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Everything posted by volzfan59

  1. I agree with you 100%! I have a fairly detailed list and pictures of all of my tools, rods, reels and tackle both on my phone and at my mother in law’s house (in case of fire, tornado, etc). Our insurance agent suggested it.
  2. Congratulations! Looks like a well cared for rig. Well done
  3. Thanks @Mobasser
  4. For that kind of money I would look for an aluminum rig. That’s what I did a few years back. Got a well taken care of 16’ X 50” aluminum boat with a Tohatsu 40 on it. Great boat, still going strong.
  5. @Tennessee Boy, @TnRiver46 I really miss living in East TN. It will always be home for me. I don’t miss paying so much for my fishing license though. Have no idea how truthful this is, but I’ve had two people here tell me that Arkansas is thinking about doing away with the 65+ license.
  6. I get it, I live nine miles from the Louisiana border, 17 from Bussy Brake. Still have to pay full price for an out of state license, $65 or $70 I think. Edit, Just checked, I was close it’s $68.
  7. Now that I’m 65, went to the Arkansas Fish and Game Commission and got my 65+ fishing and trout license. Hoping that I get many years of service out of it. 😉
  8. Straight up professional move on Scott’s part. Well done. Wish that Matt had self reported too.
  9. @Columbia Craw, Well done Sir. Sorry for the loss of your friend.
  10. Props to Scott for self reporting, as he should have. Real professional move right there. Matt could have done the same thing.
  11. @Catt, praying for you, your family, surgical team and for a speedy recovery.
  12. My career was in Law Enforcement. Graduated from high school, 4 days later I was in basic training with the U. S. Army, then on to Military Police school. After getting out of the Army, went to work for the State of TN. Worked in several areas, gang unit, internal affairs, etc and made it to Lieutenant before retiring. Went to work with a county Sheriff’s Department to bolster my pension, made it to Sergeant and left after five years. Decided that I had had enough, plus it got to the point that I hated it. After that I went to in the fishing department at Bass Pro Shops. Absolutely, hands down the best job I ever had. Worked for a bit delivering auto parts for a mom and pop store. Now I’m fully committed to being retired!
  13. Center Hill Lake in middle TN, using an old Quantum 4’ microlite rod and reel spooled with 2lb mono line. I was throwing a black with gold flake 1/8 oz Rooster Tail catching good size blue gill in mid March. A 3 1/2 pound smallmouth jumped on my Rooster Tail and gave me the adventure of a lifetime! Took a lot of playing but I landed and released it. As soon as I got home, I put the rod, reel and lure on the wall and have never used it again. Different house, wall and state but it’s still in retirement right now. That was in 1986 and I remember it like it was yesterday. I’ve caught several largemouth and smallmouth that were considerably bigger, but none more memorable.
  14. I prefer supporting local tackle shops, if we had one. Closest mom and pop to me is 45 miles away. I do most of my tackle shopping at Bass Pro Shops online. I order some from Academy too. If in Little Rock, I go to the BPS store.
  15. Assuming that you’re driving, keep your eyes open. As you’re driving around, and can do so safely, either you or a buddy look in backyard’s, side yards, wherever you can look. If you see an old boat that looks like it’s been there a while go knock on the door and respectfully ask if they’re interesting in selling. You might be surprised. The worst they can say is no. In the area where I live, I can think of four jon boats sitting upside down in the wood line around people’s homes. One is sitting on a trailer. That’s exactly how I got a trailer for my first jon boat. It was pretty ragged, everything needed replacing but I got the thing for $25.00. The main thing is to be respectful when asking.
  16. volzfan59

    New Job!

    Congratulations Koz!
  17. I have found what I like and suits my fishing style. I only use BPS Platinum bait casters (7:1.1) and Shimano spinning reels. I have one Piscifun spinning reel that my friend @Eric 26 recommended. It seems to be a good reel but I haven’t had the opportunity to use it very much.
  18. For me, I guess it would be adaptability. That and being able to enjoy myself no matter if they’re really biting, kinda biting or not biting at all. i really do go by the Henry David Thoreau quote, “Many men go fishing all their lives without knowing that is not the fish they are after.” Don’t get me wrong, I much prefer it when they’re biting, but if they’re not I find beauty in being out in Gods creation.
  19. I’m 65, had a few concussions (3 I think) so my balance isn’t great anymore. Not stumbling around like a drunk, but I probably can’t pass the field sobriety tests I used to give. Accommodations, I only fish small bodies of water now, rarely fish alone, always let someone know where I’m going and I’m only good for four or five hours now.
  20. Well done! I’m sure that the hospital and, more importantly, the patients will be most grateful. Seriously, well done!
  21. Heck yes!!! I love to see my home town doing so well.
  22. Congratulations, great looking rig. Lowe boats are well constructed and will last.
  23. I used to fish in tournaments, did fairly well. Never won one but was in the top 10 numerous times. That said, I just got to where I didn’t enjoy it. Once money is involved, there’s a certain pressure to perform. I used to be a very competitive person, that and the pressure ruined it for me. Almost ruined fishing as a whole for me. When I was racing stock cars, it got to the point where it was like a job and the pressure (competitive/financial/ family) was unbearable for me. I’m a life long racing fan and it pretty much ruined it for me. Rarely ever watch or attend anymore. Due to my wife’s family being heavily involved in NHRA drag racing, we go to one national event every year. To tie that back into fishing, I didn’t want tournament fishing to ruin something that I have enjoyed since childhood. It came pretty close. Hope that makes sense.
  24. I still love to pour over every page of the new BPS catalog when it arrives. Been my winter time habit for decades.
  25. Right next door to the Springfield, MO Bass Pro Shops store. If you go to their website, there used to be an icon you could tap to see what they have. I think that it is titled “bargain cave” but they may have renamed it. Edit, I just checked via the app. It’s still there and titled “bargain cave”.
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