knew that a lot of money was spent during the Classic time period, but this is nuts. One of our local TV stations is reporting that the Classic brought in $32.2 million dollars to the local economy, $32.2 million!
  14. I'm usually thinking about how much money I just lost.
  15. I'm with "TnRiver46", they'll be a 2020 Classic, and beyond.
  16. The Vexus suspension system is a little different than most. Reminds me of the suspension system in an 18 wheelers driver's seat.
  17. I have to stay that I really like the Vexus aluminum boats. That said, I don't like the Vexus fiberglass boats even a little bit. I did like the seat suspension system. I did get Forrest Woods autograph.
  18. I looked for you all day. Saw a million bright green Him shirts, but no UAB hats.
  19. No buddy, I sure don't. I own a few Shimano spinning reels, but no bait casters. While I worked at BPS, I got to play with every reel we sold but we all know that's not a true comparison.
  20. So far I've met Glenn and his wife. I bought 10 packs of Missile Ned Bombs and said hi to some of the "old school" pro's, Mark Davis, Mark Menendez (SP?), Larry Nixon and Jay Yelas. Visited with some old friends with Nitro and got to meet Jamie Hartman. Haven't been to a blast off or weigh in, unless watching online counts. Thinking about going to the final weigh in. I did enjoy talking to the people in the Duo Realistic booth. Those Ned Bombs we're flying off the shelf. I was at the DSG both not long after they opened for sales. I got the last two green pumpkin packs, two shad color packs and four packs of a craw color. It was crowded yesterday, Glenn told me that it would be way worse today. Fixing to head downtown in a bit, I hope it's another good day. As a retired law enforcement guy, I don't like crowds and people bumping into me or being behind me, PTSD I guess. I've got a fishing buddy going with me today. All in all, well worth the time spent there. Yesterday was like bass fishing Nirvana!
  21. Your coming to the breakfast aren't you?
  22. I saw a bunch of people with back packs, so I guess you'll be good. I believe everyone will be fishing tomorrow.
  23. By Sunday he'll be talking just like us! He might even start house hunting.
  24. Right now it's my BPS Platinum casting reels.
  25. Figures, that's about par for the course for me! No facebook for me.
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