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Everything posted by volzfan59

  1. Welcome to the club! I'm laughing with you, not at you. It's happened to me.........twice.
  2. My wife, boys, stepdaughter's and daughters in law all have iPhones. I'm all android. Such a creature of habit, I learned on an android and it's easy for me. Sure not gonna change now.
  3. I've been my own general contractor on two of my houses that I had built from the ground up. I swear that was so much easier than this remodel.......of course I was twenty years younger too. This is it for me. It was just too good of a deal to walk away from.
  4. I hope all of y'all have a great day! I'm right in the middle of a pretty major house remodel, bought a fixer upper out in the county. Replacing floor joists, part of the rim joists, new subflooring, new flooring, rearranging some of the plumbing, etc. Hopefully fixing to be on the downhill slide. It's been so long since I've been fishing I've forgotten which end of the rod to hold?
  5. I'm not a baby sitter so I don't have any "rules" other than we're going to obey the law. I guess my only real rule is Have fun, enjoy yourself and catch fish.
  6. I always just pee over the side. My late father in law had a good idea. He purchased a long funnel like you would use for transmission fluid. As he aged and the "water pressure" wasn't as great, he'd just use the funnel to get it over the side then rinse the funnel in the lake. Now that I'm older, I'm going to get one. As far as #2, I just find a secluded spot, beach the boat and do it like I learned in the Army. Thankfully that's only happened a couple of times.
  7. Congratulations @Mike L
  8. The only tube that I use anymore is the 2.75" Strike King bitsy tube. It far out produced any other tube that I tied on . My favorite color is green pumpkin with blue, green, red and gold flakes. I don't remember the exact name, I call it Christmas tree.
  9. Go Big Orange!!!!
  10. @ol'crickety, That's pretty doggone impressive, you should take them up on it. Daytona in February has to be warmer than up in Maine. I raced stock cars for 10 years in middle TN, southern KY and north AL. I used to have a nascar driver's license to drive up to limited late model sportsman division cars. It was a lot of fun, but man was it ever expensive!
  11. I'm not into gardening, landscaping or anything yard related. I can appreciate a beautiful lawn and landscaping, just not my thing. Other than fishing, I am a car junkie (especially race cars), plus I enjoy home remodeling. We just purchased an all brick home on 2 1/2 acres that needed some pretty serious rehab work. We're in the middle of it right now, hope to be finished by the end of August. Also, in the last couple of years have returned to building model car kits. I built them from around 8 years old, up until I was in my 30's. Started back a couple of years ago. Edit, tried to post a picture but it was too large.
  12. Seems like a good idea to require boating safety courses for competitors. As much as I hate government interference in our lives, it probably wouldn't be a bad requirement for all of us. I'm of the age that I wasn't required to have it. I mean, just like in a street vehicle, we all had to take a class, read a handbook, etc. We all still speed, California roll a stop sign, fail to yield, etc. Heck, I'm retired LEO and I pretty much break some law every time I drive. I am a staunch, old school B.A.S.S. fan, always have been, always will be.#FBD. However, in my opinion this is a C Y A thing for them. This way if anything catastrophic happens, they can say "it's not on us, we made (fill in the blank) take a safety class". Same reason I had to take driver safety class, refreshers and other various classes.
  13. Both of my boys called. One lives in Cheyenne, WY the other in Knoxville, TN, both too far away to drive to Arkansas for Father's Day. All of my stepdaughter's came over and made my favorite meal, hot dogs with all of the trimmings. I know that they aren't healthy, but I love them. Got several BPS gift cards and a book (when it gets here). All in all a great day!
  14. Thank you @Choporoz, I appreciate it. That one comes up all the time. Unless someone admits to it no one would ever know. Lie detector might catch it if the right questions are asked. Even then, some people can beat them. You're right, unenforceable.
  15. Not soon enough! #FBD I don't know Ken, I like the coverage on Fox much more than when B.A.S.S. was on ESPN. What's the B.A.S.S. scandal all about? I've been busy remodeling a house and admit that I haven't kept up with the last few tournaments.
  16. @gulfcaptain, I agree #FBD.
  17. I hate it for Derek. Saw him at the 2019 Classic in Knoxville. Seems like a good guy.
  18. mlf.......... Enough said
  19. I've been in a couple of pretty bad car accidents on the road, one really bad one on the race track. Managed to walk away with a couple of concussions. Couple of rough patches in my law enforcement career, walked away with minor injuries.
  20. My father was in the Army Air Corps in WW2. Rarely spoke of it, when he did it was only about his buddies. What really got me was on the live coverage of the ceremonies this morning. These brave men, most seemed to be wheelchair bound, stood to receive their honors from French President Macron and from Joe Biden. It was obviously a struggle for most to stand, but they did. Every one of them a hero. God bless them all.
  21. Said it before and I'll say it again, speaking just for me, anything that I drop over $70k on will have a zip code.
  22. When I used tanks, I always had mine refilled. I have a line plumbed from the house now.
  23. When all I did was go bank fishing or wading I had a Ford Ranger with a camper/ bed topper (depending on where your from). I even used it to pull my first jon boat. Anything I didn't use was locked in the truck bed. No matter what you decide, I would recommend either four wheel drive or all wheel drive.
  24. I've got one on my 16' X 50" bass jon. I really like mine, smooth and quiet operation. Pole storage can be a pain. I bought four rubber mounts meant for a light pole. Attached them at 3' intervals, so far so good it's working well after 3 years. Hope that this helps. Edit; I'm sorry, I missed the part asking if anyone had ever seen them on sale. I have never seen them on sale. When I was working at BPS, I even asked a rep if they ever put them on sale or had any factory seconds or repaired units for sale. He said they didn't. Again, my apologies
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