I have had the K, and own the DC, 200M and 150mgl. I regret selling my K reels as I really liked them. I feel like Shimano reels have always palmed well, the best to me. The 200 M is as awesome as the K was, but it is a touch wider. To me it’s a non issue. The 200M hold plant of 50 lb braid for frogging or bomb casting big baits, however it will throw lighter lures well too, a bit better than the K did and less fussy to get dialed in, but maybe a bit harder to tune than the 150, hard to say on that really .
The 150 is a sweet reel, and may be my all time favorite. It’s on the same level as the 200K and 200M in terms of ruggedness and smoothness. It’s a small framed reel that palms really well, sits lower on the reel seat. The only reel I have used that palms better is the SLX. It casts with very little effort and is super simple to dial in.
The 150 mgl and 200M are almost interchangeable. If you need a deep crank,flip/punch, frog, a rig reel, the 200M is made for it. If you need an all purpose workhorse that can do most things really well, the 150 is it.