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Everything posted by volzfan59

  1. RIP Tina Turner, a fellow Tennessean. Thanks for the music.
  2. I'll say this and I'm through with this Your correct, it's not going to change anything. However, I did learn about roller dams. Never even heard of one until this. As far as the TX wildlife legalities, TD has no authority whatsoever. What I was talking about is the tournament itself. Let's not loose sight of the initial issue, "fishing in non- tournament waters". Had Keith called the TD, as he has done in the past, for clarification and received the go ahead from him, we wouldn't be talking about this. His issue didn't come from how he got in the non- tournament water. It was the fact that he was in non- tournament water. Of course he says that he wasn't.
  3. I was talking about putting the monkey on the TD's back instead of his. That said, you're exactly right. I guess the old saying is true, "no press is bad press." Or something like that. Can't lie, I've gone to the Gator Trax website to look at their rigs. Between this deal and Keith's "Off the Grid" YouTube shows, I'm thinking that they must build one tough boat hull.
  4. The BPS Panfish Elite rods have hook keepers and are good rods, I have two. The Denali Pryme rods also have hook keepers. I just got one and haven't used it yet so I can't comment much more than that. They are really comfortable to hold for what that's worth.
  5. I agree, he knew what the answer was going to be. Go Big Orange!
  6. Amen! He finished 29th after having his catch on whatever day it was DQ'd. I believe that he said on Luke Dunkin's podcast that he got a check in the tournament. I agree with @Logan S, all he had to do was get permission from the TD. That removes the monkey from Keith's back. He's done it before, he knows how the game is played.
  7. You're talking about Matt Robinson who is rocking a decent season this year. As far as Ugly Sticks go, I don't use them but to each their own. When I worked for BPS, we sold the heck out of them. A lot of die hard bass anglers purchased them for crankbait rods.
  8. Thanks for posting this @TnRiver46. I'm still a Keith Poche (and Gerald Swindle fan), but this puts a whole new spin on it. If the Opens rule book states an angler can't go over dry land, and I have no reason to think it doesn't, then Keith was 100% in the wrong. He needs to stop, take his "medicine" and go on.
  9. Hey @Catt, Off topic a little, but I have never seen a "roller dam". How is one used? Are they even for public use? Thanks
  10. I comprehend very well what you are saying. I also comprehend exactly what came out of Keith's mouth, his statement of fact. Just because there are rollers, doesn't mean that he used them. As someone else said, he and/or his partner would have had to exit the boat against B.A.S.S. rules. He said he jumped it, he said some bank crappie angler filmed it, came to the weigh in and introduced himself. Keith said that he asked the guy to send him the video. Listen to the podcast.
  11. To me, he should have consulted the Opens Series T/D Hank Weldon before doing it. Once Hank ok'ed the move, it's on him, not Keith. Again, I'm a Keith Poche fan but if you have to jump dry (or muddy) land, it's probably off limits. The appeals committee seems to have made the correct call.
  12. @AmmoGuy has the correct video if I'm not mistaken. Same one as in Luke Dunkin's thumbnail for the podcast/ YouTube.
  13. I do believe that's it. Keith said that some guy was in the area, crappie fishing from the bank and recorded it. I would pay good money to go "Off the Grid" (name of his YouTube channel) fishing with Poche.
  14. Looks like a well spent 30 minutes my friend!
  15. She is a beautiful girl! Good luck finding her a forever home.
  16. I got one last Saturday via FishUSA. Mine is the 6'6" light action, moderate version. I really like it, especially for the money. That said, I haven't taken it out yet. We're pretty busy around the house this week. If I can break away for a bit, I'll swap a reel onto it and take it for a drive. I'll let you know if I do.
  17. @Catt, On Luke Dunkin's Low Budget Live podcast Keith said that he jumped it.
  18. I get what you're saying. Where I'm from (east TN) there are plenty of angler's with two or more rigs. Heck, at one time I had a Stratos/Evinrude lake rig and G3/Yamaha river rig plus a canoe and kayak. My neighbor's loved to look in my boat garage!
  19. If anyone wants to hear an in depth interview with Keith on this very subject, go listen to Luke Dunkin's Low Budget Live podcast or Luke's YouTube channel. It's interesting. I'm a huge Keith Poche fan, that said, he should have called the T/D (he admits that he didn't). That would have taken the monkey off of Keith's back. Just like when Ott legally built his river tunnel hull prop rig. He called the Open Series T/D every step of the way, with every modification. Made the whiner's protest invalid. All of that was talked about on the stage by the way. Again, I'm a fan of Keith's, love his style of fishing. That said, there is always two sides to every story. I'd like to hear the B.A.S.S. side. Probably never going to happen and I'm good with that too.
  20. You're correct, Roland did use a jet rig to win a tournament. After numerous complaints from other angler's of the time, B.A.S.S. made the use of jet rigs illegal the next year. That's why Ott Defoe built his custom prop, tunnel hull rig with two jack plates several years ago. One J/P set the motor back, the other was a hydraulic J/P. Used the rig to win a Douglas Lake Open. He had B.A.S.S. approval every step of the way as announced by the then Open Series Tournament Director, I don't remember his name. Mike Watson built OTT's boat and one for himself to use in the tournament. There were two other's also. Anyway, after complaints from some crybabies, B.A.S.S. made those boats illegal. Now you have to use the same type of rig all season, hince Keith using a 17' boat. History lesson is over.
  21. I sure did, they were in the rod tube too.
  22. This past Thursday at approximately 4:PM, I ordered eight pack of Big Bite BFE's and a Denali panfish rod from FishUSA. The package was due to arrive this coming Monday. Went to the carport this morning to find a rod tube! I didn't pay for expedited shipping. I thank my friend @MN Fisher for mentioning FishUSA to me.
  23. Thank you so much for the recommendation! I was hoping that someone would chime in. I don't do much wading anymore, but the mosquitoes are terrible where I live now. Thanks again
  24. I like the "Sunsect" sunscreen/insect repellent. Started wearing it when I used to wad a lot, it really works well. The only drawback is it's SPF 15. If you're fair skinned it might not be right for you. Not a problem for me, to be a Caucasian, I have pretty dark skin. I'm running low and can't find anymore. I've been reading good things about the Bullfrog brand of sunscreen with bug repellent. Might give it a try.
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